
Japanese TV series "Hero": legal imagery, touching

author:Legal Reading Library

The author's small fish has spines.

Japanese TV series "Hero": legal imagery, touching

It has been 15 years since the release of the Japanese TV series Hero (Chinese translation of "Legal Hero"). There is no bizarre dog blood plot, but it is touching, winning the praise of legal professionals and other industries, and achieving the unity of legal effects and social effects.

How it does it:


The first trick is the general recipe: three views, is correct.

Takuya Kimura played by the male protagonist Kurisei Junri, a prosecutor transferred from the countryside to the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office, has no miserable life experience, no vigorous advanced deeds, but has a bunch of problems.

Passionate about TV shopping, like a housewife. The cramped office was stuffed with his "booty."

It was not serious enough to handle the case, smiling hippie at the suspects and witnesses.

Lack of respect for leadership. The leader talked to him and assigned the case, but he talked and pumped the air mattress purchased by the electricity.

"Kyūri is not a hero who will turn into a bad guy. He only sees things from a human point of view, he is extremely interested in people, which is his hero. ”

Procurator Jiulisheng first of all is a person with shortcomings, treating himself as a person, no matter the size of the case, he is the person who sees the living behind the case file, rather than seeing the performance honor, competitive advantage, leadership weight, and praise of the masses.

"He's just interested in people", and under the fainting of this sentence, these faults become advantages:

Being passionate about TV shopping shows that you love life and are confident in your life.

The lack of "respect" for the leader shows that he is full of confidence in the leader and does not set the leader in his heart as a bureaucrat who likes the subordinates to make promises and greet each other.

The lack of "seriousness" in handling cases shows that he treats criminal suspects as human beings and pays attention to the ways and methods of handling cases.

The exposure of such a seemingly cynical prosecutor was not unexpected by the audience, but the audience, including legal professionals, did not feel insulted by their intelligence and emotional intelligence. On the contrary, together with the female prosecutor in the play, the heartstrings stir for him.

Yes, what is touching people's hearts is the correct three views.


The second trick is to break the sword: life is natural.

The three views are upright, excessive force, and if you are not careful, it will become "three views upright". At one end, if the dragon has remorse, it will emit propaganda and preaching, even if it can cater to the tastes of some people, but it cannot pass the professional pass.

The way to crack it is to naturally present the work and life of the prosecutor.

Starting from the street scene at work, prosecutors and prosecutors walk through the crowd on the street, fish into the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office building, undergo security checks by doormen, and then, gathered together, stuck their heads out, like a group of moles, bored waiting for the elevator.

The Special Search Department of the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office has repeatedly cracked the cases of Japanese political dignitaries, including the prime minister, and even forced the cabinet to step down. "Hero" begins with the prosecutor of the Special Search Department of the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and collectively arresting a parliamentarian, the scene is cool and explosive, and the scene is exciting.

But after a moment of excitement, in the blink of an eye, it was a mediocre day after day, starting with similar work day after day, and the prosecutor was only a member of the office worker.

Naturally, it is impossible to avoid all kinds of unbearable in the workplace, in a small office, mechanical, monotonous, boring, gossip, etc., the same will not be less.

Prosecutors are just ordinary people, all sentient beings, and everyone lives in the dust of mortality. Naturally and truthfully narrated, the rhythm is smoothly presented, which is grounded.

You don't have to run to the ground and apply mud on your legs.


The third trick is to break the gas: funny, is professional.

Naturalism may be tedious, truthfully presenting the truth of life, and perhaps it is only a chicken feather after all, and there is no reason for the audience to be angry again while being educated.

In addition to the narrative of nature and the restoration of the truth of life, it is still necessary to make the audience feel detached, even if the chicken feathers in a place float into the air, under the blue sky and white clouds, they can also produce a faint poetry.

The best way to get angry is to be funny. And the humor of "Hero" is naturally scattered in the details of the judicial profession. While ridiculing and funny, he showed the rules and procedures of judicial case handling to the general audience, which made legal professionals can't help but laugh.

A male prosecutor has a crush on a female prosecutor who is partnered with Prosecutor Jiulisheng to handle a case, and overhears his partner's office laughing at his wishful thinking behind his back.

The prosecutor then retaliated against his own officer, asking him to collate and collect 700 cases of witch trials in medieval Europe.

The affairs officer, who had already passed the age of confusion, did not lodge a protest or appeal, swallowed his anger, and obeyed the command.

Collecting 700 cases of witch trials in the European Middle Ages, this kind of revenge is obvious, but it is precisely the comedic element that dissolves the psychological discomfort of audiences who have similar workplace experience.

At the same time, this method of comedy is a very professional expression of the legal status and responsibility relationship between prosecutors and prosecutors.

Procurators are paired with prosecutors on a one-on-one basis, and prosecutors assist procurators in handling cases and obey the procurator's commands.

The entry thresholds for the two are different, and it is much more difficult to become a prosecutor, and you must pass the judicial examination for thousands of people to admit thousands of people. For example, the male protagonist in the famous Japanese drama "101 Marriage Proposals", taking the judicial examination, even if he has great love as the driving force, reviewing hard to the point of forgetting to sleep and forgetting to eat, and the result is still falling off the list.

Prosecutors, on the other hand, have lower entrance examination thresholds, higher admission rates, and are naturally much less paid than prosecutors. If a prosecutor is to be transferred to a prosecutor, he or she must pass a separate examination or examination.

For example, if you pass the assessment of the deputy procuratorial selection examination review committee, you can be elected as a special deputy procurator, which is roughly equivalent to an assistant procurator, serving as a deputy procurator for more than 3 years, and then passing the examination can become a special procurator.

From the entry threshold, legal status, authority relationship to salary and income, it is a very reasonable correspondence. As a prosecutor, it is useless to complain about the world, and retribution for wrongs will only plunge yourself into a quagmire.

The best way is to make yourself strong, work hard, and be admitted to the prosecutor's sequence.

The relationship between the prosecutor and the prosecutor, "Hero" is often used in a displeasure, comedic narrative style, both realistic and sophisticated, but also kind and easy.

In the morning, the elevator was overloaded, and finally three male prosecutors left the elevator, either actively or passively, and hummed to climb the stairs.

The male protagonist, Prosecutor Kurisei, came to the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office and handled the first case of a indecent theft of women's underwear.

When interrogating the criminal suspect for the first time, I watched the Jiulisheng procurator interrogate him, and even chatted with the criminal suspect about the family routine, and the female affairs officer who took notes had a look of contempt, feeling that she had more professional experience, and went to interrogate the criminal suspect more and more on behalf of the criminal suspect.

At this time, prosecutor JiuLisheng's reaction was a surprised pout. It seems to be a natural reflection of casualness, more like a deliberate move to break up the embarrassing situation without hurting the officer.

The tension, seriousness and self-righteousness of the female affairs officer, the relaxation, humor and empathy of the male prosecutor, the comedic elements of these conflicts not only vividly present the professional process of the procurator's handling of the case, as well as the relationship between the procurator and the procurator in this process, but also show the same naughtiness, stubbornness and seriousness in the personality of the male and female protagonists, so that the expected love between the two, if separated, naturally occurs in the professional relationship between the prosecutor and the prosecutor.