
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

author:People in VanPeople in Vancouver
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

Canada's immigration policy is becoming increasingly difficult, not only for independent skilled immigrants and employer sponsorship, but also for spousal sponsorship.

Because now in order to stay in Canada,

More and more people are making fakes.

For example: commercial marriage.

This is also known as a fake marriage!

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

Simply put, commercial marriage is that one spouse has Canadian PR status, while the other party does not, and the party without Canadian identity will reach an agreement with the "spouse" with Canadian identity through money or other transactions, mutual benefit, and the two parties obviously have no real feelings, just interests.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

However, according to the USCIS data, the number of "spousal visas" denied in Canada has significantly doubled, because the USCIS believes that there are many possibilities of falsification.

In the 2015-2016 fiscal year, the number of applicants whose spouse visas were denied was only 278, compared to nearly tripling in the previous fiscal year, and in the past four years, this number has only increased, more and more. Such negative news is also increasing.

According to the Department of Immigration, at least 2,081 Chinese citizens have been denied immigration applications after marrying Canadians since January 2015. The refusal rate in 2017 was 12 percent, higher than in 2015.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

Now the "commercial marriage" on the Canadian market is also clearly marked, usually from 8W - 10W Canadian dollars, and it is more and more expensive every year.

In addition, not only are there people willing to spend money to buy a spouse, but also some people are willing to collect money to recruit a spouse.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

In short, from a certain point of view, at present, Canada is also in a miasma of these people in terms of "spouse visa". This is also a way for many Indians, Vietnamese, Chinese and others to operate immigration privately.

Not only Canada, but also Australia, which is also a big immigrant country, has also suffered from it

Previously, The Feed in Australia had a program that went deep into reality and exposed this phenomenon head-on, in order to find out what it was.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

Through the video, the man (non-Chinese) told reporters that you don't think about it as a fake marriage, it's all true, except for not sleeping together.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

"The IMMIGRATION will believe it's really getting married, and you're on vacation together to take some photos... You have to believe me.".

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

In addition to the 10W Australian dollars paid at the beginning, the next need to pay lawyer fees, marriage fees, etc., just need to go to the church to register.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

Another reporter pretended to be a seller, saying that he did not know how to do it, and how long would it take to make it? The man opposite him, Chen, was a Chinese buyer.

Chen said: It's okay, a lot of people are doing this and doing it. It takes about 2-3 years. As long as the documents are handed in, the immigration department will not check us. And said that he was willing to pay 10W Australian dollars.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

In fact, Chen is not aware of the legal risks of commercial marriage, and he believes that the worst result is repatriation, and if he does not stay in the form of commercial marriage, his tourist visa will expire immediately.

So this is a necessary "investment" for him, and if he succeeds, he can not only become a "foreigner" in the population of his hometown, but also when perhaps he can change roles and later become a "seller" in this market.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

There is also a Chinese man K, the reason why the reporter can contact him is also because he posted his own advertisement on the forum, "married" with people who hope to obtain Australian permanent residence, to help each other apply for Australian permanent residence as a spouse.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

It's clearly not the first time K has introduced the details of a business marriage to a "client", according to him, the last "client": a female student from China who gave up performing her contract after paying a deposit of thousands of Australian dollars. Because in addition to the high financial investment, it is also a protracted wait – the process of getting a marriage license, forging proof of the relationship between the two people, applying for TR (temporary residency) and finally applying for permanent residence can take up to two years.

During these two years, in response to the unexpected investigation by the IMMIGRATION, the buyer and seller of the commercial marriage need to live together under the same roof for a long time.

A friend of mine told me that his friend had been visited by DIBP (Immigration and Border Protection) in the middle of the night and they went straight into the couple's bedroom and touched the bed to feel if it was warm. The process is not as simple as you think. If USCIS doesn't believe in our relationship, then they'll keep investigating.

Although the process is troublesome, K feels that if he can make so much money in the end, it is still worth it.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

K also told reporters that he paid 2.4W Australian dollars before getting the marriage license, then 2.4W Australian dollars when submitted, and 2.4W Australian dollars when he got the PR.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

The reporter asked, usually in what way you collect money, K said it is best to be cash, because do not want to involve too many bank transfer records, in case the immigration bureau finds it will be trouble.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

In fact, both Australia and Canada have been increasing in recent years of false marriage failures, and many intermediaries have not reacted as easily as in previous years.

There are three main reasons why Chinese citizens fail to apply for marriage immigration.

First, the foreign spouse has no legal status or has not been guaranteed when submitting the application in China.

Second, the sponsor of the immigration application is not the spouse or partner of the sponsored person.

Third, the purpose of marriage is not pure. The two parties did not really love each other, but married in order to let one party obtain Canadian status.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

Immigration officers have a high skill in identifying Chinese "fake marriages", which lists ten criteria for identifying Chinese fake marriages:

1. When Chinese citizens (usually college students) marry non-Chinese, it is questionable

2. In the group photo, there are usually only two couples, and there are few family and friends

3. There are no intimate actions such as kissing in the couple photo

4, there is no diamond ring

5. The wedding ceremony is simple, mostly a private party

6. The wedding banquet is not held in the restaurant, and there are no other activities after the meal

7, no honeymoon

8. The age of the husband and wife is more than 10 years old and above

9. Whether the ethnic backgrounds of the couple are very different

10. The group photo is taken in the photo studio, and the clothes worn appear in multiple photos

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

Immigration officers will also conduct meticulous investigations into the wedding photos and daily life photos provided by the couple in the marriage immigration materials.

Of course, commercial marriage is not limited to the Chinese market, and the phenomenon of commercial marriage in India and other countries is even more obvious.

"Regarding this practice, we don't think it's a lie."

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

But not all intermediaries or individuals are reliable, and some intermediaries will get money and disappear directly. In the end, the visa for this Indian client was undoubtedly denied.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

As for the market price of commercial marriage in Australia, it also varies from person to person and from intermediary to intermediary. But either way, it's a big expense, and the Indian taxi driver, for example, who could buy a big three-room house in India, spent almost all his money to get to this point.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

The Indian woman said she regretted that she had paid the money and had not been able to do it, and she could not even return to India.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~
Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

In addition, some intermediaries will also find jobs for these people who are married, of course, it is also clearly marked, and the price is not cheap.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

Maybe these people think that Canadian immigration officers don't know the language of their country or think that they can be foolproof if they put the material together, but they are not.

The relevant investigation departments are not even surprised by this kind of thing, naturally they will send people to investigate this matter and have considerable experience to verify the authenticity, which is no wonder that the spouse refusal rate is getting higher and higher.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

Although these are underground transactions, there is often no formal agreement between "commercial marriages", so even if something goes wrong, they basically have to admit it themselves.

Not long ago, a ridiculous incident blew up the circle of friends of overseas Chinese - Chun Tao Zhang, a 37-year-old woman from Taiwan, was issued a deportation order by immigration Canada for suspected "fake marriage" immigration to Canada. After Obtaining her identity, Zhang Chuntao traded things in Richmond and Vancouver, and organized and arranged for other women to engage in prostitution.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

Court documents produced in the Federal Court of Canada

Including a number of advertisements for Zhang Chuntao's erotic publicity on the Internet

From these real events, it is not difficult to find that many people who choose to take this road are actually not familiar with the relevant policies of Canada and have not personally searched for understanding, or even blindly believed the remarks of the other party or intermediary, choosing to blindly believe that once the matter is exposed, it will only end in tragedy.

In some film works, the small couple who are fakely married will also "fake the drama and really do it", and they will live a real feeling when they are fake. Their stories often begin with a green card and end in the happy ending of "the prince and princess live happily together."

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

In the classic romantic comedy of the 90s, "Green Card Romance"

The French musician Georges developed his musical career in order to stay in the United States

Agreed to marry An American woman, Bronte

Unexpectedly, the two hit it off and launched a fake marriage relationship

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

In the 2009 romantic comedy "Fake Marriage"

Canadian strong women work hard to keep their hard work in the United States

Fake marriage to a U.S. male assistant before your visa expires

In the end, it is also the end of true love that everyone is happy about

The stories in film and television are always beautiful and warm, which may make "marriage immigration practitioners" like Little L give themselves a little relief and courage when they marry the object they don't love. However, they completely forget that the happy ending in fairy tales is often not related to ordinary people, and when you use marriage as a tool for the exchange of benefits, become a "harvested leek" and live in trepidation all day long, it is more likely to be a future fate.

Moreover, Canada is a country that places a lot of emphasis on trust, even if you get a PR through a commercial marriage, the next one

If they are found to be cheating, they will also be directly deported.

Monopolize all kinds of disobedience! Still want to fake a marriage in Vancouver to cheat your identity? Immigration officer minutes K.O you ~

If you don't know, you can't do it unless you don't do it yourself

Being a good person and doing things authentically is the most reliable

- End -

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