
Guo Jing: The Qianlong Emperor's "Five Blessings and Five Dynasties" Three Seal Examination

Guo Jing: The Qianlong Emperor's "Five Blessings and Five Dynasties" Three Seal Examination

Summary: The Qianlong Imperial Seal has three seals: "Wufu Wudaitang Treasure", "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzi Treasure" and "Summer Villa Wufu Wudaitang", the former two are mostly in the "Tianlu Linlang" collection. The three seals were made in the fifty-third year of Qianlong (1788) and were engraved by Suzhou with gallium. In the forty-ninth year of Qianlong (1784), the Qianlong Emperor was 74 years old and overjoyed to obtain his great-grandson, realizing the five generations of the same household, borrowing the "Five Blessings" given by Kangxi to Yongzhengzhi, adding the "Five Generations" inscription plaque and writing the gallium seal. The "Five Blessings" in the Three Seals point out "Shangshu Hongfan", but the Qianlong Emperor has his own intentions, reflecting Qianlong's mood in his later years and his summary of life, as well as his hopes for future generations, hoping that his descendants can imitate himself to respect the mandate of heaven, inherit the ancestral training, cherish all the people, be virtuous, rule with longevity, and ensure long-term stability.

Among the several book seals of "Tianlu Linlang", "Wufu Wudaitangbao" and "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzibao" are very special, they are a group of book seals engraved at the same time, and in the "Tianlu Linlang" collection, there are alternating covers, remembering the important highlight moments of the Qianlong Emperor's life. Related to this is also a chamber name seal "Summer Villa Wufu Wudai Hall", this square seal is not common, but the era and background of gallium engraving are basically the same as the above two square seals. This article attempts to make a small examination of the three seals of the "Five Blessings and Five Generations" from three aspects: production, production background, and interpretation of the seal.

First, the production of the three seals of "Five Blessings and Five Generations"

During the Qianlong period, the rebellion of Ding and Zhuo was suppressed, and the Western Regions were included in the territory, and a large amount of Xinjiang Hetian jade was paid tribute to the imperial palace. Therefore, the Qianlong imperial seal is mostly jade, including white jade, green jade, jasper, etc., reflecting the idea that only jade is precious. Especially after the forty-fifth year of Qianlong (1780), the Qianlong Emperor in his twilight years ordered gallium to engrave a large number of treasure seals and jade. "Wufu Wudaitangbao", "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzibao" and "Summer Villa Wufu Wudaitang" were engraved in this period, specifically in the fifty-third year of Qianlong (1788).

"Collection of the Archives of the Office of Internal Affairs of the Qing Palace" Qianlong fifty-third year (1788) archives mention the gallium engraving of the three seals in many places, but the number of these three seals is not very large, according to the statistics of the "Qing Dynasty Chamber Seal Comparison Table" [1], "Wufu Five Dynasty Hall Treasures" 2 squares, 7 pieces of jade; "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzibao" 3 parties; "Summer Resort Wufu Wudaido" 1 square, 7 pieces of jade. Among these seals, the largest one is the "Wufu Wudai Tangbao", green jade, Jiaolong New square seal, printing surface 13 cm square, height 9.8 cm, New height 4.9 cm, attached yellow ribbon, now in the Palace Museum.

During the Qianlong period, gallium seals involved many institutions, such as the inscription of the imperial library, the jade and teeth of the office, and the weaving of Suzhou. In the early Qianlong period, jade treasure seals were mainly responsible for jade by the Qing Palace's manufacturing office specializing in the manufacture of imperial supplies, and later due to the increase in the production of jade seals, most of the jade treasure seals were sent to Suzhou for weaving gallium engraving. According to the "Collection of Archives of the Office of Internal Affairs of the Qing Palace", "Wufu Wudaitang Bao", "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzibao" and "Summer Villa Wufu Wudaitang" were all engraved by Suzhou weaving gallium.

"Qianlong's Fifty-three Years of Work and Planning" records

(Writing, March) On the 19th, the members of the foreign lang Wude, Da Da Se, Kuzhang Jinjiang, Zhu Changshu He, Pen and Sticker Fuhai came to the eunuch Oluri ... Qingbai Yubao side, write the article "Summer Villa Wufu Wudaitang"; One point of the blue and white album (counting ten pieces), write the article "Summer Villa Five Blessings and Five Generations Hall Treasure Record"; Qingbai Yubao side, write "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzibao" article (all Changlu Xin did it to send it). Mission: The book and treasure are each equipped with a carved dragon rosewood box, and the sample is presented first. On March 22, the green and white jade album was divided into two parts, each with a matching cover box, and a dragon pattern was painted on it; The three sides of the blue and white jade treasure, each with a matching cover box, painted with a dragon pattern for display. It was ordered that the carved dragon cover box was still made, and its jade book and treasure were written in the Mauqin Temple, and it was necessary to weave and deeply do it in Suzhou, and sent the Rehe decoration, and admired this. (On the 8th day of August 53, Suzhou was sent to the "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzi Bao", and it was presented in full costume with the carved dragon paintings, and all of them were handed over to the Mau Qin Palace.) )[2]

(Guangmu Zuo, April) On the sixth day of the first month, Yuanwailang Wude, Kuzhang Jinjiang, and Zhu Changshu and the eunuch Eruri handed over green skin rough jade "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzibao" (Ruyi Hall newly engraved characters), and passed on the will to be decorated with Nanmu boxes, and admired this. (On April 21, the jade treasure side was presented to the Imperial Palace of Mauqin.) )[3]

(Rehe Suiyuan, August) On the 8th of the first month, I received a letter from Feng Dezhi, a family member of Suzhou Shengjing, and it was sent to Suzhou on the 28th of July... Jade carving "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzibao" side (with the carved dragon rosewood box containing ink this article)... Presented by the eunuch Oluri. By order... "Five Blessings and Five Generations Hall Jade Treasure" was handed over to the Maoqin Hall to receive, and I admired this. [4]

(Rehe Suiyuan, September) On the 10th day of the first day of September, I received a letter from Sun Jian of Suzhou's Shengjing family, and sent Suzhou to ... "Summer Villa Wufu Wudaitang Bao" engraved jade treasure side, jade book one point (count ten pieces, each with rosewood carved dragon box). [5]

"Wufu Wudaitang Bao" and "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzi Treasure" are stored in Gyeongfu Palace, these two seals are commonly found in the collection of books, and are also used in famous calligraphy and paintings, such as: Song Dynasty Yansu's "Spring Mountain Map", Dong Qichang's "Linliu Gongquan Shulanting Poem", etc., but they have not appeared in "Shiqu Baoji". The "Summer Resort Wufu Five Generations Hall" is stored in the summer resort, and is not commonly found in books, calligraphy and paintings.

Guo Jing: The Qianlong Emperor's "Five Blessings and Five Dynasties" Three Seal Examination

Second, the background of the production of the three seals of "Five Blessings and Five Generations"

The two seals of "Wufu Wudai Tangbao" and "Wufu Wudaitang Ancient Rare Tianzibao", judging from the seal text, seem to have been written when the Qianlong Emperor was 70 years old when the five generations were in the same household, but as mentioned above, it was actually made in the fifty-third year of Qianlong (1788).

In the forty-fifth year of Qianlong (1780), the 70th birthday of the Qianlong Emperor, there was no celebration of the seventy birthday, only with the "ancient rare" in Du Fu's "Qujiang" poem "Wine debts are ordinary everywhere, life is 70 years old", and gallium "treasure of the ancient rare son of heaven" celebrates the 70th birthday, showing that he is one of the emperors who ascended to the ancient era. In the forty-ninth year (1784), the Qianlong Emperor was 74 years old, and he was delighted with his great-grandson, fulfilling the wish of the fifth dynasty to be in the same house. In the fifty-second year (1787), the Qianlong Emperor personally wrote a plaque of "Wufu Wudaitang", as "Wufu Wudaitang", and later ordered gallium "Wufu Wudaitangbao" and "Wufu Wudaitanggu rare Tianzibao", and also wrote "Summer Villa Wufu Wudaitang", and gallium "Wufu Wudaitangbao" to chronicle the incident. The two inscriptions are below:

Imperial Five-Generation Hall Record

The five blessing halls, the emperor's imperial pen bestowed the plaque of the imperial examination, and my emperor respectfully copied the Yonghe Palace and the Old Summer Palace, and Xu used this color to hang for eternity. In the year of Bingshen, he gave the Gyeongbokgung Palace in the palace of Ningyu to entertain the old man after returning to politics. Jingfu was named by the emperor to serve the Empress Dowager Xiaohui. For those who have used the "Ode to the Five Blessings" with a book screen, but not in the name of the "Five Blessings", the cover has not yet been issued, or it remains to be done. Zimon Tianzheng, given the grandson of the yuan, five generations in the same household, is the ancient Greek Jirui. Those who obtained this rui in ancient times, or made their name a deed. Then the reason why it is famous is that it is appropriate to use the name of the five blessings. And that is, the land of Gyeongbokgung Palace, there is no need to have another composition and re-hexi Qingqing, it is still the emperor's ancestor, the emperor's examination of Yuhou Kun, and the boundless Yu Ye of Yiwan. If the husband is blessed, he will return to the good, and the good virtue is especially good, and the people of the five chapters are greeted in three of the five chapters. Those who read the "Ode to the Five Blessings" in the hall should respect the ancestors and the emperor's examination to inherit the blessings of heaven, and must respect heaven and love the people, be diligent and pro-sage, and never forget the old chapters. The reason why the heart of the emperor ancestor and the emperor exam, the day is dry, do not dare to relax, in order to be fortunate to be the celebration of five generations in the same household, in the year of Vance to keep this blessing, Yiye Yun still, can not reluctantly! Don't be careful! [6]

The summer villa Wufu Five Generations Hall Record

The bian of the "Five Blessings and Five Generations Hall" is both in the Gyeongbok Palace of Ningshou Palace and in the summer villa, why?

Honoring the family law of this dynasty, the plaque of the imperial book in the inner hall of the temple is not a succession of generations, and the will succeeds Yin Zhi. Therefore, "Zhengda Guang" has been the fourth generation since the ancestors; The "Hall of Diligence" has been the third since the Holy Ancestor. It is a training or a practice, and the chapters can be examined. (The four characters "Zhengda Guangming" hang in the Qianqing Palace from the ancestral book.) The heirs are, the Guandok Hall of the Holy Ancestor Book, the Old Summer Palace of Sejongshu, and the Summer Resort of Yu Youshu. "Hall of Diligence" Fan San: Those who are in Yingtai, the book of the Holy Ancestor; Those in the Old Summer Palace, Sejong's book; It is also written in Xiangshan Jingyi Garden and Zi Mountain Resort. )

Thinking about the cause: "righteous and bright" is the key to cultivating the body and mind; "Diligent administration" is the foundation of governing the country and the world. Internal and foreign efforts, the end of the day, touch the eyes and be vigilant, dare to think that it is for the sake of thorns? If the hall of "five blessings and five generations" begins. Yu Mengzu Kao's blessing, Haotian's dependent, Gu Xi has seven, Zeng and Yuan around the knee. It is a suitable topic hall, and it is encouraged by its deeds. However, the name of "Five Blessings" is actually the name of the imperial examination given by the emperor in the past. (The plaque of the imperial book "Wufu Hall" of the emperor gives me the imperial examination.) Honor the Lama Temple and the Old Summer Palace. Qianlong Bingshen gave the Gyeongbokgung Palace in the Ningshou Palace to live in after returning to politics. Because of "Ode to the Five Blessings", between the screens of books. To Jiachen to get the grandson. The five generations are in the same house, which is ancient and modern, because it is the Ezhiqing of the "Five Blessings and Five Generations Hall" added by Gyeongbokgung Palace. )

The meaning of the "five blessings" is found in the record of Gyeongbokgung Palace, and it is not repeated. I hereby cite the books of "righteousness, brightness" and "diligence" that have been used throughout the world to affirm the training of cultivating one's body and mind, governing the country and the world. Obeying this precept can then ensure the "five blessings", which is necessary to complement each other. My son, grandson, great-great, and Yuan honor the heavenly destiny, and the world will write this, and I will think of the intention of the ancestors' training, and I will be afraid of danger, and I will always protect the destiny of heaven, but I don't care! Because of this example, the plaque of the book "Five Blessings and Five Generations Hall" is placed in the back hall of the Qinzheng Hall of the Summer Resort. The construction of this mountain villa is also a place where he was deeply blessed by the emperor at the age of twelve.

Today, five generations are in the same household, God is at hand, is there anyone who is unhappy and rejoices? Then he who is afraid of the fall, how can words declare! Let the descendants live up to the instructions of the ancestors, but diligently cultivate themselves, govern the country and the world, or invite Tianxi, if they are given five generations to the same household, and the plaque of the "Five Blessings and Five Generations Hall" is written everywhere, and it is also remembered to those who are eternally hoped for but do not dare to do so. [7]

According to the first account, the Kangxi Emperor once quoted the "Five Blessings" of the "Hongfan Nine Domains", and the plaque of the imperial book "Five Blessings Hall" was given to the Yongzheng Emperor, and it was hung in the fifth scene of the 40 scenes of the Old Summer Palace "Bamboo Garden", also known as "natural pictures". According to legend, this plaque was given by the Kangxi Emperor to the then fourth prince Yin Yu, later the Yongzheng Emperor, when the nine sons took the throne, which means "inherit the ancestral grace, blessing the future generations". In the forty-first year of Qianlong (1776), the Qianlong Emperor repaired the Gyeongbokgung Palace, and after returning to government, he raised the Tiannian with the title "Ode to Five Blessings", as "The Ode to the Five Blessings of the Gyeongbokgung Palace in an Orderly Manner", explaining the solution of the "Five Blessings". In the forty-ninth year (1784), the Qianlong Emperor was 74 years old, and he was pleased with his great-grandson, and borrowed the "Five Blessings" given by the emperor to the emperor, and added the "Five Generations" inscription plaque to write a seal to express the joy of the five dynasties in the same house.

The first sentence of the second note indicates that the plaque of "Wufu Wudaitang" was first hung in Gyeongbokgung Palace, and then hung in the summer villa, so the time of the "Imperial Five Blessings Five Generations Hall" should be earlier than the "Records of the Five Blessings and Five Generations of the Summer Villa". According to the practice of the Qing Dynasty, wherever political affairs were handled in the inner hall, the plaque of the emperor's imperial letter would be copied and written in successive dynasties to express the grand ambition of inheriting the grand plan of the ancestors. For example, the Shunzhi Emperor's inscription "Zhengda Guangming", the Kangxi Emperor's inscription "Qinzheng Hall", etc., were all copied. The Qianlong Emperor believed that "righteousness and brightness" and "diligent administration" meant that we should have good moral cultivation and attitude towards governing the country, so that we could better govern the country and continue the "five blessings" for future generations. Therefore, the Qianlong Emperor believed that such a thing of gaining great-great-grandchildren and enjoying five blessings was worth encouraging, secondly, to remember the meaning of the ancestors' training, and thirdly, to warn his descendants to inherit the ancestral will, so he hung this plaque in the summer villa, and added the seal of "Five Blessings and Five Generations of Treasures of the Summer Villa".

The fifth grandson of the Qianlong Emperor was Zaixi, who was called Yuansun because he avoided the Kangxi Emperor's character for "Xuan". Zaixi (1784-1821), the eldest son of Yichun, the eldest grandson of Miande the Prince of Dingjun, the great-grandson of Yonghuang the Prince of Ding'an, and the great-great-great-grandson of the Qianlong Emperor, Zaixi was the first great-great-grandson of the Qianlong Emperor, and the "eldest son of Changfang, eldest grandson and great-great-grandson". Since Zaixi, the great-grandchildren have used the character "Zai", which comes from the Qianlong Emperor's phrase "Yongmian Yizai Fengciyu". "Qingwen Banknotes" Yun: "During the Qianlong period, after the sixth son of the emperor, Yongying, painted the "Chart of the Years and Dynasties" and presented it to filial piety, Emperor Gaozong inscribed a poem with the sentence 'Yongmian Yizai Fengciyu', and then ordered that the four characters 'Yongmian Yizai' be named for the sect of the near branch, but there was no clear edict. [8] "Forever Mianyi Zai Fengciyu" means that his descendants can multiply and grow endlessly, so that his biological mother, Empress Xiaosheng, can enjoy the joy of her children and grandchildren around their knees and entertaining their grandchildren.

Guo Jing: The Qianlong Emperor's "Five Blessings and Five Dynasties" Three Seal Examination

3. Interpretation of the "Five Blessings" of the "Five Blessings and Five Generations"

The three words "five blessings", "five generations" and "ancient rare heavenly sons" in the three seals, the meaning of the latter two words is more direct and clear, "five generations" refers to the family has five generations alive at the same time, that is, himself, son, grandson, great-grandson and great-grandson, as mentioned above, to Zaixi is the fifth generation; The "Son of Ancient Heaven" is the emperor who has reached the age of 70.

There are "five blessings" that need further analysis. When modern society mentions "Five Blessings", the most easy thing to think of is the "Five Blessings at the Door" on the couplet of every household during the Spring Festival, which represents the good wish of wishing for prosperity and auspicious in the coming year. From ancient times to the present, the "Five Blessings at the Gate" is not only the simple wish of the ordinary people of Li, but also the beautiful hope of the emperor and monarch. So where did the "Five Blessings" come from in the first place? What was the original meaning?

The "Five Blessings" first came from the "Hong Fan" chapter of the 12th volume of the Book of Shangshu, where King Wu of Zhou defeated King Shu and visited Jizi to seek the law of governing the country, and Jizi told him of the nine great laws: "The first day is the five elements, the second is the five things of respect, the second is the eight administrations of agriculture, the second is the five ji of cooperation, the second is the fifth use of the imperial pole, the second six is the three virtues of beggars, the second is the seventh use of doubt, the second eight is the use of shuzheng, the second nine is the five blessings, and the second is the six poles." The ninth method, "Xiangyong Wufu", is the earliest source of "Wufu".

"Hong Fan" says "five blessings" cloud: "Five blessings: one life, two wealth, three Kanning, four good virtue, five test life." That is, "long life", "wealth", "well-being", "good virtue" and "good death". During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Huan Tan explained the Five Blessings as "longevity, wealth, nobility, happiness, and many descendants" in "New Treatise and Discernment XIII". Cai Shen of the Southern Song Dynasty interpreted it as: "People have life and then can enjoy all blessings, so life comes first." The rich, there is also a lot. Corning, no tribulation. Those who are virtuous are happy. Those who test their lives, accept their righteousness. Take the hurry of bliss in order. This theory became the most representative interpretation later, and was widely accepted and disseminated. With the changes of the times and social development, the solution of the "Five Blessings" has gradually become popular and simplified, and finally has been interpreted into five blessings - Shoubi Nanshan, Wishing you prosperity, health and tranquility, high moral character, and good beginning and end. Although the interpretation has changed with the times, what remains unchanged is the people's demand for good wishes.

In feudal society, emperors and commoners had different demands for the "five blessings" due to their different social classes and social status. The people of Lebanon have a humble status, their lives are like ants, and the purpose of their lives is to pray for the safety and happiness of their families. Therefore, the understanding of the "five blessings" is more inclined to Huan Tanzhi's saying, that is, life does not die and life is long, money and wealth are sufficient and status is noble, good health and peace of mind, and descendants can enjoy the heavens and grandchildren around their knees.

Guo Jing: The Qianlong Emperor's "Five Blessings and Five Dynasties" Three Seal Examination

However, the king's understanding of the "five blessings" is very different, the emperor is the honor of the nine five, the vision is broad, under the whole world, it is not the royal land. The "five blessings" they are looking forward to are not only the wishes of the common people, but also the period of peace for the country. The meaning of "Five Blessings" by the Qianlong Emperor has been explained in the "Ode to the Five Blessings of Gyeongbokgung Palace", and the text is as follows:

The first examination of the "Hong Fan" Five Beatitudes, transmission or interpretation, or interpretation, or release, there is no master. Yu thought that "life", "wealth", "well-being" and "life examination" are all subject to heaven, while "good virtue" is prepared for people. Play the words of the five emperors: give good virtue, Ru Zexi blessing, and invent each other. The "Mean" is said to be famous and longevity must be based on great virtue, which is enough to prove the five blessings and the main virtue. And the cloud of "Zhengmeng" "the foundation of the blessing of the virtuous, the virtue of the blessed", is particularly profound and clear. Yu died in the ode of "good virtue". However, the blessing of the emperor is the public of the world, not the private interests of one family. Its characteristics are different from ordinary people. As expected, faith is a blessing. Yu Yi only respects the cultivation of virtue, and dares to expect it.

Nine in the Ji Domain, only five in the Pole Construction. The five blessings of the time are not scored. Yu Jiuxian and Shou as Chuhu. Hua Feng's wishes, Mai Qiu's words. Tang Yao resigned, Qi Jing Zexi (Ye). St. Phesphus, Uss. Gyeongbokgung Palace, the ancestor of my emperor. Bamboo buds are pine-haired to raise the Virgin (leaf). Years are long, tired and diligent (leaf). For this screen, five is the number (leaf). Deriving the fanyan, the ode is Manshou (leaf). The poem leads Changli, dare to snub forever (leaf). (That is, in Korean sentences.) Right "Shou". )

Doctor of the country, ask the rich and answer the special questions. Those who have the world, taunt and answer. It is difficult to ask and answer, but it is rich. But there is also a problem, but it is in the people's care. Xuanni is right, Wanshi Dimo. Labor-saving and thin-endowment, it can be reluctantly achieved. When the rain falls, there are many periods of abundance and hardship (leaves). It is to dare to dwell with fear and dare to honor. And if you seek materials, you often suffer and lack (leaves). There are many hardships, and the golden pearls are known. Qiu Yu Camp, Le this screen speech (leaf). Set up sincerity and unload your heart. (Right "rich.") )

The Emperor Qing opened the country and carried Mukden. The house is built in the extreme, and the tin is eight pieces. For more than 100 years, will Vance Mian. The Three Saints inherited, Mo Lie Pixuan. Despise the boy, Buddha Shizi shoulder. Governing the country and Kangning, Xi Ti Chao Gan. Love the people and pray for the year, and the inspector asks for merit. Although there is a stalk, it spreads. Kyushu Annei, Wanli Frontier. Fortunately, he has not crossed and dares to speak out. There are five in the eighties, and it is proposed to quote the year. A word of honor, used as a message of heart. (Right "Corning.") )

How is Fu born? Virtue is the end. Defu is good, people and I are thorny. As the name suggests, the path is gained. However, Shuji is fierce, the original Dao Yan recalled. Ji Ze is good, and the evil will be summoned. Be good, and be happy. Four of the five blessings, four of the others. The emperor applies tin to the extreme, and nothing good will be repulsed. As a ru, Lu Xian is tuk (leaf). Five-nine correspondingly, training the monarch is especially urgent. Inspired for many years, Ziyun respectful. Dying old Fang, weeping Fang Lai (leaf). (Right: "Good Virtue.") )

At the beginning of the practice, the incense came to an end. Sixty years in the reign of Meng Hongxiu. Bento return to politics to give to future generations. Wouldn't it be easy? There is a wish in the middle (leaf). Yu Mu Huangzu, young age reigned. Sixty-one years, turned into a sea trench. The kid is twenty-five, and the successor is multiplied. Dare to share the ancestral calendar? The elderly are in good shape. New Zi Jingfu, waiting for leisure. Cunwu is smooth, Hengqu is mingyan. Nine clouds, five blessings and perfection. However, he did not dare to honor the grace of heaven. (Right "Test for Life.") )[9]

From the above text, it can be seen that the Qianlong Emperor believed that "virtue" is the foundation of "blessing", and that great blessings will come to great virtues, and great disasters will come if they lose virtue, which can also be changed to "good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil". Among the "five blessings", only "good virtue", that is, having good moral cultivation, can be achieved by one's own efforts, while the four blessings such as "longevity", "wealth", "well-being" and "good ending" cannot be achieved and completed by one's own efforts.

Regarding "longevity", it is often the first blessing that people want to have, and the Qianlong Emperor did not particularly help this and only cited two allusions; According to legend, when Emperor Yao passed through the Kingdom of Hua, he refused others' blessings for his long life, because he thought that "more men are more fearful, rich people are more eventful, and life is more humiliating", but Qi Huan Gong happily accepted others' blessings for him to live a long life. The Qianlong Emperor was also a mortal, and he also had a deep wish for "life" in his heart, but it was not expressed in the text, but emphasized filial piety to the empress dowager and reminded future generations to practice filial piety.

Guo Jing: The Qianlong Emperor's "Five Blessings and Five Dynasties" Three Seal Examination

Regarding "rich", the Qianlong Emperor quoted the words of Confucius, Yun: "The people are full, the prince is insufficient?" The people are insufficient, and who is the king? [10] The support and love of the people of the world is the greatest wealth of the king, so the "wealth" in the "five blessings" is not only the wealth of the rich country for the king, but also the heart of the people who can carry the boat and overturn the boat. The Qianlong Emperor knew it well.

Regarding "Kangning", in short, the wind and rain are smooth, the people are prosperous, the country is stable, the world is peaceful, and the rivers and mountains are ten thousand years.

Regarding "good virtue", "Mencius Leaves Lou Shang" Yun: "There is a way under the world, and the people are won by the world." Win the people's way, win their hearts, and win the people's knowledge. He has the way of his heart, and he gathers with him as he desires, and he does not give it to him. [11] As a king, you must not only have the thoughts of the people, but also act for the benefit of the people. The Qianlong Emperor's diligent reign, eating and drinking, bowing to the temple, constantly checking the rain, working daily in China and abroad, and caring for the people's and materials, are the interpretation and example made by the emperor through the ages, and it is also the summary of the Qianlong Emperor's 61-year ruling career.

Regarding "test for life", it may be understood as "good ending", and by extension, it means good results. The Qianlong Emperor believed that there should be a margin in everything, and that his well-being could last, and he already had the "five blessings" that neither his father nor his grandfather enjoyed, so he could only reign for 60 years, not more than the 61 years of his grandfather, the Kangxi Emperor.

At this point, read the Qianlong Emperor's "Five Blessings and Five Dynasties Hall Inscriptions" [12]:

Shi Xi is famous for Hong Fan, and the ancestor is meritorious and dedicated.

Three dynasties are fortunate and double-wenyi, and the eight dynasties are opened for five generations.

Bud Mao looks at the rank and rank today, and the night is only to encourage the work.

On a spring day, I am glad to harvest more fresh slow worms.

I can deeply understand that these three seals are not only a commemoration of the five generations of the Qianlong Emperor in the same house, but also the embodiment of his state of mind in his later years and a summary of his life, but also a hope for future generations, hoping that future generations can "give the heart of the heart, the government of the government, the tidi of the giving, and the worry of giving", and imitate himself to respect the mandate of heaven, inherit the ancestral teachings, cherish the people, be virtuous, rule for a long time, and maintain long-term stability, which can be described as far-reaching and well-intentioned!


[1] Yun Limei: The Treasure Seal of the Empress of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Palace Press, 2020, p. 122.

[2] The First Historical Archive of China and the Cultural Relics Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, ed.: A Collection of Archives of the Office of the Internal Affairs Office of the Qing Palace, People's Publishing House, 2005, vol. 50, p. 585.

[3] Ibid. note [2], p. 709.

[4] Ibid. [2], pp. 557-558.

[5] Ibid. [2], p. 573.

[6] (Qing) Emperor Gaozong, (Qing) Yu Minzhong, ed.: Imperial Collections, Volume 15, Volume 2, Electronic Edition of Wenyuange Siku Quanshu, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1999.

[7] (Qing) Written by Emperor Gaozong, (Qing) Yu Minzhong, ed.: Imperial Collections, Volume 3, Volume 7.

[8] Xu Ke, ed., "Barnyard Banknotes", Zhonghua Bookstore, 2003, vol. 5, p. 2148.

[9] (Qing) Ying Lian et al., eds.: "The Old Wenkao of the King James Day", volume 18, Qing "Wen Yuange Siku Quanshu".

[10] Analects, vol. 6, Four Series, in Nippon Shohira.

[11] Mencius, vol. 7, Four Series, Song and Song Dynasty.

[12] (Qing) Written by Emperor Gaozong, (Qing) Yu Minzhong, ed., Imperial Collections, vol. 52.

This article was published in the eighteenth series of "Bunjin Gakuji", please refer to the original issue for quotations.