
These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

author:Mi Li's mother channel
These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Wen | rice grain mother

Rice grain mother is a full-fledged movie fan, and when you fall in love with rice grain father, "bubble theater" is a must-have program for us to thunder: P Has a small grain of rice, the gene of loving to watch movies is also properly inherited to him.

Since I was about 3 years old, he has been following me all kinds of brushes. Of course, when the baby is young, she can't watch movies too often, almost one or two times a week, and they are mainly short films.

Every time she said that she wanted to watch a movie, Xiaowa was super expectant ~ the process of watching it was also very serious, and her eyes did not blink. Fun places follow laughter, sad scenes will shed tears... After watching it, the little guy will discuss the plot with me, although the words are very childish, and some of them are not in tune, but I can feel that his heart has been touched.

Ang Lee once said that a good movie can change the way a person sees the world.

The child's heart is very pure, we let him learn, read, and tell him how to be a person, all in order to let the child form the correct three views as soon as possible and be able to look at the world with good intentions.

After the child reaches a certain age, compared with pure reading, watching movies can bring him more intuitive feelings, more profound touch to the heart, thus triggering thinking, which can be described as a lot of wonderful.

Hearing this, can't wait for me to recommend a good film? Hurry up ~ Come soon!

Scholastic Publishing House, the world's largest children's book publisher, has invited Hollywood insiders, as well as film critics and readers, from nearly 400 children's films, to select the most worth watching 100, including cartoons, feature films, documentaries and so on.

The rice grain mother sifted through these 100 parts, to be honest, a little more... I helped you select some of them, picked some that were not in the list but I thought it was good for me and The Rice Grain, and also added animated short films for young children (from 5, 6 minutes to 20 minutes in length). All videos are sorted by age! (Table thank you so much Ha :)

No, the list of 50 must-see films is here, and you are not thankful to take away the ma ma

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

3-5 years old: Animated short film

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These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

1. Piper (2016), Douban score 9.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

This film won this year's Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, and the picture is very beautiful and realistic.

Super cute little sandpiper ~ just broke the shell of it, standing in the nest to spy on the actions of parents, originally thought that the mother would feed itself as usual, who knows, in order to make it stand on its own, the mother actually ate the delicious scallop meat herself. The little guy has no choice but to go to the beach by himself, learn to hunt, what will be waiting for it?

This film will make children understand what self-reliance and bravery are, and the mother cannot always be by your side. The process of curiosity, temptation and conquest of the unknown seems to be the epitome of the child's growth, which makes people very moved to see.

2. The Story of the Bear Historia de un oso (2014), Douban score 8.5

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 2016 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, and the story was so touching that many people cried after watching it.

The protagonist of the story is Mr. Xiong, who lives alone in an old wooden house, and there is a group photo of a family of three on the wall, but his wife and son never appear. He goes out to perform every day, telling unforgettable memories in the accompaniment of the music box...

The film not only tells the harmony between humans and animals, but also has a deep anti-war spirit, and also conveys the deep nostalgia for the relatives who are "absent". Watching with children can not only feel the preciousness of family affection, but also let children understand how important the word "peace" is from an early age.

3. Delicious Feast (2014), Douban score 8.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 2015 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, and it is a very deep story.

The stray street spotted puppy, taken home by a passing man, named it Winston, and would share it with it a variety of delicious foods, and slowly, Winston's taste became more and more difficult. One day, the owner has a beloved, the poor little one is left hanging aside, and the standard of food plummets...

Children, like puppies, are possessive, and when your pampering is unlimited, he will take it for granted and should not be changed. Parents are like masters, it is impossible to focus only on the baby forever, to let him understand that what to eat is actually not a matter, the important thing is that we are always together.

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore (2011), Douban score 8.4

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 2012 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, with beautiful graphics and rich imagination.

The man in the top hat was sitting on the balcony reading, when suddenly, the clear sky was fiercely windy, the windows of the house shook violently, even the words on the book were scattered with the wind, and everything was swept into the air. When he fell back to the ground, he saw a beautiful house full of books he loved. He threw himself into the ocean of this book with joy, and he never forgot...

Nowadays, babies are exposed to electronic devices earlier and earlier, which is a very bad phenomenon. If you want your baby to fall in love with reading, it's perfect to show him this short film. It's a joy to be friends with books, and it fills our lives with color.

The Lost Thing (2010), Douban score 8.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 2011 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film and is based on a picture book of the same name and is a very interesting story.

A young man with glasses wandered around collecting beautiful bottle caps, and one day he saw a frightening-looking teapot on the beach, which threw out colored leather balls and played with him all afternoon. When the sun dispersed in the west, he found that the teapot had no owner, and he wanted to help him find his belonging...

Children love to collect "strange" things that seem worthless to others but are rare to them. This film is full of love, loves something, and we must not only treat it well, but also be responsible for it, even if it is just a "terrible" teapot.

6. Logorama (2009), Douban score 8.1

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

This film won the 2010 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, very creative and praised!

A police car was parked in front of the fast food restaurant, and two Michelin police officers were sitting in the car and talking nonsense. At this moment, they find the police wanted Ronald (Uncle McDonald), the two quickly turn the front of the car to approach, and the cunning Ronald also quickly gets into his red truck and engages in a thrilling chase with the police on the road where the cars are coming...

Want to teach your baby about various trademarks? Then be sure to watch this film! The film includes more than two hundred world-renowned trademarks and links them to each other with interesting stories. It's not too good to look at ~ many people say after reading it, if the ads are so played, they must stand up~

7. Tsumikinoi -ye Tsumino (2008), 9.3 for mame-maki

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 2009 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film and tells the story of love and memories.

The flood turned the world into an ocean, empty and lonely. An old man lives alone in the world, with no one to communicate with. The water level is constantly rising, the old man can only keep building a house, when carrying furniture, his pipe accidentally fell into the water, it carries the memories shared with his wife, the old man is determined to dive to retrieve the pipe, but this move seems to open the floodgates of memory...

The picture of the film is warm, the tone is a little sad, you can use the film to reminisce with the child about the family who has passed away or is not around. Memories are very precious, no matter who it is, even if the family is no longer around, but the beauty he left behind will be hidden in the bottom of his heart and will never change.

Peter & the Wolf (2006), Douban score 8.0

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 2008 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, the subject of animal protection.

Peter and Grandpa lived in the countryside, and Grandpa warned Peter not to play on the frozen lake or climb the big oak tree at the door. Mischievous, he took advantage of his grandfather's sleep and secretly ran outside to play on the frozen lake. Unexpectedly, a vicious wolf passed by. With wit and bravery, Peter captured the wolf alive, but when he and grandpa brought the wolf to town, they found that people were very cruel to the wolf...

Only when we are truly kind can we treat animals equally and protect them in the right way. The harmony of nature depends on the efforts of everyone, and we must help our children to establish the concept of respect and reverence for all life from an early age.

9. Danish poet The Danish Poet (2006), Douban score 8.4

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 2007 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, and it has a very warm plot.

The young poet Kyle Grussen, who read the norwegian writer Sigrid Wencert's novel "The Bride, the Master, the Cross" in the library, was impressed by her literary talent and decided to set out to visit the female writer in search of inspiration. He settles on the farm of a distant relative, where he meets the beautiful girl Ijiborg, and the two young people fall in love, but are eventually forced to separate...

The film will let the child feel what "love" is and plant a beautiful seed in his heart. Loving someone, but not necessarily having him, thoughts will keep them in the depths of memory forever. Children who are a few years old cannot understand love, but feeling good feelings is very helpful for their personality growth.

10. Nude Harvey's Life Harvie Krumpet (2003), Douban score 8.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 2004 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, and the plot is a bit dark humor.

Harvey was born into a family of lumberjacks, suffered from a severe convulsive disease, and was ridiculed from an early age. When the war came, he traveled far and wide to a foreign country to do the work of picking up the rags, but the bad luck was like a shadow! Hit to a broken bone, unjustifiably struck by lightning, suffering from severe asthma... The cruelty of fate erodes Harvey's innate optimism and enthusiasm, making him gradually feel hopeless...

Children with superior family conditions do not understand what the concept of the bottom of society is, let alone how difficult it will be to please life. Taking a child to watch this short film will make him cherish the existing life more, understand the meaning of hard work, life is cruel, and we can't give up hope!

11. Birds! bird! bird! For the Birds (2000), Douban score 8.7

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 2002 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, and Pixar's creative work is unlimited!

A flock of sharp-skinned birds gathered on the wires, chirping and chattering. The arrival of the uninvited guest, the Big Stupid Bird, broke their quarrel, and the birds suddenly united in unison to sneer at the Big Stupid Bird, even planning to work together to squeeze it out. Seeing that success is imminent, accidents happen...

In just a few minutes, we have explained a sociological case, how do we react when a stranger breaks into a group? Children often like to organize small "groups", when he is a member of the group or becomes an "interloper", how to deal with it is correct? Haha laughed, wa can understand a lot of truth.

Father and Daughter (2000), Douban score 9.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

This film won the 2001 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, no dialogue but super touching! Every time I look at it, my eyes are moist! Highly recommended!

On a warm autumn evening, the father and his daughter rode together on a bicycle, and they crossed the forest paths and meadows to the calm lake. The father boarded the boat with his daughter in his arms. The daughter waited quietly by the lake, from a young girl to a wife, to a mother, until she grew old... Father never returned.

All parents will eventually grow old, and there will always be a day when they will leave their children. We want to teach our children to face separation, so that he understands that although one day you may never see your parents again, their love for you has always existed, it is in your heart, and no one can take it away.

The Old Man and the Sea (1999), Douban score 8.9

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 2000 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film and was adapted from Hemingway's classic book.

Santiago is an experienced old fisherman who has a long-lost friendship with a young boy named Maroline. After eighty-four days of not catching a fish, the two went out to sea. The two men who had the best luck that day soon caught a huge marlin. The two people who thought they could return to this place did not expect to catch the big fish but attracted the shark siege...

Although the child cannot fully understand the meaning of the story, he can feel the loneliness of the old man, the precious friendship with the little boy, and the effort and sacrifice to yearn for a better life. As parents, we will also be touched by the classics again, and the picture effect of watercolor is also quite beautiful.

14. Chess rival Geri's Game (1997), Douban score 8.4

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 1998 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, and it is an interesting dual personality setting.

In the park in the early morning, the old man Gerry slowly spread out the chessboard, put the chess pieces one by one, and began to "play" with himself. Two "old men", one cunning and treacherous, the other thick and honest, soon the thick old man fell into a stalemate, he was so anxious that he had a heart attack. Which is the real winner in this game?

The old man is lonely, so he will play his opponent, but also show the other side of the inner potential. Each of us, including children, actually has two sides, and we must face our true selves calmly, even if the two ideas are very different. There is no right or wrong, it's all part of you.

Creature Comforts (1989), Douban score 8.1

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 1991 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film and reflects on immigration and environmental protection.

A crew came to the zoo for an interview, the polar bear asked for better care equipment to ensure the survival of the animals, and the mountain lion missed the good old days in Brazil, and he was tired of the cold and vegetables. Hippo brother reported that the cage was too small and the environment was harsh. Lemurs, turtles and armadillos seem to be quite satisfied with the current situation. Different starting points and places of growth, animals have different views of each other...

In the life of a child, he may go to many different places and meet different new friends, how to adapt to different environments? How to respect others? The film borrows the mouth of animals to express the various dissatisfactions of human beings, how to establish the right mentality, can be discussed with children.

16. Rocking Chair Crac (1981), Douban score 8.5

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The film won the 1982 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in a fresh style like poetry.

It fell in the woods and transformed into a rocking chair of the farmer's family, witnessing the farmer's new marriage and every warm day, and becoming a good companion for the child's childhood. As the years passed, the aging rocking chair was thrown out of the house until the museum's doorman found it again. Compared to the cold lines, the rocking chair once again brings fun to the children...

Rocking chairs are like our relatives and friends, which once occupied an important position in the hearts of children, but they are gradually forgotten with the passage of time. For people and things, we must teach our children to maintain a grateful heart, because everyone will have an old age, and no one wants to be abandoned because of "uselessness"!

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

<h1>6-7 years old: Animated feature film</h1>

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Zootopia (2016), Douban score 9.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won this year's Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, last year's fire ~ adults and children should watch!

Set in a beautiful world where all mammals coexist in harmony, Judy the Rabbit has always dreamed of becoming a criminal police officer who punishes evil and promotes good. With wisdom and hard work, Judy successfully graduated from the police academy and entered the Zootopia Police Department, which is not known to be the territory of large carnivores. As the first and only small herbivores, what happened to Judy?

The film teaches children what true friendship is, regardless of identity, gender, age or even size and habits of life. Only by fully trusting our friends and working together can we punish evil and promote good, in exchange for a truly peaceful life, while winning the respect of others.

18. Inside Out (2015), Douban score 8.7

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2016 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, very imaginative and creative praise!

The cute little girl Riley grew up under the care of her parents, and she has kept countless beautiful and sweet memories in her mind. These memories are closely related to several of Riley's never-before-met companions, who are the five main emotions of humanity: pleasure, worry, fear, disgust, and anger.

The film borrows anthropomorphic techniques to express the five essential emotions of human beings, which is very fresh for the child, and it is more conducive to his understanding of the meaning represented by different emotions. There are not only happiness in life, but also sadness, anger and other emotions, how to reasonably control and use, rather than being controlled by emotions? After watching this film, you and your children will have gains.

19. Super Marines Big Hero 6 (2014), Douban score 8.6

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2015 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, soft and heroic white, warm explosion!

Xiaohong, a genius teenager who loves inventions, participated in the entrance competition of the robotics major of the Polytechnic Institute under the encouragement of his brother. He won the praise of the audience, the contestants and the examiners with his magical miniature magnetic robot, who knew that the sudden disaster would destroy Xiaohong's dream and life, fortunately, he had the help of Dabai...

The story of courage overcoming evil is very routine, but the plot is still moving, and the image of the great white is simply super cute ~ in the face of failure, we cannot give up easily, and we cannot compromise with the evil forces, and we must fight bravely. Boys will definitely worship Xiaohong, because no one doesn't want to have a super white~

20. Frozen (2013), Douban score 8.3

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Winner of the 2014 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, if every boy wants to have a big white, then every girl wants to be a beautiful and brave Elsa!

The picturesque kingdom of Arendelle, with two lovely and beautiful little princesses, Elsa and Anna. Elsa was born with the ability to create ice and snow, and as she grew older, her abilities grew stronger and stronger, and she even nearly took her sister's life. After the sea saddle, Elsa reaches the age of coronation, her secret is also revealed, she escapes to the mountains, builds her own ice kingdom, and Arendelle falls into the terrible cold...

It's another story of love and courage that allows children to understand how important it is to accept their true selves. Only by accepting yourself and trusting your family can you give full play to your own potential and have a positive impact on others.

21. Toy Story 3 (2010), Douban score 8.7

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2011 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, classic story, warm setting.

Eleven years have passed since his last adventure, and in the blink of an eye, Andy has become a 17-year-old sunshine boy who is about to start college life, and he has to pack up his room for his sister. Previously, toys such as Woody and Buzz Lightyear had been expecting Andy to play with them again, but as the years passed, they were left out in the cold for a long time. The toys misunderstand Andy and run away in anger, preferring to be donated...

Every toy is a child's former friend, and when he has a new toy, should the "old friend" be shelved? The film can make children understand the preciousness of friendship, and in the process of fighting against evil forces, courage, trust, and close cooperation with friends will bring us ultimate victory.

22. Flying House Tour Up (2009), Douban score 8.9

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2010 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, another story between the two children.

Carl, an old man who lives alone, actually drags his house into the sky with colorful balloons, and he decides to realize the dream he and his deceased wife once had. To his surprise, the porch actually hitched a boy Xiao Luo, who called himself a "wilderness pioneer", and Xiao Luo's chatter made Carl feel particularly annoying. The combination of one old and one young has gone through many hardships, can they achieve their ideals?

The old man's deep love for his deceased wife, the interesting interaction between him and the little boy, the beautiful scenery encountered along the way, and the cute animals will impress the child. If you have a dream, you must insist, you cannot give up easily, you must believe in people who are worthy of your trust, and you must also guard against those hypocrites.

23. Robot Story WALL· E (2008), Douban score 9.3

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2009 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, the super cute Wall-E ~ warmth is not inferior to the great white!

In 2805 AD, the earth was no longer suitable for human habitation due to a large increase in pollution and domestic waste. Earthlings are forced to leave their homeland in a spaceship called Wall· E's robots sweep up the garbage day in and day out. The robot gradually deteriorated, and finally only one remained still doing the work. It has its own consciousness, and one day, a spaceship breaks its immutable life...

Conveying a clear concept of environmental protection, the simple kindness of Little Wali is even more endearing. It's dilapidated, and it tries to help EVE, even at the cost of its own life. When the rice grains were first seen, they were moved to cry, and their sincere feelings would be moved by both adults and children.

24. Food Story Ratatouille (2007), Douban score 8.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2008 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, the little mouse counterattack, touching and inspirational!

Remy the Mouse has a dream of becoming a five-star chef. By chance, he met Lin Quinnie, an apprentice at Gust's restaurant, who was shy by nature and less talented in cooking, and was ostracized by others. One man and one mouse form a strange alliance: Remy dedicates his highly creative brain to operate The Linquini front-end "performance", they reap success, but face a crisis of trust...

Working together with a small partner to succeed, not only did not thank, but also kicked the other party away? Selfishness is terrible, and children will have a deep understanding through this film. With a dream, you must work hard, even if it is just a small person with a strange eye, as long as you work hard, you will be recognized and successful.

Wallace &amp; Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) with a Douban score of 8.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2006 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature film, a major film based on a classic animated short film.

Villagers want to participate in the annual vegetable contest, but they are harassed by hares. The hare is tall and haunted, and the villagers have no choice but to invite The rabbit hunting expert Wallace. Of course, his dog, Lemmit, is also on the rabbit hunting team. Wallace and Lemit designed all kinds of rabbit catching tools, and when the villagers thought they could be assured, Wallace made a serious mistake...

Very interesting clay animation ~ everything has two sides, when Wallace and hare change identities, what will happen to their thinking, and can they understand each other? This film can teach children to think holistically while learning to be considerate of each other.

Finding Nemo (2003), Douban score 8.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2004 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, Cute Little Nemo, Cute To Death Individual~

Clownfish father Marlin and son Nemo live happily, dad is timid and afraid of things, Nemo feels that dad is very untreated, and even a little look down on him. Little Nemo is not afraid, when he went to the water with his companions to play, he was actually caught by the fishing net and sold, Marlin was very worried about the uncertainty of his son's life and death, and finally went out to find his son...

The film teaches children what love and courage are, as well as the most precious family affection in the world. Dad is no longer "useless" for his son to be able to risk his life, the son wants to break into the outside world, but only when he returns to his father, he has the most real warmth and security.

27. Monster Shrek (2001), Douban score 7.8

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2002 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, a series of films, Melee Mom thinks the first one is the best to watch~

Shrek is a monster with a green body with a quirky temper and doesn't love to be clean. On this day, several uninvited guests came to the house, and they told Shrek that he came from a kingdom ruled by a brutal king and was now homeless. The brutal king also plundered a beautiful and extraordinary princess, intending to take it as a wife...

Does looks matter? Of course! But more important than appearance is a kind and brave heart. Defeat the wicked, the hero saves the United States, the story is classic and tireless. Look at the world with kindness, even if you are not a prince and princess, you can meet someone who truly loves you.

The Lion King (1994), Douban score 8.9

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 1994 Animation Annie Award for Best Animated Feature, Rice Grain Mom watched in middle school ~ still remember it vividly, very good-looking, and the song is super good!

Simba is the little prince of the Lion Kingdom, and his father, Mufasha, is a majestic king, but his uncle Scar has long coveted Mufasa's throne. In order to sit on the throne, the scar must be removed from Simba, so he uses various excuses to let Simba out, and then waits for the opportunity to kill...

Very suitable for taking his son to see ~ Little Simba grew from a weak little lion to a mighty man, not afraid of the hegemony of his uncle's knife scars, and provoked the heavy responsibility of saving the people! The road of life will encounter many difficulties, some hurt even from close relatives, we can not shrink back, we must face it bravely!

Kung Fu Panda (2008), Douban score 7.9

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Pandas are our national treasures, but why can't China make such a great cartoon? A little sorry~

Delicious and lazy panda Ah Bao, has always been intoxicated with Chinese kung fu, a mistake was actually identified as the legendary dragon hero, ordered to deal with the devil-headed leopard who just escaped from prison! How to train a giant panda with luxurious buttocks, unicorn arms, belly meat, can not see or fight in a tight time, and become a famous kung fu master?

If the child seems mediocre, it is likely that you have not discovered his talent ~ strict teaching at the same time, give him full respect and encouragement, the child can have self-confidence. Let Fat Ah Bao become the idol of the child ~ he will understand that as long as he is willing to work hard, we can all become powerful "heroes".

How to Train Your Dragon (2010), Douban score 8.7

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2011 Animated Annie Award for Best Animated Feature Film, and is another super beloved animation of Melee Mama.

Hiccup is the son of the tribal leader Storik, who wants to slay the dragon himself like his father, but every time he appears in the dragon slaughtering farm, he can only add to the trouble of everyone. In a battle against a flying dragon, Hiccup secretly injured a mysterious "Night Flame", and also reared it behind his back, and even tamed the dragon. What story will happen between it and this somewhat fierce dragon?

As long as you believe in yourself, even the most powerful dragon can conquer, as long as you have good intentions, the seemingly terrible "enemy" will become your most trusted friend. The film tells us to believe in the child, give him support, respect his opinion, and many times, the child can see the truth better than the adult.

31. Monsters, Inc. (2001), Douban score 8.6

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Even if you look at it now, the brain hole is also very big ~ there is a group of monsters in the mysterious world, they look funny, but they must pretend to be vicious, because in the late night, they will quietly appear in the child's closet to scare the baby who has just slept sweetly. Sullivan the Fur monster is the most outstanding employee of monster companies, and he and his partner Big-Eyed Monster Mike are very popular. By chance, the hair monster accidentally brought a two-year-old little girl Abu back to the monster world, causing great panic...

Children will have terrible "fantasies" when they are young, that is, a monster hidden in the closet! This film will make the baby scream and get excited ~ at the end of the day they will understand that monsters are not terrible, because they are full of love in their hearts and will become the best friends of mankind.

Beauty and the Beast (1991), Douban score 8.3

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 1992 Animation Annie Award for Best Animated Feature, this year there is a live-action version of the release, or it is recommended that you take your children to watch cartoons, too classic!

Belle is beautiful and kind, and her father accidentally breaks into the territory of the beast and is imprisoned in the castle. In order to save her father, Belle agrees to live with the beast in the castle, which is gorgeous and full of fantasy, but Belle's life is not happy. She found the opportunity to escape, but encountered a fierce wolf pack, and at a critical moment, the beast appeared in time to rescue Belle, but she was injured...

Boys and girls are very suitable for watching the film, for the boy we take him to feel the kindness of others, learn how to accept; for the girl, we must let her understand that we can not deny all of others because of the ugliness of appearance, only by walking into each other's hearts, can we see the beautiful and gentle soul.

The Little Mermaid (1989), Douban score 8.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The classic Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale adaptation ~ Ariel is a free little mermaid, she yearns for freedom, and she is a little tired of seeing the underwater world. On this day, she had a sudden idea and wanted to rush out of the sea to see the wonderful world on land. So she really broke through the restrictions of mermaids and floated to the surface. When she saw the handsome prince, she was completely conquered! In order to fall in love with the prince, the little mermaid Ariel decided to exchange her beautiful singing voice for a pair of ordinary human women's legs...

In the fairy tale, the little mermaid finally turns into a bubble, which is sad, but fortunately she has a happy ending in the movie. Very suitable for taking the daughter to see together, who said that girls can not be brave? Even without legs, we must rush out of the sea and boldly pursue the life and love we yearn for!

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

<h1>8-10 years old: animation,drama,etc</h1>

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

34. Chiyose Chikonen and Chihiro no Shinshishi (2001), 9.2 For The Beans

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 2003 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, Hayao Miyazaki's classic masterpiece!

Chihiro and her parents drive to their new home, stumbling into a mysterious tunnel on a suburban path to another eerie world. The smell of food wafted in the distance, and my parents feasted, who expected to become a pig! There are many strange-looking and translucent people in the town, Chihiro escapes in a hurry, and a man named Xiaobai saves her, telling her how to find Grandpa Boiler and Grandma Tang...

Chihiro's parents are selfish and indifferent, they don't care what she needs, after a series of trials, Chihiro is no longer timid and cowardly, she has gained courage and love, and the most sincere support of friends. Although at the end of the film, she returns to real life, and everything seems to be just a dream, Chihiro knows how to live.

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009), Douban score 8.4

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

A film with quite connotation, although it did not win the award, it was widely praised by fans.

When papa fox and his wife were stealing from a pigeon farm, they learned that their wife was pregnant, and Dad promised not to steal after the two escaped. Two years later, despite badger lawyers' objections, he insisted on buying a tree house on the boundary of the three farmers' lands of chicken farms, ham traders and ciders. Ash, the son who wants to become an athlete, is jealous and hateful of his cousin who has moved in temporarily, while the fox father can't hold back, and the joint possum Kelly steals again...

The wild instinct of animals is actually the yearning for freedom, and the same is true of human beings. But as we grow up and have families, especially with children, responsibility will gradually replace instinct. This film can make children understand that we must respect nature, but also make reasonable use of nature, and cannot do whatever we want.

36. Despicable Me (2010), Douban score 8.5

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

It is another series of films, the first ~ the big bad Gru, after hearing the news of the theft of the pyramids in Egypt, decided to build a rocket to steal the moon with the help of Dr. Nafalio. In the process of borrowing money from the bad guy's bank, Gru's stolen shrink-ray gun is snatched by the new thief. In order to regain his weapons, Gru decides to adopt three orphans, Margot, Edith, and Agres, and uses their entry into the castle to sell biscuits to steal, and the plan is successful to dispose of three more children...

No matter how bad people are, there are soft parts in their hearts, and they are eventually "defeated" by love. We want to let the child understand that not everyone will show kindness to us at the beginning, and how he will treat himself ultimately depends on the way you treat him, and be sincere to the world and others.

37. Ice Age (1-4) of the Ice Age series, Douban has an average score of 8.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

The series of cartoons that have been chasing since 2002, the last one released last year, in addition to the three protagonists, the favorite is the squirrel that is always chasing hazelnuts: P

With the Ice Age approaching, animals are scrambling to migrate to warmer places and store food. The mammoths Manfred, Sid the Otter, and Diego the Saber-Toothed Tiger forged a deep friendship to help a human baby return to its parents. Since then, they have been living together, although they are slowly getting older, but when various dangers strike, they will not hesitate to lend a helping hand to each other!

Through this series, children will deeply understand the power of friendship and how to be a competent "friend". A good man with three gangs, no friends to help, everything just wants to fight alone, you will lose miserably. The gag squirrel in the film will definitely become the best joke for children

The Iron Giant (1999), Douban score 8.5

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Won the 1999 Annie Award for Animation for Best Animated Feature, which was well received.

Recently, strange things have happened in the small town of Rockaway, with the destruction of farmhouses and cars, as well as the destruction of power plants, resulting in power outages throughout the town and causing panic among residents. At a power plant in the forest, the little boy Hogarth discovers the murderer, the Iron Giant. He was frightened by the huge body, but he found that the giant was entangled in a high-voltage cable and could not get out. Hogarth did not poke the matter out, but also rescued the giant, in the multi-day interaction, Hogarth found that he had a kind heart, the two became good friends...

Many people are strong on the outside but fragile on the inside, such as steel giants. Some people seem weak, but they are very smart, and they can always help others at key moments, like Little Hogarth. We must guide children to learn to use their own strengths, but also to be sincere with friends, not to wear colored glasses to see others.

39. Home Alone (1-3) of the Little Devil Series, Douban has an average score of 7.7

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

A very classic series of films, Macaulay Kalkin was also a cute baby at that time ~ the first three are better.

Kevin's family was busy going out for the Christmas holidays, but they made a mistake and left the 8-year-old alone at home. His parents were in a hurry, But Kevin was very happy, it was rare to be alone at home, and he arranged his home as a "playground". Two newly released thieves set their sights on his home, and when they sneaked into Kevin's house, little Kevin used his cleverness and the family's "playground mechanism" to play a "game" with two stupid thieves, laughing

How mischievous, how clever, how imaginative a boy really is... After watching this series, you all understand, haha! The family has a male baby must see Oh, but the rice grain mother friendly reminder: can make the baby learner's danger is not afraid, as for the home for various "modifications"... You can take a leisurely look at it

Le renard et l'enfant (2007), Douban score 8.6

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

A ten-year-old girl, on her way to school, met a fox catching a vole. The girl is fascinated by the beautiful fox and returns to the forest after school hoping to see the fox again. From autumn to winter, the girl searched for the footprints of a fox in the thick snow, but she lost her foot and broke her leg. Spring is the season of fox hunting, the little girl who is worried about the fox is ecstatic to find the fox's cave and its three little foxes, but did not expect the fox to smell the smell of people, and transferred the cubs overnight...

The literary style of French films simply makes me love to death! I thought that the grain of rice would not like it, who knew that he would fall in love with the fox at once, like a little girl in the film, worrying about it and the child while watching. Harmony between man and nature is not difficult to establish, the key is that we must have a heart that respects other lives. Only from the heart of awe can we adults do less stupid things.

41. Antarctic Adventure Eight Below (2006), Douban score 8.6

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

There are dogs at home, especially the sled three fools, must take the children to watch this film. The dog here is much better than the human acting ~ looks handsome!

Three expeditions from the South Pole searched for a meteorite, accompanied by eight sled dogs. The beautiful scenery is amazing, but the danger also comes with the beauty. One of the team members fell into the ice water under the thin ice, but fortunately the sled dog saved them. The wind and snow raged on nanda, and the expedition team members were in a dilemma to prepare to retreat, but the eight sled dogs were abandoned...

Humans are very selfish, but dogs are the most loyal companions of human beings, and the heart of bravery, hope, and persistence in waiting is too touching. Regardless of adults and children, we must learn this spirit, selfless dedication, and never give up on the people we love.

Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009), Douban score 9.2

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Based on true events, it is also a tear gas film ~ Professor Parker picked up a lost puppy at the town's train station, and they have an indissoluble relationship. Parker would always send him to the station when he went to work, and when he left work, Hachiko would lie down early outside the station and wait. One day, Hachiko behaved unusually when Parker was about to go to work, and actually played a game of picking up balls that he had never despised before, and it was on that day that Parker died of illness. The family buried Parker, but hachiko, who was unknown, still waited in front of the door of the small station at five o'clock every evening, waiting for the return of the master...

Although there are many films depicting human and dog love, this is definitely a classic that cannot be surpassed, even the latest "Mission of a Dog" cannot. Love and loyalty are the themes of this movie, and we can take our children to experience this deep feeling and learn how to protect their families.

The Adventures of Tintin (2011), Douban score 7.6

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Based on the classic anime, the story of Tintin and Snow Snow influenced many people ~ thanks to the efforts of Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson, Tintin's story was finally brought to the big screen.

This time, Tintin began a thrilling adventure because of an ancient ship model. The model ship, called the Unicorn, hides a story of pirates and treasure. In order to unlock this secret that has been circulating for centuries, Tintin and Bai Xue are constantly searching for clues and the truth. With the help of Captain Adok the Navigator, dupont and Dupont, and Snow White, Tintin travels half the world, battling wits with the villain Sakarin...

Rice grain mother is a Tintin fan, not only love to watch cartoons but also play games, even Tintin-themed T-shirts do not let go ~ if you are like me, take your children to a wonderful world adventure!

The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) has a Douban score of 8.9

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

This is the best film in the eyes of Melee's mother, Will Smith! Jaden was only 8 years old at the time and had already shown great acting skills!

Chris Garner used all his savings to buy high-tech treatment devices and sell them to hospitals everywhere, but no one bought them. A life of poverty made his wife finally choose to leave, and he took his son to live with him ever since. Chris struggled to get the opportunity to intern at a stock investment company, even if there was no remuneration, the chance of success was only five percent, even if he looked at the white eyes, he still worked hard, and his son was his strength!

Nowadays, it will still be moist in the eyes ~ life is not easy, raising children is not easy, and it is even more difficult to succeed. Are we going to give up? No! The child will become your biggest motivation, and the little one will also give you support and encouragement in his own way. We and our children love each other wholeheartedly, strive hard, how can happiness be out of reach?

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001), Douban score 8.6

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

My favorites in the Harry Potter series are 1 and 7, and for kids, Ha 1 is perfect.

Harry was an orphan who had been bullied in foster care at his aunt's house since childhood. On his 11th birthday, he unexpectedly received an offer of admission to Hogwarts House. Harry learns from hagrid, the giant sent by the academy to pick him up, that it is a magic academy, and learns of his origins, it turns out that Harry's parents are great magicians, and they both died in the battle against Voldemort...

The film is very faithful to the original, and the restoration is perfect! The special effects were already very good at that time ~ When watching the movie, you seem to be in that fantasy magical world, following the three little ones to adventure and fight monsters! If you and your children are fans, you must not miss the classics.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016), Douban score 7.9

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Although not as good as the Harry series, the various magical animals and special effects in the film are enough for children to scream

In New York in 1926, the rooster's resistance to magicians reached its peak, and at this juncture, Newt, a magical zoologist who traveled the world, arrived in New York. The magic suitcase he carried with him contained dozens of magical animals he had rescued along the way, and his every move was under the watchful eye of the former Aurortina. In an accident, Jacob mistakenly takes Newt's suitcase and releases the magical animal hidden in the box...

Melee liked the film and asked me to download it for him to relive. Presumably, the children's enthusiasm for the wizarding world is far beyond our imagination! Take good care of their curiosity ~ after all, sooner or later, when the child grows up, he will find that all this does not exist.

47. Brave's Game Jumanji (1995), Douban score 8.0

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Rice grain mother watched in middle school, impressed, animals ran out of the chessboard, so much fun ~ ~

12-year-old Arun and his friend Sarah, when they first started playing "Yumanji", they were frightened by the bats flying out of the chessboard and rushed into the magical world of "Yumanji", so that the two were trapped inside. Twenty-six years later, Aaron's house moved in with two young guests, Judy and Pete. Guided by the war drums of "Yugiman", they found "Yujiman" who Arun had not finished playing. After getting acquainted with the rules, they continued the game that Aaron had not yet finished...

The imagination of Hollywood movies makes people have to admire, and by the standards of 95 years, the special effects have done a good job. Children love to play chess, but have they ever thought that one day in the chessboard, there will be a lot of unpredictable things? This sense of anticipation is fascinating~ take the baby to taste it together.

48. The Diaries of the Emperor Penguin La marche de l'empereur (2005), Douban score 8.6

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

And the previously recommended "The Fox and Me" belongs to the same director, a very good documentary!

The northern part of the Antarctic continent has a mild climate and abundant food, while the southern part is covered with snow all year round, the climate is cold, and there is a shortage of food, but the southern part is ecologically stable and there is no predator to pursue. In order to allow the baby penguins to grow up healthily, the parents of the penguins will come from the north to the south every year to hatch the penguin eggs. The penguin father and mother take turns in incubating the eggs, while the other side travels thousands of miles to find food. The hardships along the way are hard for anyone to bear... The tenacious vitality shown in the film is thought-provoking.

If you want your child to feel the meaning of life, take him to watch this film ~ Penguin parents are so hard to raise their babies to grow up, I believe that in the process of watching the film, our children will also be deeply touched. Whether human or animal, the love of parents for their children is always deep and unrequited.

49. We were born in China (2016) with a Douban score of 8.0

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Produced by Disney Nature and directed by Lu Chuan. Although Zhou Xun's voice is quite bad and makes people jump, as a Chinese, if we don't even understand our national treasure-level animals, it is too much to say.

In the vast land of China, countless beautiful beings coexist with human beings and compose a magnificent song of life. Dawa the Snow Leopard and her children, the giant panda and her daughter, the little golden snub-nosed monkey Taotao and his family, the Tibetan antelope on the coco Siri wilderness, and the beautiful red-crowned crane... They are the protagonists of the film.

The strong anthropomorphic style makes us deeply feel the beauty of family affection, and the small animals are very cute ~ especially the panda beauty, absolutely squeezing your blood tank. Spring, summer, autumn and winter four seasons cycle, although the picture can not be compared with the BBC, but also quite exquisite, the ending of the tidbits is very funny, very suitable for the whole family to watch together!

Planet Earth Season 2 (2016), Douban score 9.9

These 50 movies, be sure to take the baby to watch together! Collection highly recommended! 6-7 years old: Animated feature films 8-10 years old: Animation\Drama films and other rice grains are broken

Douban is close to a full score of evaluation, what concept? Jane-straight-too-good-look!

The BBC Nature documentary series, which aired Season 1 in 2006 and season 2, which took years to create, is even more exciting in terms of content and visual effects! The film was shot with an Ultra HD 4K camera, using both drone and remote control shooting technology. If your TV is big enough and supports 4K, trust me! You will experience a visual feast with your children!

Each episode has its own theme, showing the cruelty of nature and the hardships of animal survival, as well as very humorous and funny pictures! After reading the rice grain, he said to me with emotion: Mother, compared with these animals, when people are really too happy, we really should not be fooled, we must cherish life.

I think this is the power of documentaries, which will make children fully understand the difficulty of survival, so as to better appreciate the preciousness of happiness. There is nothing wrong with letting children understand the weak and the strong early, so that he will better understand the meaning of hard work and hard work!

<h1>Rice grain mother shattered thoughts</h1>

50 good films are finally recommended to complete ~ who will rub the hands for the rice grain mother ~ ask for comfort, praise, haha! These are the films that Rice Grain likes, and I believe your baby will fall in love with them deeply.