
Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

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Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Dancers of Summer Oil on canvas 200X120 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Playing in the stream of the Qinling Mountains Oil on canvas 140X330 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Spring in the Qinling Mountains Oil on canvas 140X330 cm

On November 27th, under the guidance of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, sponsored by the Shanghai People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Shaanxi Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Shaanxi Forestry Bureau, Shanghai Forestry Bureau, and Shanghai Forestry Bureau, co-organized by the Shanghai World Expo Museum and the Shanghai Office of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government, and supported by the Secretariat for Cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea, the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai, the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai, and the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Niigata" The "Ibis Beauty World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition was successfully concluded at the Shanghai World Expo Museum.

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Yuan Mindao, vice president of the Chinese Friendship Association with Foreign Countries, visited the exhibition

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Consul General (Ambassador Rank) of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai Kim Seung-ho visited the exhibition

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Yanzi oil painter explains to the visitors

The exhibition uses 34 large and medium-sized oil paintings to highlight the concept of peaceful coexistence between man and nature from three chapters: "Home of the Crested Ibis", "Flying Four Seasons" and "Flying to the Future", and at the same time shows the survival of the crested ibis from vigorous to almost extinct, and gradually regaining its vitality. While showing the beauty of oil painting, the exhibition also increases the thinking on the relationship between man and the natural environment, spreads the concept of green and sustainable development, promotes green development, and promotes harmonious coexistence between man and nature. According to the Shanghai World Expo Museum, the exhibition opened from November 12 to November 27, and the audience was more than 10,000 people almost every day. A Shanghai audience member said: I have seen the beauty of "Crested Ibis" shown by the Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe with dance drama, and now I use oil paintings to show the theme of crested ibis, which touches me even more, I am deeply moved by the beautiful crested ibis in the painting, and I want to go to Shaanxi to see the real crested ibis.

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded
Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded
Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

During the exhibition, there was an endless stream of visitors

There was an old man who brought his grandson to the exhibition for two weekends in a row. He said that Shanghai is full of modern high-rise buildings and playgrounds, but there are too few pictures of ibises, giant pandas, takins and golden monkeys living in harmony with nature, and my grandson loves them too much. Therefore, I bring them here on weekends, through such beautiful oil paintings, so that my grandchildren can get close to nature, know nature, feel nature, and embrace nature. This exhibition is so good, this painter is too emotional. During the exhibition, the exhibition was reported by CCTV, People's Daily, China Daily,, The Paper, Korean and Japanese TV, Shanghai TV, Shaanxi TV, Shanghai Daily, Shaanxi Daily, China Forestry Net, Phoenix Net, Western News Network and many other media. This exhibition is also the artist's 11th solo exhibition since 2009, she hopes to use art as always to call for eternal cherishing, respecting nature, conforming to nature, protecting nature, harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and letting the beautiful crested ibis fly higher and farther.

Appreciation of art exhibitions

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Silhouette of autumn oil on canvas 200X120 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Spring Hope Oil on canvas 200X120 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Flying in the green water and green mountains Oil on canvas 140X330 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Friends in the mountains of Qinling Oil on canvas 140X330 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Autumn ibis back to Qinling Oil on canvas 100X200 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Flower good moon oil on canvas diameter 170 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Fascinated oil on canvas 160X130 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Oil on canvas 160X130 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Autumn song oil on canvas 200X120 cm

Headline Alert: Using Art to Call to Cherish the One by One "Ibis Beautiful World" Yanzi Oil Painting Exhibition Successfully Concluded

Winter's Struggle Oil on canvas 200X120 cm