
Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

author:Entertainment Society

It is also the season of film festivals, some people are happy and some are sad, although not necessarily all of them are fair, but on the big picture, the acting skills of the film queens are not bad.

Recently, when considering the film festival, Bo Jie found an interesting phenomenon, 35 of the 38 film emperors produced by a famous film festival in Hong Kong came out of TVB.

The key is that TVB does not make movies, but it can "cultivate" 35 film festival movie emperors, which is interesting.

As we all know, becoming a movie emperor is not an easy thing, 38 movie emperors, 35 TVB came out, who are the remaining 3?

One is Hong Kong actress Mak Ka, the chief director, who won the Best Actor Award at the 2nd Hong Kong Film Awards in 1982 for his comedy "Best Partner". "Best Partner" grossed more than 26 million a year and was the first film in Hong Kong to break through the 20 million box office.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

Another Hong Jinbao, in 1983, self-directed and self-acted action film "Beware of Little Hands" won the best actor at the 2nd Hong Kong Film Awards, and in 1988, he won the best actor at the 8th Hong Kong Film Awards for the action film "Seven Little Blessings".

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

The third is Jet Li, the only mainland actor to win an award. In 2008, Jet Li won the Best Actor Award at the 27th Hong Kong Film Awards for his action film "Submission of Names".

Although it can also be seen from Jet Li that this award may focus more on local investment or co-production films, but looking at the other 35 film emperors: Xu Guanwen, Liang Jiahui, Li Xiuxian, Zheng Zeshi, Zhang Guorong, Huang Qiusheng, Liang Chaowei, Qiao Hong, Andy Lau, Zhou Xingchi, Liu Qingyun, Zhang Jiahui, Ren Dahua...

We don't have any doubt about their strength, right? And they all came out of TVB.

Leung Ka Fai, an artist in the 10th wireless training class, and Andy Lau's first term, ran a dragon suit on TVB; Liu Qingyun, graduated from the 12th session of the Hong Kong Wireless Training Class, won the TVB praise in 1985 with "New Brother Za"; Zhang Jiahui, needless to say, because he always gave people a stand-in for people at TVB, and also had the nickname of "Beaten Man"; "Fat Cat" Zheng Zeshi, who won the overall championship of the first phase of the competition in 1976 at the Sonic Film Acting Competition held by TVB. Since then, he has become a contracted artist of TVB; Li Xiuxian, who graduated from shaw film actor training class in 1970; Zhang Guorong, who first signed Li, in 1982, still chose to change to TVB to get strong support; Huang Qiusheng, who joined TVB in 1986...

It is not plausible, all of them have really been registered in TVB and sold power.

Although over the years, this award has the suspicion of protecting local film emperors, and it is frequently criticized by others, but there are also many local artists, leaving aside its other local artists, why are TVB's artists particularly prominent?

Personally, I think there are several reasons:

First of all, tvB's first screening has screened out a lot of people who have not passed the pass. In fact, the early artist training class paid more attention to the characteristics and comprehension ability of the trainees, "only to see if they are suitable for being an artist" Otherwise, only look at the appearance, how can Zhou Runfa and Wu Mengda become classmates.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

Aaron Kwok, who was also good at dancing that year, was able to be selected for the TVB dance training class. But his acting skills are not enough, and TVB will not praise him as the protagonist. Running a few years of dragon sets, in 1990, because he was petite enough, he was able to run to Taiwan to shoot small motorcycle advertisements, only because his face was handsome enough to become popular, all the way back to TVB, but also acted in a lot of TV series, but until now, everyone's impression of him is also mostly stuck in "dancing well" above, right?

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

Aaron Kwok has also won the Academy Award, and he does not comment too much on his acting skills, which is quite embarrassing. Look at his and Liang Jiahui's "Cold War", the difference comes out. Aaron Kwok works very hard, and his acting skills are well polished, but he is definitely not a talented type.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

Although there is no outstanding talent in acting, Aaron Kwok can be "evergreen", and the reason for this is also worth learning from countless small fresh meats. If you want to understand the spirit of Aaron Kwok's brand, you can click on Sister Bo's previous article: when I was a child, I lived in a poor building, my brother died tragically on the street, I became popular by luck, and I was known as the king, but it was too real

Because he was poor enough when he was a child and saw enough suffering, he dared to fight, could fight, and kept fighting. Okay, at least TVB gives the opportunity.

There are many such examples in TVB, those who can enter the TVB artist training class are through preliminary screening, either have a face or a talent, after going in, those who have a face and a talent will get more resources. It is a fool to have money and not to earn, TVB is also the same mind, those who see that they can quickly generate income naturally must be used first.

For example, Zeng Huaqian.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

But most people, even if they are outstanding, do not necessarily debut to be praised, such as Zhou Runfa?

Zhou Runfa, his father gambled, his mother worked as a maid to support the family, he was forced to drop out of school to support his family in the third year of junior high school, living at the bottom of society, he worked as a business attendant, an electronics factory child laborer, a hotel waiter, a postman, a photographic equipment salesman...

Although he is tall and handsome, although his childhood experience and social experience have made him have more experience and feelings about life... In 1973, when the 18-year-old Zhou Runfa went to apply for an artist, Zhou Runfa only got one vote from Zhong Jinghui during the interview, and the other examiners all voted against it, Zhong Jinghui recalled that Zhou Runfa did not even have basic acting skills when he applied for the exam, and there was no way to read the dialogue fluently and express the emotions of the dialogue, as for the talent show, the mime performance, etc. were almost blank, and no one felt that he was a piece of actor's material. The reason why Zhong Jinghui excluded the support of the public council for Zhou Runfa's stay was his potential and determination to work hard.

After Zhou Runfa entered the industry, he often pretended to wait for the elevator during high-level working hours, and took the initiative to greet and greet; and ran dragon sets day and night and even slept on the set, taking acting as his life, Zhong Jinghui said: "Your own efforts, as well as luck, plus your attitude of being a person and your attitude towards work, will affect your future." ”

It can be said that TVB gave Zhou Runfa a chance, but his success depends on his "potential and determination to work hard".

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

In 1987, he won the Best Actor Award at the 6th Hong Kong Film Awards for the action film "The True Colors of Heroes", the Best Actor Award at the 7th Hong Kong Film Awards in 1988 for the film "Dragon and Tiger", and the Best Actor Award at the 9th Hong Kong Film Awards in 1990 for the film "The Story of Ah Lang".

In short, you can enter TVB, and you can most likely prove that you are at least some excellent conditions.

Secondly, TVB's artist training class course is really magical. Tuition is free, students in class will subsidize transportation and food costs, and if they run dragon sets in the episode, they will be paid according to the set.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

The early training course lasted for one year, the first half of the year was mainly classroom teaching, learning the theory of performance, and the second half of the year was mainly practice and internship, and there was also a small amount of course assistance. There are many courses, Wang Mingquan once said: "The previous artists were real all-round 'artists', acting, singing, dancing, hosting, and having to know, unlike later, there were also 'movie stars', 'singers' and the like." ”

So in the training class, in addition to the basic performance theory, you also have to learn: dubbing, hosting, vocal music, image management, dance, martial arts, market management, lighting, writing scripts, and even learn to treat people and things. The teachers who teach the class are all experienced old people, and the practical skills are taught, and the "senior" Mai Changqing once said, "When I read the training class, I was very glad that my brother mentioned some points and told me some skills and attention problems, at that time, Li Tiansheng often talked to us about practical experience, how to accommodate the camera, how to borrow and misplace when hitting people." It has nothing to do with acting, it is skill and experience. ”

Not only the teacher can teach, but the students must be desperate to absorb. The training class is assessed once every 3 months, and if you are not qualified, you will be eliminated, like many draft players now, you can sing a few songs and dance a few dances to make a lot of money as an idol? Definitely a dream. You know, how many years has TVB been a live radio film, Miss Digital? Oh don't be funny.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

The graduation exam is the biggest pass, even if you look like Sai Pan An, the graduation exam is not passed, and it still has to be eliminated.

Tang Zhenye, who graduated a little over the year, had already suspended classes two weeks before the graduation party. But he still insisted on returning to school to practice, and the tutor gave him a chance to serve as the host at his graduation party, earning "points" to improve his graduation grades, and finally got his graduation certificate.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

That's what really loves acting, and meets the criteria for TVB screening: a strong interest in the profession.

Not only the assessment of acting skills, the tutors also have another scale in their hearts, "You don't respect how others respect you, but also learn to read the script, before each scene to memorize the script, always can not turn on the machine is still memorized." ”

After the assessment of the tutors, graduation may not be immediately reused, after all, amazing genius is a minority.

At this time, the newly graduated students are going to "hit the wall".

In TVB, the general actor has to run the dragon set for two or three years to be expected to play a supporting role, and after five or six years of acting, it is possible to play the main role, which is still an excellent actor who runs the dragon set out of the "experience". Of course, most people may stay up until they are old and "licorice", and there are also many people who can't stay up and run away early.

TVB's most famous feature is "keying". Even if it is a pillar, the salary is not very high.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

In this case, if you do not have a heartfelt love for performance, you will never be able to persist, but those who can persist in it will eventually be "famous and surnamed", for example: Zhang Jiahui.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

Zhang Jiahui's parents divorced since he was a child, he and his three sisters followed his mother to live, and the family's poor situation is certain. At the age of 17, he was admitted to the Police Juvenile Training School and became a patrol officer. In 1988, he quit his job to start working as an actor, because he was thin, Zhang Jiahui often used to act as a stand-in for actresses, the main drama: being beaten.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

At that time, there was no such thing as a fake beating, as long as it was beaten, it was a real fight. In 1995, he transferred to TVB, and the situation gradually improved.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

At TVB, he won the favor of Wang Jing, transformed into comedy, and even relied on Wang Jing's comedy film "Gambler 1999", which was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 18th Hong Kong Film Awards, and also made several popular TV series. And just when his career was on the rise, he chose to quit tv dramas and specialize in movies.

In 2008, he won the Best Actor Award at the 28th Hong Kong Film Awards for the film "Witness"; in 2013, he won the Best Actor Award at the 33rd Hong Kong Film Awards for the film "Guild Wars"...

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

Another representative figure, Zheng Zeshi, grew up in the rooftop wooden house area since childhood, and his family was poor. There are 6 children in the family, as the eldest son, he not only has to take care of his younger siblings, cook for the whole family, but also help make plastic flowers to subsidize the family. In order to reduce the burden on his family, he apprenticed in a jewelry store before graduating from high school.

When he was a child, chubby his wish was to be a star, the teacher's comment to him was "covetous and vain", when he grew up as an apprentice, he did not forget his dream of stardom, in 1972, Longbow Film Company held the first actor training class, 21-year-old Zheng Zeshi wanted to sign up, his father did not agree, but his mother supported him: "You go to try, you are so young, no, but a wish." ”

In 1972, he enrolled in the first actor training class of Longbow Pictures, and in 1976, TVB held the acting competition of Sound Treasure Set, and Zheng Zeshi won the overall championship of the first competition in one fell swoop, and has since become a contracted artist of TVB.

Talented, and extremely interested in acting, although it looks like an ordinary batch, but there are opportunities here in TVB, it depends on how he defines himself.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

In 1979, he starred in his first TVB series, Four-Eyed Detective.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

In 1980, he starred in his first film, Grey Spirit, and please note that he was not only an actor, but also the director and producer of the film.

In 1984, he was nominated for the Best Actor Award at the 4th Hong Kong Film Awards for his outstanding performance in the movie "The Lost Wife"; in 1985, his self-written and self-directed film "Why Me" was well received as soon as it was released, and it was Chow Yun Fat who played him. The film not only brought Cheng Zeshi the honor of Film Emperor of the Academy Awards, but also helped him become one of the highest paid comedians in Hong Kong.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

In 1996, he won the Best Actor Award at the 16th Hong Kong Film Awards for his starring role in The Three Wounded Policemen.

Counting these movie emperors, many people have similar growth experiences, when they were young, they helped their families sell porridge every day and still had excellent results, and Zhou Xingchi, whose mother worked three jobs and raised three children alone...

Life has given them tribulations, but it has also given them opportunities. They will cherish this hard-won opportunity more than ordinary people, although they are the "geniuses" who have been selected, but the genius may be the next injury.

For the acting thing, they all have the same "paranoia" and their own understanding. Both talented and hardworking.

Jade is not a tool, why TVB out of the film emperor, the collision of the innate plus the polish of the day after tomorrow, jade can become a beautiful jade.

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months
Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months

However, in recent years, it is a pity that everything is changing today, and TVB's artist training class has begun to float on the surface. And the Hong Kong film industry, has been regarded as an actor out of the file, or those old actors are supporting.

However, I think there is a little admirable thing: even if you don't, don't overstep your fingers.

For example, the highest paid films in the mainland are now probably the worst acting skills. "None of them are actors, just stars. There is a difference. Eating with a face, our teacher did not teach. If only by face, the drama school will teach 'maintenance'."

When Andy Lau was still a small fresh meat, a director once asked him: "Do you have to put your hand in your pocket to pose before you can act?" Do you have to comb your hair neatly to be handsome? ”

And now, will anyone teach us how to call small fresh meat handsome? Or just whatever you want and make money?

Why is the TVB artist class able to appear in a few months