
Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

author:Polar Matter
Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Header image | Flash Maiden Siss ©

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

It was early September of that year, and it was still hot.

In a field that had just been cut corn, someone reported that a female body had been found.

The criminal investigation team immediately rushed to the scene and saw that the victim was wearing a skirt with short sleeves on it, but it had been pulled to the collarbone along with the bra, and the skirt had also been pulled to the base of the thigh, and most of his body was exposed, but his head and face were smashed beyond recognition.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

It was as if it were a rape and murder case.

But at this time, there was a young girl in the police force, carefully observing the body, and her heart felt more and more wrong.

She said: "It may be that the person has a pregnancy. "Shocked everyone present.

Their first reaction was: Impossible.

Because the victim's lower abdomen is completely flat, there is no sign of pregnancy at all.

The young policewoman explained:

"People who are fat and have big breasts will be shrugged down when they die, but this girl, her breasts are still high, may have a stimulating effect of estrogen and progesterone."

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

At her insistence, she decided to cut open the victim's womb.

Sure enough, a palm-sized fetus was pulled out from inside, with both hands and feet.

At the same time, they continue to find a clear footprint at the scene of the crime.

After the certification team reproduced the sole mold, the young girl looked at it and said:

"I've seen this shoe, it's a slipper with a foot."

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

The director immediately instructed her: "Hurry up and buy them, and find out the shoes." ”

The girl pedaled onto a motorcycle, went to various footwear wholesale markets, and soon bought a pair of identical ones.

The investigators took their shoes and based on the clues, quickly narrowed the scope of the investigation and began to visit the surrounding villages.

As a result, just after entering a suspect's home, he found a pair of identical men's slippers by the door, and the soles of the shoes were faintly bloodstained.

When he arrested people and interrogated them, he did everything.

It only took three days to successfully solve a murder case, and the girl was indispensable.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

It is like opening and hanging, showing its magic, in fact, the heart is as delicate as hair, and the cocoon is just a long-term professional habit.

This girl is Deng Yajun, a female forensic doctor.

As the "big heroine" who rushed to the front line of criminal investigation in China early, the legendary ups and downs she has experienced in her life are far beyond your and my imagination.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

In China in the 90s, choosing to enroll in forensic medicine, Deng Yajun himself admitted with a smile:

"In the beginning, it was neither for the ideal nor for the mission, it was just a crooked fight."

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

After the college entrance examination, she wanted to study medicine and applied for the clinical department first.

The brother of the family advised her that it was better to choose a forensic doctor, who was both a policeman and a doctor, and directly entered the organ unit, and the iron rice bowl was stable enough.

Therefore, Deng Yajun wrote forensic medicine into the second choice.

The surrounding students laughed and said:

"If you go to the autopsy, shut you in a separate room with the corpse, and open the door later, there will be two corpses inside..."

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Because she was notoriously timid, even when she saw a caterpillar in the stationery box, she could be frightened and jump up and throw the entire pencil box far away.

Deng Yajun also thought to himself at this time: his excellent results should not fall behind the list of clinical medicine.

Unexpectedly, it happened that the number of forensic medical admissions in that year was insufficient, and students were selected in advance.

Yin and yang, Deng Yajun has officially embarked on the road of forensics since then.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

In order not to be questioned, Deng Yajun studied hard in college and ranked among the best in his homework.

Once, her mentor told her:

"As thin and weak as you are, how many years can you really go to the front line as a forensic doctor in the future?" Follow me to graduate school. ”

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Deng Yajun refused, thinking unconvincedly:

Why can't I do it? Why say this to scare people?

But she never imagined that graduation and unemployment would happen to a good student like herself.

No one believed that a young girl could play the role of a public security forensic doctor.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Figure | Second row left, Deng Yajun

She personally wrote a letter to the director and waited for more than half a year before she was successfully assigned to the Baqiao branch office on the outskirts of Xi'an.

A place where murders, dumpings, and carcasses are frequent.

After participating in the work, Deng Yajun tried to run around carrying a survey box of more than ten kilograms; he turned the 200-kilogram corpse over and over for inspection alone; sawed off several hacksaw blades when opening his skull at the scene...

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Only then did she understand that what the mentor said was literal.

Fighting for physical strength is still a small thing.

The scene of a murder is always filled with unpredictable horror and tragedy.

Deng Yajun once examined a highly corrupt corpse in an abandoned house, and long white maggots emerged from all over the body, lest they climb up to his feet in the next second...

Her protection, on the other hand, consisted of a white coat and a pair of gloves.

Forensic doctors are not allowed to wear masks, but instead take the initiative to smell special corpse odors to determine the cause of death.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

At that time, there was an intern who followed her, and after only a brief glance, she couldn't help but throw up while running.

Afterwards, he asked Deng Yajun, sister, how much money can this job earn?

Deng Yajun replied with a smile: "A little higher than you, you take 25 yuan, I take 35." ”

But what is really difficult compared to these is the unpredictable human heart hidden behind the case.

There is a scene that Deng Yajun still remembers, that is, the case of a pile of broken corpses.

Receiving a report that there were dead people, she immediately rushed to the door, and a large black shadow of black pressure shrouded her eyes, and she found that it was all bloodthirsty green-headed flies.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

I continued to walk inside, and as a result, I finished the two large and small apartments, and I didn't see any corpses.

Deng Yajun was upset, and casually pulled open the refrigerator door, only to see a piece of white scalp that had been peeled off...

Frightened, she quickly closed the door and took a deep breath to adjust herself.

After calming down, in addition to the refrigerator, toilet basin, kitchen pot, all found fragments of corpses.

The deceased was an old man and the murderer was his own grandson.

The child's parents ran away early, and the grandparents relied on each other for their lives. That day was the day when the old man received his salary, he did not get it during the financial holiday, the grandson reached out and asked the grandfather to take the money, the old man could not take it, he was angry and poisoned his hand, and the broken body was trying to hide it from everyone.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

It is a completely inhuman ethical tragedy...

Someone asked Deng Yajun, are you afraid to deal with the ugliest side of human nature all the time?

Deng Yajun said that her identity is destined to come into contact with the ugliness at the bottom of society, and what she is more afraid of than this is:

Can't accurately give the time of death; can't accurately distinguish the murder weapon; can't analyze the body accurately; can't perform their duties well.

Because she knows that only by trying to do better can she truly fight against evil.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed
Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

However, in the face of increasingly complex crime scenes, Deng Yajun began to feel inadequate.

She wants to continue her studies, pursue a Ph.D., and study "human genetic testing techniques."

You know, in that era, DNA and genes were very unfamiliar terms.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Figure | Derived from "Forensic Secret File"

Even if it is to compare the blood stains of criminal suspects, most of them can only achieve the identification of the same blood type of abo, which is difficult to accurately reach people.

When the bureau leaders learned of this, they tried to dissuade her:

"For a sub-bureau forensic doctor, an undergraduate is enough, and you are already a graduate student, and there is no equipment in the bureau, and you can't use it after you learn."

In order to break through herself, Deng Yajun had to leave her beloved forensic position and come to Beijing alone.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

But it seems that there is a destiny in the dark, and the driving force behind the fate once again sends her to a larger historical stage.

In 2003, the first year of Deng Yajun's doctoral studies, SARS broke out.

The number of infected people is increasing day by day, and the frontline doctors and nurses have fallen one after another.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

If you want to develop reagents to confirm the SARS virus as soon as possible, and to prepare for the study of antibody vaccines, it is the best way to isolate and culture the virus from the patient's secretions.

But looking at the country, there are fewer than 10 qualified research institutes.

One of them is the BGI Gene Center where Deng Yajun is located.

Other students have told their supervisors that this is the most important time, and they would rather give up their degrees than quit research.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Deng Yajun chose to stay, was in danger, and risked his life to stay in the laboratory to "fight" with the SARS virus.

To prevent infection, the negative pressure intensity in the laboratory is reduced directly from -40 to -200 Pa.

Ordinary people can only stay for 6-9 hours at most, but Deng Yajun often stays for more than ten hours.

Enough to cause the whole body to function abnormally.

For example, if you come to the menstrual holiday, one in and one out, not only will the menstrual holiday be gone, but it will also be full of acne.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Under the dual challenges of physiology and psychology, he struggled day and night in the laboratory, and finally successfully isolated the virus from the patient sample and transferred it into a petri dish.

The first battle against SARS began smoothly.

On that day, Deng Yajun opened the protective side door, excited, and the outdoor fog was heavy, under the blue sky and white clouds, full of vitality and hope.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

But there was no time to recover from the last bitter battle.

On December 26, 2004, Indonesia heard a tsunami of magnitude 9, which affected the entire southeast Asia.

In the aftermath of the disaster, the identification of thousands of victims became a major problem.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

At this time, Deng Yajun took the initiative to step forward and submitted an application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to rush to Thailand to participate in the rescue by means of DNA testing.

After receiving the approval, the dean had only one word of advice to Deng Yajun:

"Whatever dengue fever, malaria, cholera, you have to bring me back safely."

Eventually, a Chinese rescue team of just five people, with an average age of less than 26 years old, came to Phang Nga, the worst hit in southern Thailand.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Figure | First from the right, Deng Yajun

Where you see, there are really corpses all over the field, step by step, one body bag.

The weather was hot and hot, and each body was highly corrupt and unrecognizable.

When tested, people's first reaction is uncontrollable - stomach acid reflux and vomiting, but in order to show professionalism, they have to try their best to hold back, can not hide, can not vomit.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

There were not enough people, and even two local helpers were hired, but they all fled into the wilderness.

Deng Yajun said that at that time, he was particularly glad that he had been a forensic doctor.

She once again took out the calm, self-sustaining, and professional that forensic doctors should have, leading the team members to take thousands of bone samples and gradually extract DNA.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Figure | From "Face to Face"

Bone samples are difficult samples, and the average of countries is only about 50%.

But with the efforts of Deng Yajun's team, this figure reached 84.7%, compared with other countries, our data is the fastest, the largest quantity, the best quality.

In the end, through DNA identification, Deng Yajun successfully helped nearly 2,000 ownerless corpses find their families, and even the souls had a way back...

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed
Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

If the first half of Deng Yajun's life was full of highlight moments, then the next voice of insults, questioning, and attacks was never broken.

In 2005, the state opened judicial services, including DNA identification, to third-party appraisal institutions in society.

Logically, Deng Yajun became one of the first professional DNA appraisers.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

At this time, she handled the most "cases" - paternity testing.

A hidden corner of life mixed with love, desire, ethics, and morality.

And Deng Yajun's choice is still: only seriously, only seriously.

In the process, she was threatened:

There was once a couple in their 40s who brought their children to do the identification.

The child's mother gave Deng Yajun a handwritten letter, which was full of the difficulties of this "teacher-student love" and asked Deng Yajun to give her "desired results", otherwise she would take all means.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

The report came out, the child had nothing to do with the man, and the child's mother was mad on the spot.

It turned out that this "teacher-student love" did not have a marriage license, confirming that children who were not related by blood were legally stipulated that they could not inherit rich property.

Deng Yajun has also suffered the impact of the reversal of facts:

Looking at the special and beautiful family of three, they brought their sons and samples to do the test.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

When the results of the appraisal came out and heard that the son and the husband were not related by blood, the woman was not only very calm, but also seemed relieved.

But lab staff told her that the child's sample was suspicious and that the gender was not on the number.

The woman suddenly panicked, and after a few days, she took her son alone to redo the appraisal.

The result this time: the child is the husband's biological flesh and blood.

Instead, the woman broke down and cried on the spot.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Who would have thought that a woman had breast cancer in her early years and lost her fertility after undergoing chemoradiation and chemotherapy.

In order to make up for her regrets, the husband raised a child, but it was actually the son of the husband and a third party...

Behind a simple paternity test, the foreshadowing may be the breakdown of a family.

Deng Yajun also said with emotion:

"Blood relations are particularly important to Chinese, especially the blood relationship between fathers and children, which is an inseparable bottom line of traditional Chinese Confucian culture."

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

Whether it is a matter of being born with grace or raising a heavy burden seems to be a topic that will never be solved.

Many people scolded Deng Yajun as a "marriage shredder", the so-called paternity test, which destroyed countless families.

But Deng Yajun believes that what can always destroy a family is not a report, but a lie.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

No matter how big the hidden feelings are, they do not change the essence of the facts.

Many years ago, when he resigned as a forensic doctor from the Baqiao branch office in Xi'an, Deng Yajun said that he was a "traitor to the forensic profession."

But all along, she has never forgotten her original intention.

When I first learned DNA identification technology, the purpose was to be able to help screen suspects through a hair and a drop of blood, and to return to the right path in the world.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

It is not only about the justice of the dead, but also about the dignity of the living.

Forensic doctor Qin Ming once used a word to describe this profession: ghost hand Buddha heart.

"A pair of ghost hands, only for the sake of sinking the snow, full of Buddha's heart, only wish for peace in the world."

This is also the reason why Deng Yajun is still struggling in the front line of forensic identification.

Impartial, right.

It is because each of us has the right to know the truth about life and death.

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed


Watermelon video: "Sister Deng and the Identification of the Three Two Things"

Watermelon Video: Flash Girl Sisi: The Life and Death Field of Female Forensic Doctors in the 90s

Ghost Hand Buddha Heart Deng Yajun: From the high-light female forensic doctor to the "marriage shredder", the right path has never changed

The text is the original of the pole, please contact the author for reprinting,

Most of the figures in the article are derived from "Flash Girl Sisi"


Author: Xuan Yi