
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

author:Ranger Net

In the first part of "Sun Tzu's Art of War", there is a saying: Soldiers, devious ways also. Therefore, it can be shown that it cannot be shown, it can be used and shown that it is not used, it is near and far away, and it is far and near.

The essence of the sneak attack is in a "steal" word, that is, intelligence and secrecy, many sneak attacks in the war because of leaks or actions are predicted by the other side, the result is often anti-sneak attack, the famous "Battle of Midway" is the classic sneak attack and anti-sneak attack contest.

1. Tiger! tiger! tiger! Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)

This is a real movie that truly shows the history of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The U.S. military intervened in the Pacific theater, and the top japanese general Yamamoto Isoroku (Satoshi Yamamura) believed that the U.S. military was powerful and should fight a quick war, and it was not appropriate to fight a long-term war with the Americans. Thus, the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, which he planned, was officially launched.

Compared to 2001's Pearl Harbor, this one is more realistic, with fewer stunts and child love. True World War II temperament, a model for war films.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

2. Battle of Midway (1976)

The success of the attack on Pearl Harbor did not cause General Isoroku Yamamoto, commander of the Combined Fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy, to indulge in the illusion of domination.

The United States has enormous production capacity, and once the country is fully integrated into the war track, Japan has little hope of victory. So he wanted a quick end to the Pacific War before that happened. This time he aimed at Midway, which was used as a forward air observation base for the U.S. military— and if Midway was lost, the U.S. military would not be able to send reconnaissance planes for long-range searches, could not grasp the movements of the Japanese fleet, Pearl Harbor would not be able to hold on, and the Pacific would fall into the hands of the Japanese. Such a labor expedition was tantamount to a dice thrown at fate, and the outcome of the battle has been debated by later generations, because there are too many accidental factors that determine this battle.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

3. The Rock (1996)

It mainly tells the story of a group of Marine Corps officers who steal VX nerve gas missiles to disgruntle the U.S. government's treatment of officers and soldiers who have been sent overseas for illegal missions and die, in order to blackmail the U.S. government into giving a fair evaluation of the dead.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

Rock Island was previously the most heavily defended prison in the United States, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The U.S. government accidentally discovers from the archives that former British agent Mason (Sean Connery) has successfully escaped from the prison, so they invite Mason and ask him to lead special forces to capture the "Devil's Island" within 30 hours.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

Pearl Harbor (2001)

The tactical success of Pearl Harbor goes without saying. Talking about the production of the film, the special effects were completed by Industrial Light and Magic.

To create the most spectacular and thrilling air raid scene, special effects coordinator John Fraser decided to detonate six battleships with 700 rod-like explosives, 2,000-foot fuses, and 4,000 gallons of gasoline. For safety reasons, Fraser prepared thousands of fire homing water dragons and fire extinguishers on the shooting site to prevent the fire from getting out of control, and all crew members involved in the shooting were required to wear gas masks.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

Director Michael Bay carefully placed 12 widescreen cameras, one of which he personally managed, and a scene built by 30 stuntmen, 90 extras, 9 planes, a camera ship and countless special effects technicians was completed in 7 seconds, and all the plans were carried out without any mistakes, and the crew prepared for this scene for 7 months.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

Black Hawk Down (2001)

The United States Government decided to send troops to Mogadishu, the somali capital, to assist in the provision of aid during the Holodomor and to capture two senior generals of the Somali military government. According to the original plan, this was only a small mission completed in 1 hour by about 150 people of the Army Ranger Unit and delta troops and some Navy SEALs, but it was unexpectedly attacked by the local army and turned into a 15-hour long beast fight.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

We Were Soldiers (2002)

Depicting a large-scale U.S. military operation in Vietnam in November 1965, the plot is remade against the backdrop of the classic U.S.-Vietnam war history, the Encounter in the Delang River Valley. In order to turn the tide of the Vietnam War, the U.S. Army created a new mountain tactic: frog jumping tactical air cavalry battalion raids. In the film, the American army encounters a division of about 2,000 troops with the strength of a battalion of air cavalry.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

7.太阳泪 Tears of the Sun(2003)

Waters (Bruce Willis), the captain of the U.S. Navy's "Navy", leads a squad to the African jungle to carry out orders to rescue Dr. Lena (Monica Bellucci), who is doing emergency medical work in the local area. The squad quickly found Dr. Lena, but at the last minute Dr. Lena asked to move the 70 refugees together, otherwise she would not have left.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

8. The Great Raid (2005)

At the beginning of the Pacific War, the U.S. military threw its forces into the European theater and was unable to save the war in the Philippines, resulting in 10,000 American troops and 60,000 Filipino troops being captured in the Bataan Peninsula. The Japanese army has always treated these prisoners of war cruelly, and the military department decided to massacre the prisoners in January 1944, which tells the story of the four days of January 1944.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

Ranger Captain Prince, who was part of Lieutenant Colonel Muxi's ranks, was tasked with rescuing 500 American troops in a prisoner-of-war camp during General MacArthur's northward journey, an operation that had to be highly secretive due to the ruthless treatment of prisoners of war by the Japanese.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

9.Storm Gateрозовые ворота(2006)

In 2000, russia launched the second Chechen war into the tail stage, the Russian army conquered the Chechen capital Grozny. Among them, a group of illegal Chechen militants surrounded by Russian troops in the Argonne Gorge, they attempted to abduct civilians and flee the border. At this time, the 2nd Battalion of the 104th Guards Parachute Regiment of the Russian 76th Airborne Division was ordered to blockade the enemy army. Among them, the combat detachment led by Doronin was ordered to block the passage of the rebels in the Argung Gorge surrounded by mountains. However, the Chechen rebels led by Tamra numbered a thousand.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

10. The A-Team (2010)

Once members of the U.S. Rangers, the four meet in a firefight with Mexican villains and form the Draco Task Force, which makes a living from bounties.

Eight years after becoming an army, the Tianlong Special Agent Team received a new mission. It is said that during the Iraq War, the Black Army affiliated with the United States robbed the Iraqi printing press and used it to produce counterfeit U.S. dollars in large quantities. Smith and others were tasked with recapturing counterfeit banknotes and equipment before they could be shipped back to the United States. However, things are moving in unpredictable directions.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

The Expendables (2010)

A large number of action movie superstars have gathered, including Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Jason Statham, Jet Li and so on. The film tells the story of the U.S. government's attempt to hire someone to go deep into South America to overthrow the local dictatorship, but no one dared to accept such a task, and the task eventually fell to a special operations team led by Stallone.

An action feast of action superstars!

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

12. Raid on Serbuan Maut (2011)

Deep in Jakarta's slums, the world's most dangerous killers and gangsters are assembled in an impregnable house. Until now, dilapidated apartments have been considered inaccessible even by the brave police. Under the cover of pre-dawn darkness and silence, a team of elite SWAT teams and law enforcement officers with important missions slowly approached the house in order to get close to the notorious drug lord. But the news of their attack was accidentally discovered by the drug lords, and then the lights of the building were cut off and all the passages were blocked.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

Easter Egg - Ghost Recon: Alpha (2012)

This film is only 20 minutes long, which can be said to be a micro-film. Allegedly the film, Ubisoft invested $100 million in it to promote it as a prequel to its game.

The miniature Avatar reconnaissance aircraft also features automatic navigation, patrol, locking, attack, stealth cloaks, heavy snipers, heavy robots (which can be transformed into four-wheeled chariots), portable small rocket launchers, and other unknown weapons and equipment. The 20-minute film is enough to kill more than 200 hours of general military/gunfight/war movies.

Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies
Ghost Recon Alpha goes deep into Russia! 13 sneak peek movies

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