
Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...


Wang Sicong added my WeChat!

He's going to marry me!

It's true, I listened to him say it himself!

He said that it was a few tens of thousands of yuan of travel expenses!

I know, he did

It must have been to test my love for him...

Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...

Ms. Hu of Xiaoshan, Zhejiang Province, has been madly infatuated with Wang Sicong, and she did not expect that in early September this year, she actually "dreamed come true"! A man took the initiative to add Ms. Hu's WeChat and applied to chat with her voice, as Ms. Hu, who is a fan of Wang Sicong's iron powder, heard the familiar voice of the other party and couldn't help but bump into the fawn! It was Principal Wang who didn't run!

Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...

How could Wang Sicong take the initiative to show favor to himself? At first, she was also vigilant, but under repeated questioning, the other party gave up "disguise" and "generously" admitted that she was Wang Sicong. So Ms. Hu was out of control, and every day she had a deep love affair with her idol and was deeply immersed in fantasy. Her love for "Wang Sicong" is overflowing with words and desperate.

Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...

After the two chatted for a while on the Internet, Ms. Hu's "love" for Wang Sicong became more and more uncontrollable, and "Wang Sicong" even promised to marry Miss Hu! However, "Si Cong", who has always been known for his wealth, used this as an excuse to repeatedly ask Ms. Hu for "small money" such as travel expenses and dowry fees. In Ms. Hu's heart, "Wang Sicong" of course lacks not tens of thousands of yuan, but a piece of his own sincerity. She was convinced that the other party's request was a test of her sincerity, so she had no doubt that she had come and gone to fight for more than 30,000 yuan.

Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...

Ms. Hu transferred more than 30,000 yuan to "Wang Sicong"

Just when Ms. Hu was waiting for "Si Cong" to come and marry herself, she waited for the other party's human evaporation. In the face of the cold water that her family kept pouring over, Ms. Hu was still unwilling to accept the fact that she had been deceived, she never doubted the identity of the other party, but felt that Wang Sicong might not want to marry herself so much.

Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...

So she "asked for perfection", hoping that if the other party did not want to get married, she could return the bride price, who knew that such a compromise still did not exchange for the other party's awakening. After the family learned of this matter, in order not to let Ms. Hu continue to be obsessed, she resolutely called the police for help.

After the Xiaoshan Shushan police station filed the case, it immediately launched an investigation into the case and determined that the real identity of "Wang Sicong" who temporarily lived in Shanghai was actually Zhang Moumou (a Hubei native), so his account was immediately frozen.

Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...

At this time, Zhang Moumou still had a fluke mentality, and suddenly appeared to contact Ms. Hu, trying to negotiate a refund of money, and asked Ms. Hu to withdraw the case. In the end, in order to be able to unfreeze the account as soon as possible, Zhang Moumou came to the police station to explain the situation on his own, and under the questioning of the police, the fraud was passed and the account was revealed.

According to the criminal suspect Zhang Moumou, after he brushed Up Ms. Hu's "love" message to Wang Sicong on Weibo in September, he suddenly had the idea of using his natural voice similar to Wang Sicong's voice to impersonate Wang Sicong to defraud. After successfully adding the victim Ms. Hu's WeChat friend, he has been chatting with her by voice, and pretended to be accidentally recognized, quickly cheating the other party's trust, and taking advantage of the other party's fantasy of love to defraud money many times.

Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...

Although Mr. Zhang has returned the money in full, he impersonated a celebrity to carry out fraud, which is of a bad nature. At present, Mr. Zhang has been criminally detained according to law for suspected fraud, and the case is under further investigation.

In the face of this news, netizens have felt: confused! If it is an iron fan, how can you believe that "I make friends and never care whether the other party has money or not, because he can't be richer than me" Principal Wang will ask people to borrow money?

Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...
Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...
Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...
Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...
Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...

In the face of endless types of fraud, the police remind:

1, online dating should be cautious, online information is difficult to distinguish between true and false, in the case of unable to identify the true identity of the other party, can not trust its sweet words and various words.

2, do not easily add strangers QQ, WeChat, all involved in the transfer of remittances should be vigilant, maintain rationality, to avoid economic losses caused by a momentary impulse.

3. Once it is found that it has encountered fraud, it should properly save the transfer vouchers, chat records and other evidence, and call the 110 alarm to stop the loss in time.

This article is synthesized from the daily economic news, Weibo, etc

Editor: Chen Wen

Editor-in-Charge: Cheng Chen

Wang Sicong personally told me that he was going to marry me! But he also concomitantly paid for the road...