
The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

author:Cute little cute LQ

In due course, they are admired by most men, who try to imitate them by doing haircuts and hairstyles under them, ordering clothes and clothing like them. Today, not all beautiful women remember that they don't look the same because they live different lives.

There was a time when when fans were chasing them as a crowd and all the media were reporting on them. They were replaced by other beauties.

However, I wonder what the women the whole world talks about today look like.

The first thing I remember is Angelica's eternal beauty who drove men crazy and hundreds of thousands of girls named after her.

French actress born in 1939

Michel Mercier is easily 82 years old. She was born into a wealthy family and had everything, all the entrepreneurial spirit and financial ability to succeed. Yes, she has a cosmopolitan essence, because movies about Angelica are sometimes shown in all countries. An amazing beauty has been married four times. Michelle Messier has no children. She doesn't consider herself fully fulfilled and happy.

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Michelle Messier was with Angelica at the age of 25. The photo is from a publicly available source in

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Michel Messier in 2020. The photo is from a publicly available source in

In my opinion, she looks good now, an 82 year old lady.

Another French beauty, Bricict Bardo, was also fortunate to be born into a wealthy family in 1934. Become an active protector of animals. It's hard to count the marriages and novels of this beautiful woman. At the age of 26, she gave birth to a son, who remained in the custody of her father after the divorce. She admits that she wasn't ready to be a mother and she couldn't take care of herself.

In my opinion, she grew up later. It happens. She began chatting with her son as an adult.

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Bridget Bado's photograph of his youth comes from publicly available sources in

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Bridget Bardo in 2021. Photos from publicly available sources in

For the 86-year-old Bridget Bardo, sorry, it looks a little uncomfortable, but it's not bad. She is active in animal protection. I am happy with my life.

Another 20th-century French beauty, Catherine D'Neuuffe, was born into a family of actors in 1943 and has starred in films since she was 16 years old. After the musical film The Umbrella of Cherbourg, she gained the essence of the world. Married actresses, despite receiving constant attention from men, have only one time, but two children are born out of civil marriages: one son is from director Roger Vadim. Daughter - from actor Marcelo Mastroiani.

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Catherine D'Nyuw was young and now. Image from public source

Catherine Dniew has five grandchildren today. She looks good at 77

Some people will ask, where are our beauties? We also have our beauties, although they don't have such a world reputation.

Let me say one more beautiful woman from 94 years old - Gina Loro Brigida. Directed by Jenny Delanova.

February 1, 2018 Italian actress got a name star hollywood walk of fame (Los Angeles)[4].

After the 1968 Academy Award-winning film War and Peace, only Lyudmila Savileva, who captivated all audiences in the United States and Europe with her immediacy and lovely beauty.

I don't remember a lot of the movies she was involved in, I just remember "The Rider Without a Head" and she was charming.

She got married when she was 25. Husband of the famous actor Alexander Zbruiev.

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Lyudmila and Alexander Zbruiev when they were young. Image from public source

They have a daughter, Lyudmila Savileva, who lives in seclusion.

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Lyudmila Savileva was young and present. Image from public source

At 79, she looks pretty good.

The most beautiful woman of the 20th century, often referred to as the Italian Sophia Lauren, was not only a beautiful woman, but the most successful and happiest of all the beauties, because she believed that this was indisputable. Married to director Carlo Ponty, who was 22 years older than her, she made Sophia Loren a world-class star who adored her, and she lived happily for nearly 50 years before she left. This is long awaited.

Until now, 87-year-old Sophie Lorne has been revered, and she is often invited to festivals as a VIP and beautiful woman.

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Image of Sophie Lauren when she was young is from public source

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Sophia Lauren in 2020. Image from public source

At 87, she's still interested in life, which is fantastic.

For me, the most beautiful actress of the 20th century is still the Italian Claudia Cardinal, whom I met as a child in the movie "The Red Tent."

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Excerpt from the movie "Red Tent". Photo from publicly available sources in

The beauties of the 20th century, whether they are still beautiful today

Cardinal Claudia is 83 years old. Photo from publicly available sources in

She was still cheerful, energetic, and beautiful.

The beauties of the 20th century are still beauties, who are for themselves, who are for their families, who are for all of us.