
The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?


Are there any other people besides us in the vastness of the universe?

Rather, it should be life forms or other beings, and perhaps we cannot observe or understand the form of their existence, just as the two-dimensional world cannot understand the existence of the three-dimensional world.

The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?

The alien research base in area 51 of the M country has been rumored to be a god.

In the southern part of the state of Wahda, there is an area of about 155 square kilometers that is the base for training aircraft, and Area 51 is hidden in it.

Since the last century, Area 51 has been thought to be a mysterious institution used to study UFOs and aliens.

It is said that UFOs are always found in the skies near Area 51, and there are claims that fragments of spacecraft crashed during the Roswell Incident and the remains of alien visitors are stored in Area 51.

James, a famous scientist, was interviewed on his deathbed, claiming that he had visited the mysterious Area 51 and met many aliens and spacecraft there.

The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?

This life form has always been called an alien, and as the name suggests, it comes from other galaxies beyond Earth.

What if these beings were originally living on Earth?

If the earth is two-sided, there is also a civilization in the center of the earth that we cannot explore, and their sky is the center of the earth as we know it.

Although this view is not yet widely accepted by scientists, there is not enough evidence to prove that this view is wrong.

Therefore, there are still many people who believe that there is indeed another group of humans living inside the earth, whose origins are at least millions of years earlier than ours, especially after the Snowden "Ling mirror gate" incident, people also mention the existence of geocentric people, revealing many unknown "truths".

The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?

They may be the lost people of Atlantis, or they may be other unknown creatures.

But the level of technology of the geocentric people is far greater than that of humans, and it is almost impossible to explore their world.

Some people will say that since humans want to know whether the earth's core man really exists, let's dig it up and take a look.

However, according to the current scientific and technological development of mankind, it is impossible to dig into the center of the earth.

You know, the earth's crust is seven thousand meters deep, the mantle, the core of the earth, and so on.

The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?

Korra drilled ultra-deep

A scientific drilling that began in 1970 in the Kola Peninsula near the Norwegian border, the deepest of which, SG-3, reached 12,263 meters in 1989, and at a vertical depth, this borehole is still the deepest man-made object on earth.

However, its well depth records were broken in 2008 and 2011 by the Ashokhosin oil well in Qatar (12,289 meters) and the Russian Odoptu OP-11 oil well (12,345 meters) on Sakhalin Island.

This is the deepest drilled well yet, but it is still far from the center of the earth.

The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?

On Earth, there are indeed many eyewitnesses of the Earth's core.

For example, in an earthquake in Mexico in 1994, when people cleaned up the sewers, they found that there were 3 "humanoid creatures" that were very different from humans, with complete limbs, but smooth bodies and relatively short stature.

Many have speculated that they may be aliens, but it also appears that they may be geocentric creatures.

The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?

There are also many unsolved mysteries on Earth, UFOs, third kinds of contacts and so on.

In the universe we have never observed any signs of a spacecraft, almost all of them are seen after coming to The Earth, when we see a flying vehicle, we naturally think that it flew in from outer space, and rarely think that it may have flown up from the center of the earth.

The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?
The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?
The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?
The third type of contact comes from the vastness of the universe, or from our planet itself, and where do they come from?

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