
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

author:Eye Edge
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

I long to express what is buried in my head, and what can only be conveyed through images.

—Vanessa Lemen

Over the past few months, her work has become more "chaotic", as if entering an illusory realm. Space gives her time to think, which makes it hard for her to tell what is reality and what is her own weird imagination...

Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="9" > silent entanglement</h1>

The air and soil here seem warm but elusive, sensitive and calm as their capital. These creatures wrap themselves in the emotional chain of everyday life, living in a twisted way like a river. Although they are in motion, their inner core is as dead as a silent night.

Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

In this chaotic and entangled world, there is only one way to communicate, that is, to contact with the cruising limbs, like an ancient circuit cable, constantly separated but constantly gathered together, never wavering. There is no clear boundary here, everything is one, evolving and deforming in an instant, and sharing new nutrients in the groping. They are powerful and fragile, and their deep roars are whispering in the lush valleys, but they resound in the distant clouds...

Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

Influenced by late nineteenth-century Impressionism, Vanessa Lemen from the United States was able to paint the "silent entanglement" in her mind in the form of an oil painting. She pays attention to reflecting the feelings in memory in the picture, and her works are mainly in an abstract context, drawing on the essence of classical painting, photography and popular culture, emphasizing the timely capture and presentation of inspiration. This seemingly chaotic creation is inspired by her heart, but also from the real crisis in the real world and the real tragedy that constantly occurs.

Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

I was obsessed with finding similarities between the familiar and the unknown, and it was in this exploration that I developed a sensitive and permeable creative process. I used to use abstract methods to mark many places that might be called errors or imperfections, and these marks were like subtle runes that could be deciphered, with various interpretations. Although I can't accurately express it in words, this is precisely the driving force behind my continuous creation.

Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="74" > uncanny valley</h1>

In a safe space, they are free, they are the recipients of love, and they are also the givers.

Vanessa presents an allegorical story in subtle layered paintings, depicting metaphors in human nature in a way that intertwines realism and abstraction. Some people say that her creation has nothing to do with abstract art, but is similar to the humanoid monster in film and television dramas. However, she believes that "humanoid monsters" are the best praise for her work, because the organs that should not appear on a body make the painting seem to have a unique deterrent effect of the "uncanny valley effect".

Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

The "uncanny valley effect" was proposed by Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori, which means that humanity's good feelings for an object or creature are directly proportional to their appearance, and the closer the appearance is to humans, the more people's liking for them will rise steadily. And when these non-human beings transcend a certain tipping point, they cause fear, and this tipping point is the so-called "uncanny valley".

Vanessa uses the "uncanny valley effect" to make these biologically principled shapes look sensitive and cunning, while the rich muscles of the human face can make a variety of complex expressions, whether used to express malice, anger, or joy, which can bring more intuitive effects to the viewer, so that they can feel the emotions that the painter wants to convey from the heart. In the creative process, Vanessa will always deliberately emphasize and repeat one or several local organs, weaken the overall torso, and replace the figurative expression with an abstract form to complete the transition between the role and the background, which not only greatly reduces the viewer's sense of fear of the painting, but also gives the work another mysterious beauty.

Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="75" > the field of view</h1>

Some idealists believe that the boundaries of vision are the boundaries of the world. In Vanessa's paintings, such boundaries seem to be infinitely extended. Vanessa sees painting as a kind of change from disorder to order, because no matter how chaotic the subjective world and the objective world are, there must be an invisible cohesion between them, so that countless messy branches can be gathered into a trunk, and in the process of gathering, more details will be magnified and more possibilities will be discovered.

Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries
Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

Vanessa is an award-winning painter whose work has been published in art books and magazines such as Spectrum and Poets and Artists, and has been featured in major international art exhibitions and by numerous private collectors. It's hard to imagine that these visually striking creations are all derived from excerpts from his personal experiences and reflections. She believes that the meaning of metaphors can be used to describe, and those unexpected thought scenes are the essence of her paintings. If each of Vanessa's works stems from a chaotic thought, then in this chaos she creates a space where she can reflect and be curious, and forms her inner relief in a balance of deep unknown construction.

Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

Vanessa Lemen

What do you see in the entanglement of abstraction and figuration? For Vanessa, who is constantly exploring the boundaries of her vision, it seems impossible to find a specific picture to depict her inner picture. In fact, every moment of her life shapes her artistic vision, as she firmly believes: the world is full of magic, and it is patiently waiting for our senses to become more acute.

Uncanny Valley of Sensory Convergence: What Do You See in the Silent Entanglement of Abstraction and Figuration? Silent entanglement of the uncanny valley vision boundaries

Eye Edge Art Chronicles Chapter 795 is dedicated to the artistic gift of life.

Text Writing: Eye Edge Art Zhi

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