
Recommended several Spanish films (I)

author:00 yuan treasure 11
Recommended several Spanish films (I)

In recent years, Spanish films have been excellent, especially small-cost thrillers. Today, let's talk about the film "Bar", which was released last year.

Recommended several Spanish films (I)

The director of "Bar", Alex de la Iglesia, is a mainstay of the Spanish film industry. His films are known for their bizarre tastes, and 2010's "Sad Trumpet" is his most famous film, and he has also remade the Italian small-budget masterpiece "Perfect Stranger". This time, "The Bar" focuses the story on the interior of a small bar. On a calm morning, people spend in the bar as usual. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and a man at the door of the bar fell down. Subsequently, the inside of the bar fell into panic and crisis. It is clear that Iglesia's depiction of the crowd in the bar is a metaphor for Spanish society as a whole. And the inexplicable murder is the best metaphor for terrorism. In the film, Iglesia captures people's reactions to horror, either greed for life and fear of death, or righteousness, but more importantly, people's greed and ignorance. The film received a decent rating.

Recommended several Spanish films (I)

"Daily Screen" said: It is crazy on almost every level: dialogue, rhythm, all this. Although the claustrophobic space can make some people feel depressed, thanks to the editing and the superb performance of the cinematographer, the film does not feel unpleasant. The depiction of human nature also deepens step by step with the plot, and the final part of the ending is also calculated that everyone will have their own cognition and answer.

Recommended several Spanish films (I)

The plot is not much spoiler, anyway, the film is still worth watching.

Recommended several Spanish films (I)