
The genius Einstein gave birth to two psychotic children? Look at how scary it is to marry close relatives

author:Key brother sight

As a great physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Einstein's achievements are remarkable. Sadly, Einstein had two marriages in his life, but two of his three children were psychopaths. The eldest daughter was finally missing because of mental disorders, and the second son suffered from schizophrenia.

Why is that? Is it really what everyone calls "God is fair"?

In fact, there are two reasons for this situation: one is that Einstein's wife has a family genetic disease; Second, because Einstein was Jewish, intermarriage within the Jewish race is very common. After his first wife, Mileva Marik, Einstein married his own cousin Ai

Elsa married, and although no children were born in this marriage, it is not difficult to see the prevalence of Jewish consanguineous marriages.

The genius Einstein gave birth to two psychotic children? Look at how scary it is to marry close relatives

The Mainland Marriage Law stipulates that marriage is prohibited by "direct blood relatives and collateral blood relatives within three generations". In other words, the "cousin", "aunt's cousin", "uncle's cousin", and "aunt's cousin" of the same grandparent or maternal grandparent are all close relatives and cannot be married.

The genius Einstein gave birth to two psychotic children? Look at how scary it is to marry close relatives

Why is such a legal mandate made? Because the harm of marriage between close relatives is great, what are the main harms?

Historically, there was a lack of awareness of the dangers of consanguineous marriage, so consanguineous marriage flourished for a period of time. For example, the ancient Egyptian state, established in the third millennium BC, and the Inca Empire, established in 1438, both believed: "The blood of one member of the royal family is only matched by the blood of the other members of the royal family." The ancient slave society and feudal society on the mainland practiced "door-to-door" intra-hierarchical in-line marriage, and as a result, many of the offspring born were idiots or nerds, which is not uncommon in ancient mainland literature.

The Naxi people of Yongning, Yunnan Province, believe that children born of marriage between close relatives will become idiots or nerds. The Dulong tribe of Zhenkang in Yunnan also believed that members of the "Koehler" (i.e., closely related blood group) intermarried with each other, which would make their children mute, and so on.

The Kino people in Jinghong County, Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan, on the mainland, due to long-term intermarriage, their average height is only 1.56 meters for men and 1.46 meters for women, which is significantly lower than the average height of the Mongolian race.

In the tropical forest near the Ituri River in the Republic of Zaire, Africa, there are about 40,000 Mbuti people, who have been isolated from the outside world for a long time, rarely intermarry with different races, and practice intra-clan consanguineous marriage, as a result, the average height of men in this tribe is only 1.37 meters, weighing no more than 40 kilograms, and the women are even shorter, with an average height of only 1.35 meters, becoming the world's relatively short tribe.

In recent years, a more diminutive "Yucas" tribe has been found in the forests of Mount Modiloñez, on the border of Colombia and Venezuela in South America. The Yukas people have long lived in the deep mountains and forests of the "paradise", and have been practicing in-tribal consanguineous marriage, and as a result, the Yukas people are very short, less than one meter, and some are only 0.6~0.8 meters tall, which can really be described as the world's "Lilliput".

In the forests on the border of Rhodesia and Pozana in South Africa lived an isolated tribe who had long not intermarried with foreign tribes and whose spouses were chosen within their own tribe. As a result of this consanguineous marriage, a tribe of about 300 people, a hundred people with a congenital mutation in their toes, grew a pair of ostrich feet with only two toes and the shape of an ostrich paw. So, the locals call the people of this tribe "Ostrich Man".

In the Urdes, Spain, due to isolation, no contact with the outside world, no intermarriage with foreigners, and the choice of mates is aimed at locals. As a result, people in this area generally suffer from congenital finger or toe deformities. They have more fingers or toes than the average normal person, becoming polydactyly people with six fingers on one hand or eight toes on one foot.

In a survey in the United States, the early death rate of children married to cousins was 22.9%, while the early death rate of children married by non-consanguineous marriages was 16%.

According to a French source, 9.3% of children born to cousins from intermarriage died at birth or within one month of birth, while only 3.9% of children born to non-consanguineous marriages died during the same period; Japan reported that the mortality rate of children aged 1~8 years born to a group of close relatives was 4.6%, while the mortality rate of children of the same age born to non-consanguineous marriage was 1.5%; According to the survey, 13.9% of children married by close relatives died before the age of 20 on the mainland, while the mortality rate of children who were not married to close relatives was only 1.7% during the same period.

In the physical examinations of college entrance examinations and conscription on the mainland over the years, it was found that some young people suffered from congenital color blindness. According to investigations, consanguineous marriage is also an important cause of congenital color blindness.

In addition to the above-mentioned drawbacks, marriage of close relatives may also bring hereditary diseases such as hemophilia, high blood pressure, congenital heart disease, schizophrenia, epilepsy, rabbit lip, and split palate to children and grandchildren, and the harm is endless.

The genius Einstein gave birth to two psychotic children? Look at how scary it is to marry close relatives

Consanguineous marriage brings great misfortune, pain and disaster to future generations and families, and causes great burdens to society. At the current level of medicine, various hereditary diseases caused by the marriage of close relatives cannot be cured, which has become a difficult problem in the current world medicine.

Studies have proved that there are 23 pairs and 46 chromosomes in human cells, which is the main material basis of human heredity. At the same locus of each pair of chromosomes, there are two corresponding alleles (genetic factors), one from the father and one from the mother.

It is estimated that there are at least 125,000 genes on the 46 chromosomes in humans. These genes not only specifically represent the characteristics of parents, but also determine what characteristics children show, such as dark eyes, double eyelids, high nose bridge, small lips, and so on.

In addition, genes can be changed, that is, genetic mutations. Mutations can cause a variety of genetic disorders. The hereditary transmission between parents and children is achieved through chromosomes, and many genes arranged on chromosomes are passed on to offspring, so the various hereditary diseases caused by genes will be passed on from generation to generation.

If close relatives marry, both husband and wife will inherit the lesion gene of a recessive genetic disease from the ancestors or predecessors of the same lineage, resulting in inheritance to offspring, whose offspring is likely to be children with various genetic diseases such as dementia and deformity, which will cause irreparable tragedy.

The genius Einstein gave birth to two psychotic children? Look at how scary it is to marry close relatives

With the continuous development of human society, people gradually realize that consanguineous marriage has a negative impact on the physical and intellectual aspects of future generations, and has also caused serious evil consequences to society, so consanguineous marriage is taboo, despised and forbidden by people. Today, many countries have banned consanguineous marriage by law.

The prohibition of marriage by blood is scientifically grounded and in the interests of the country and the people. In order to promote the health of the nation and to create a highly civilized society, marriage between close relatives must be prohibited.