
Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water


Dozens of Siberian swimmers competed in the icy waters of the Tyumen region

Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water

What does the body need to do to swim in water with around zero temperature?

Swimming in icy water poses many dangers to the body. Therefore, contestants must be well prepared – both physically and mentally. Organizers who provide medical teams also play a key role.

"It's not safe to swim in icy waters. No one should try to enter the icy waters without the necessary support from the medical team and someone who can warm him up after swimming," Stoicchev said before heading to Murmansk.

Naked in the cold

Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water
Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water
Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water
Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water

Swimmers jumping into icy waters for the Tyumen race with temperatures of -10 degrees

Participants are prohibited from wearing one-piece swimsuits. The outfits are the same as those used in Olympic competitions – standard swimsuits, goggles and swimming caps.

Swimmers must be prepared for everything that lies ahead. Stoicchev noted that his training in the pool of the "Spartak" complex in Sofia was carried out in different conditions. There, the water temperature in one pool is 27.5 degrees and the other is 29 degrees. He added that in Bulgaria, the only form of ice swimming is around the New Year, when outdoor pools in some hotels freeze.

Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water
Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water

"On race day, if you don't adapt quickly, you lose. The first 100 meters are critical, at least for me. It is very important to regulate breathing. The cold will make you inhale a lot of air because you will feel the pressure, but it is also important to exhale so that you can balance your breathing. It is important to stretch your body and make beautiful movements. After the first 100 meters, everything depends on the experience, the desire to win," said Stoychev, who won the Antarctic swimming marathon at the end of last November.

British 1000m title record holder Jade Perry agrees. "Once you get over the initial 'wow, so cold' feeling, it's actually great," she told the BBC.

Stoychev added that his strategy is related to a slow start, noting that it won't be easy because both the cold and the desire to win will make you hurry. "In icy waters, if you walk fast, in the middle of the distance, when fatigue starts, things go downhill sharply and the results are not always satisfactory."

A strong body contains a strong spirit

Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water
Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water

Perry noted that the British team participants were all tested comprehensively, including an electrocardiogram. "There should also be an observer on the scene who knows your heart rate and can tell if there's something wrong," she explains.

Stoychev believes that psychological attitudes are extremely important. "I review this distance in my mind about two or three times a day. I imagined taking off my clothes and going into the water, the first paragraph. ”

The Bulgarian swimmer added that "the number one enemy of colds is lack of sleep".

Swim in ice water, challenge the limits, how to swim in icy water