
The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable


If we talk about the most intelligent creatures besides human accidents, it must be dolphins, this group of marine animals known as "smiling angels", is the cutest "sea elves" in the sea, we often see various performances of dolphins in the aquarium, they often dive into the pool, jubilation, causing waves to bloom, the audience applauded.

In addition, dolphins are also the most famous "lifeguards" in the ocean, and whenever he sees a human drowning, he will always step forward to help and help the drowning person out of danger.

With this gentle and friendly, lively and cute personality, dolphins are loved all over the world, but some human crimes have brought indelible shadows to dolphins, and even caused dolphins to drown and commit suicide, all of which are inseparable from NASA's cruel experiments.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

Experimental Madman – John Leeley

In the 60s of the 20th century, Dr. John Lewley, a famous American experimental madman and brain scientist, began a series of experiments with NASA funding, which themselves were carried out for aliens, and the purpose was to design a complete set of methods for humans and aliens to communicate.

It can be said that the development of this experiment was closely related to the environment in the United States at that time, during that period, alien-related topics were hot in the United States, and a large number of newspapers and magazines were all pushing "alien" related topics.

Under the influence of this environment, NASA tried to communicate with aliens, so it found many scientists to carry out relevant experiments to find ways to communicate with aliens.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

Many scientists have targeted orangutans, they believe that orangutans are quite intelligent animals, and they are the most human-like animals, as long as they can make orangutans learn human language, they can design a complete set of programs for aliens to understand human words.

Unfortunately, this "orangutan scholar" experiment lasted from the beginning of the 20th century to the end of the 50s of the 20th century, without the slightest progress, and soon fell into a state of stagnation, just when all the researchers abandoned the experiment, John Leley persisted.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

As an expert in brain science, John knows that in order to allow humans and animals to have a dialogue, you must not choose orangutans as experimental subjects, but dolphins, because dolphins have very developed brains and are much smarter than orangutans.

The average brain weight of an adult dolphin is 1.6 kg, the average human brain weight is 1.5 kg, and the average brain weight of an orangutan is less than 0.25 kg.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

And the dolphin's brain has a lot of grooves, indicating that it is very intelligent, among all the dolphins currently known, the brains of bottlenose dolphins and human brains are the closest, so John chose bottlenose dolphins as his experimental subject.

Soon, a male bottlenose dolphin named Peter came to John's laboratory, and in order to further observe Pete, John specially hired a female keeper, Margaret, and since then, the 10-week cross-species exchange experiment has officially begun.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

In the process of the experiment, Margaret and Pitt always stayed together, whether they were eating, sleeping or working, they would communicate and communicate with each other, and in this way, dolphins became more and more standardized in some behaviors, and even learned to communicate with humans, of course, this communication is not a mouthful.

In 1957, John Leeley's wife Mary suddenly visited John's laboratory and discovered the secret of the dolphin Pitt: when John and Pete communicated, Pete would make a trill-like sound similar to human speech, which made Liley ecstatic, he thought that dolphins were imitating humans and trying to communicate with humans.

Under Margaret's daily teaching, Pitt did learn a few simple English words, and when Margaret made the sound of "one two three", Pete would subconsciously imitate, but Pitt's pronunciation structure was different from that of humans, and it could never pronounce the "three" sound.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

Pitt spoke, to the delight of John and others, he immediately reported the news to the official, obtained more financial support from NASA, and established his own studio on the coast of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands, and everything seemed to be going in a good direction.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable
  • A nightmare strikes

Margaret and Pete have been together for a long time, and their relationship has become closer and closer, and when Margaret's friends come to visit, they find a plausible affection between them, yes, Pete the dolphin is in love, and it falls in love with Margaret as a human.

Many people will find this unbelievable, but it is indeed a reality, in the British BBC documentary "The Girl Who Talks to the Dolphin", the filmmaker found the gray-haired Margaret, and when Margaret recalled the past, her face would be flushed with shyness.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

She said that Pete the dolphin would make suitor movements on her, rubbing her legs and arms often, but Margaret could understand Pete's behavior because Pete's age at the time belonged to the young dolphin group, in other words, he was a bloody "young man".

"It will make suitor movements, rub on my legs, knees, and I allow it, as long as it's not too hard... - "The Girl Who Talked to the Dolphin" Margaret

Anthropologist Gregory Bateson is very skeptical of the value of dolphin experiments, arguing that getting dolphins to learn human speech is just a "circus" trick, and although Pitt can imitate human voices to simply pronounce sounds, it cannot understand the true meaning of language, at best it is just a "parrot" process.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

As it turned out, Bateson was right, and in the years that followed, the experiment stalled and failed to produce more valuable results, so a large number of investors chose to divest, and John Leeley's reputation in the scientific community plummeted.

A series of blows caused John to have a nervous breakdown, and he became obsessed with LSD, a hallucinogen popular in the United States at the time, and John, who was devastated, believed that this drug could stimulate the brains of animals and advance the process of experimentation, so he injected a 200mm agent into Pete's body without clinical precedent

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

Instead of stimulating the development of Pitt's brain, this action caused Pitt to have mild confusion, and it surfaced, stared at John for about 10 minutes, and then tumbled into the water again.

As soon as the news came out, everyone thought that John Leeley had destroyed humanity, and soon after, the dolphin laboratory was closed, and the dolphin experiment funded by NASA was declared a failure.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

The ending - the dolphin dies

After the experiment failed, Margaret was dismissed, Pete was taken away by the scientists, the two of them separated, and two months later, Margaret received a call from Dr. Liley: Pete had not seen Margaret for a long time, and committed suicide by holding his breath underwater.

Pitt's death caused quite a stir in the United States, and many people blamed all this on Margaret, thinking that she turned her back on the feelings of dolphins and people.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable

Little did they know that Margaret had returned to the city and worked hard to earn money and eventually settled next to the dolphin lab, which she said was only possible when she lived here.

The experiment between male dolphins and female breeders was ultimately unendable


Dolphins or humans, are all part of this earth, all store the beautiful vision of life on the earth, this dolphin experiment, under the slogan of "communicating with aliens", but mutilated a living life in the earth's ocean, today died a dolphin, then tomorrow, how many animals will die?

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