
The timeline of "Thor 4" is complicated by Thor's 1 sentence, and the "Silver Guard" special chapter gives clues

author:Xiaoxi Hollywood Films

The timeline of #Headline Creation Challenge#Thor 4 has always been very vague. Especially, when members of the Guardians of the Galaxy are also added to the film. However, Guardians of the Galaxy: Christmas Special largely determines the timeline of Thor 4.

The timeline of "Thor 4" is complicated by Thor's 1 sentence, and the "Silver Guard" special chapter gives clues

The timeline of the first two stages of the Marvel Universe is easy to figure out. Because, at that time, the Marvel Universe was not so big. However, as Marvel entered its third phase, the order of the timelines began to be disrupted. By the time of the fourth stage, Marvel's timeline was even more confusing due to the addition of TV series.

Since the special chapter of "Silver Guard" was released after "Black Panther 2", this means that this is the most final story of Marvel's fourth phase. Although the timeline of Marvel TV series is very unplayable, it does make sense in the "Silver Guard" special. This TV series full of warmth and laughter, it should be noted that there is no official answer as to whether this drama will be on Christmas 2025 or Christmas 2026. But the Marvel Universe won't go that far in 2026. Because, Marvel doesn't want to make the timeline so cluttered.

The timeline of "Thor 4" is complicated by Thor's 1 sentence, and the "Silver Guard" special chapter gives clues

However, the significance of this show helps determine the position of "Thor 4" in the timeline of the Marvel Universe. The timeline of "Thor 4" has a very controversial question - whether the movie will be in 2024 or 2025. In the movie, Thor said that he broke up with Jane Foster "8 years, 7 months and 6 days ago", and Thor's words made many people unable to touch the real timeline of the show. It stands to reason that the breakup could be anytime in 2015 in Avengers 2.

However, there is a considerable gap between the story of "Thor 4" and the "Silver Guard" special. The tree man Groot is not consistent in growth throughout the timeline. He went from baby to teenager in just a few years. But in Thor 4, he is still in his teenage state, and in the Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special, he has changed a lot, he has grown taller. It's hard to imagine that such a big change will happen in just a few months, so the timeline of Thor 4 should be at the end of 2024. The Christmas special of "Silver Guard" is on Christmas 2025.

The timeline of "Thor 4" is complicated by Thor's 1 sentence, and the "Silver Guard" special chapter gives clues

It is worth noting that there is a person in the Marvel Universe who is dedicated to the timeline of the entire Marvel universe. Therefore, although from our audience's point of view, Marvel's timeline is complicated, Marvel must know how the timeline of the entire Marvel Universe develops. In addition, Marvel's fourth phase produces more content than ever before, so the timing of Marvel movies and TV series is more flexible. Interestingly, even Marvel's producers admit that if Marvel didn't have a dedicated person responsible for making the timeline, they probably wouldn't have been able to figure out Marvel's huge timeline. For example, the producers of "Female Hulk" have raised headaches with Marvel's timeline. Anyway, the Christmas special of "Silver Guard" gives new clues on the timeline of "Thor 4".

The timeline of "Thor 4" is complicated by Thor's 1 sentence, and the "Silver Guard" special chapter gives clues

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