
To catch the cold five consecutive crowns, you still have to look at the little raccoon! Costa fought for the lead and became famous with one goal. The Belgian icon has regressed a lot and is not a Moroccan opponent at all. Port Ebis is also completely defeated by welfare

author:Little raccoon in football
{"info":{"title":{"content":"抓冷五连冠,还是得看小浣熊!哥斯达奋勇争先,一球成名。比利时icon退步很多,根本不是摩洛哥对手。埃比斯港也完全不敌福利","en":"To catch the cold five consecutive crowns, you still have to look at the little raccoon! Costa fought for the lead and became famous with one goal. The Belgian icon has regressed a lot and is not a Moroccan opponent at all. Port Ebis is also completely defeated by welfare"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}