
Character 丨 Anti-cancer old coach PK hip hop manager, the "superstitious" Van Gaal had the last laugh

author:Red Star News

At 0:00 Beijing time on November 22, a focus match in Group A of the Qatar World Cup began, and the Netherlands defeated Senegal 2-0. The game was a bit dull and both sides played conservatively, with both goals coming after the 80th minute.

In the game, the two very characteristic head coaches fought each other, which can be described as "strength" against "hip-hop". In the end, the more experienced boss Van Gaal had the last laugh.

【Anti-cancer manager Van Gaal】

Have their own "little superstitions"

Pack out with three new pairs of orange panties

Louis van Gaal is in charge of the Dutch national team for the third time, and his previous two coaching experiences have been mixed.

Character 丨 Anti-cancer old coach PK hip hop manager, the "superstitious" Van Gaal had the last laugh

Van Gaal communicates with defensive core Van Dijk after the game according to Visual China

Van Gaal was the head coach of the Dutch national team for the first time in 2000, because of the failure to coordinate the internal contradictions of the team, internal friction affected the fighting ability, many games failed to play at a normal level, and the last few key qualifiers were scoreless when they were dominant, and did not qualify for the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup finals, Van Gaal resigned.

In 2012, Louis van Gaal took up the Dutch whip for the second time. This time, he learned the lessons of 2002, and Louis van Gaal once said, "From the first week of training, I told the players that we are a united group and we have to move forward with team spirit. The "most united Dutch team ever" lost to Argentina before falling 12 yards in the semifinals of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, but then beat Brazil 3-0 to finish third and remain unbeaten in regular time at that World Cup.

Van Gaal announced his retirement in 2019, but stepped up again when the national team needed it, taking over the coaching whip in August 2021. Louis van Gaal qualified for the World Cup in Qatar after 11 wins and four draws for the third time, and also reached the semifinals of the UEFA Nations League and set a record for the Dutch national team coach with 37 games.

Louis van Gaal said: "In 2014 we finished third with a thinner squad and I was looking forward to it even more this time. But it depends not only on technical and tactical capabilities, but also on a little luck. "People say that defense wins championships, and this Dutch team is different from the previous all-attacking and all-defensive team, which is obviously stronger than attacking: in the backcourt, the Dutch team has many well-known stars such as Van Dijk, De Ligt, Ake and so on; Up front, only Depay is more famous. Under the tutelage of tactician Louis van Gaal, perhaps we can see a different Dutch team than before.

Van Gaal's coaching style has always been eclectic. In the 2014 FIFA World Cup match between the Netherlands and Costa Rica, the two sides fought to a draw in 120 minutes. In the final minute of extra time, at 120:50, Van Gaal replaced the main goalkeeper Silaisen with Krul with one goal: to go up and save on penalties. Van Gaal's latest substitution in World Cup history created a penalty-throwing god. In the penalty shootout, in five free throws against Costa Rica, Krull saved all of them in the direction and saved two goals.

Even first-class marshals have their own "little superstitions". Van Gaal revealed in an interview with the media that he had 3 new pairs of orange panties in his suitcase, all prepared for him by his wife: "The lovely wife bought me 3 pairs, put them in my suitcase, and took them to Qatar. ”

However, this may be the boss's last World Cup. Louis van Gaal was 70 years old when he took over the Dutch coaching whip in August last year. In April, on a radio show, Van Gaal revealed that he had prostate cancer and had received as many as 25 treatments. The Dutch Football Federation also announced on April 6 this year that Ronald Koeman will succeed Van Gaal as the head coach of the Netherlands from 2023, and the contract will be valid until after the 2026 World Cup finals.

【Hip Hop Coach Cisse】

A change from the dress style of the previous session

"Without Mane, try to win"

In contrast, Senegal coach Cisse is not as majestic as Van Gaal, and his style is very hip-hop. In this match, he changed the dress style of the last World Cup suit and leather shoes, and appeared in a sportswear, and his iconic African dirty braid was also covered by a hat, which was very stylish.

As early as the 2018 World Cup in Russia, the coach was very eye-catching among the star players. He stood on the sidelines of the football field, dancing with exaggerated expressions. Because of his cute contrast, he quickly became popular on the Internet. Screenshots of his video dynamics were reprinted. Netizens affectionately called him "Handsome Uncle Africa".

Character 丨 Anti-cancer old coach PK hip hop manager, the "superstitious" Van Gaal had the last laugh

Senegalese coach Cisse who directed the game on the sidelines According to Visual China

During the last World Cup, Cisse was in the spotlight for being the only black coach. He said he was happy to play in the World Cup as a black manager, which means that they also have talent among black coaches. Although this manager is known to everyone because of his appearance, he is not an idle person. The 47-year-old was appointed Senegal national team manager in 2015 and won the Africa Cup of Nations this year with a penalty shoot-out victory over Egypt. On November 11, the Senegalese Football Federation officially announced that it will renew its contract with Cisse until 2024.

Twenty years ago, Cisse also captained Senegal to reach the World Cup for the first time, and he beat France in his debut, resulting in the final group exit of the defending champions, opening the curse of the difficulty of qualifying for the defending World Cup group in recent World Cups. Senegal eventually made it all the way to the quarterfinals as a dark horse.

After losing top star Mane in this World Cup, Cisse expressed regret, "He is the second best player in the world and in the last few weeks I have received a lot of calls and they are all sad about what happened to Mane. It's a shame for Mane and for the national team, but we have to think about the health and safety of the players."

But Cisse also said winning the Africa Cup of Nations this year gave the team confidence that it would stay true to its style of play and style and wouldn't need to copy anyone. 'We're going to focus on ourselves and try to win the first game and without Mane, we're going to try to win too.'

Despite losing their first group game, fans still have reason to believe that Senegal remain favourites to qualify for Group A. Next, Cisse will lead the team to a wrench against Qatar and Ecuador.

Red Star News Reporter Song Xinze Pei Han Intern Hu Lanyue

Responsible editor: Ren Zhijiang, editor Bao Chengli

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Character 丨 Anti-cancer old coach PK hip hop manager, the "superstitious" Van Gaal had the last laugh