
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

author:Assistant Teacher Koki

Sophie Page

" Illustration is much more than just flat "

the illu


Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Illustration is more than flat! There's nothing more to make illustrator Sophie happy than creating unrestrainedly. As a three-dimensional sculptural illustrator, Sophie is passionate about her work and specializes in clay, paper, knitted fabrics, wire and twigs.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Influenced by the environment in which he grew up in the English countryside, Sophie's work is always full of flowers and animals, making the reader feel as if he is in nature.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Sophie's sculptures have a simple, clumsy, rough precious beauty. The colors are fresh and bright and impressive.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Sophie likes to keep experimenting in her creation, and she wants to use real hair to shape characters, and she also collects all the hair on her and her friends' combs as materials, and wants to express her works in a more interesting medium.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Because the studio has a large number of doll sculptures, Sophie's work has a fun and horror dollhouse feel.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Sophie wanted to create picture books for all ages, with scenes and characters in them, because the realism was enough to resonate and fascinate.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Stefano Colferai

" Turning whimsy into reality "

Milan-born Stefano, a former footballer, decided to wash his hands and study art after losing a match, and began to use his hands to express his innate sense of humor and creativity. Playing with plasticine since then is the daily job of artist Stefano Colferai.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Stefano believes that plasticine is a material with great creative potential, which can stretch, mix colors, twist and make flat figures, etc., the colors are extremely vivid and never boring.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Stefano's characters are vivid, inspired by everyday life, such as the home life of socially feared youth and the difficulties faced in freelance life, etc., in the form of irony and self-deprecation, which can not only poke at the pain points but also make the viewer smile.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Stefano once said in an interview: When it's not raining, I like to bring skateboards and listen to hip-hop music to walk around the city to find creative inspiration.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Stefano: I think making people smile is the best way to make an impression. Thanks to plasticine, I found my own keys and turned those humorous and whimsical ideas into reality.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Kelly Pousette

" Injecting life into the work "

Small snow-capped forests, carefree critters living in the forest, strong branches and even knots on tree trunks are all living works that we can see in the three-dimensional illustrations of Canadian illustrator Kelly Pousette.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Kelly used to draw various elements on paper: little foxes, fawns, or little girls, and then carefully cut them out and place them vertically in the scene of the stereoscopic light box.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Sometimes changing the direction of a flower, a footprint, or a light source is enough to change the mood of the environment. If you look closely you can also see the illustrator Kelly hiding in the shadows of a small surprise.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Three-dimensional paper sculpture illustrations make the creation full of chance, anticipation and surprise. At the same time, Kelly's picture is full of small beauty in life.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Kelly's works make the audience feel warm and intimate, like the seeds of plants sprouting, fish scales shining, swans quietly sliding across the stream, the wind blowing high in the air, with eyes that discover beauty.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Illustrator Kelly is self-taught and relies on constant persistence, practice, practice, practice. The recycling bin was full of cut trees and animals, but now she can proudly say, "I feel like I can bring them to life one day." "

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Jacopo Rosati

" Simple materials can also be fun "

Jacobo Rosati, an illustrator from Italy, used to work as a digital illustrator.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Jacob was bored by the repetitive digital creation methods, so he began to make some works by hand. This is also the emotion that many artists will feel at a certain moment, and the change of tools stimulates creation.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

As a creative medium, felt is visual and the material is easy to cut and stick. Jacopo tried to quit from computer board drawing, change materials and ideas, and create new works.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Felt has limitations, so when creating works by hand, it is necessary to first respect the material characteristics of felt, and then develop a personal style.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Before creating on a daily basis, Jacopo usually looks for other illustrations that do the same theme to avoid any form of plagiarism. But the main energy is still on how to express the theme well through a painting and pour out the content.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Jacopo believes that no matter how hard we try, learning to properly escape the studio and recharge from time to time will better keep the motivation to think.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

John Ed De Vera

" The way you create distorts them "

We all played with paper-cutting when we were kids, but the one who was able to turn paper-cutting into a work of art had to mention John Ed De Vera, an illustrator from the Philippines.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

John Ed De Vera is a creative director who devotes his free time to paper illustration and collaborates with several well-known brands.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Full of three-dimensional and layered light and shadow effects, cardboard unique texture texture, clean and neat shape symbols and harmonious and comfortable color matching, john's paper carving illustrations are unique.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Paper cutting may seem simple, but it takes a lot of time and patience. The more elements and the more shadow parts, the stronger the sense of spatial three-dimensionality. John once said: Not afraid to learn new things, nor to twist them and redefine them in your own creative way.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Tessa Perlow

" Never be afraid to be a beginner "

Illustrator Tessa Perlow, who specializes in embroidery to create illustrations, is not only a master craftsman, but also an environmental practitioner. Tessa likes to create works from used materials, and Tessa believes that reducing waste can also make cool works.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Old clothes that were once simple and simple, embroidered by Tessa with colorful flowers and imaginative patterns, can be transformed into eye-catching clothes. Vibrant colours and expressive stitching allow her work to seamlessly intersect between art, craftsmanship and fashion, injecting a modern vibrancy into the traditional craft of embroidery.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

Inspired by nature, magic and tarot cards, flora and fauna and big eyes are recurring themes in her embroidery, Tessa has a unique sense of mystery. Tessa loves to observe life to stay original and heartfelt.

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

The various sketchbooks are the places where Tessa records inspiration and ideas, and when the ideas come, they are immediately and roughly recorded. I usually like to paint on the cloth with a ballpoint pen without drafting, and then I start embroidering. Tessa's advice to enthusiasts is to go ahead! Never be afraid to become a beginner!

Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality
Ma Liang, the magic pen of the illustration world, whimsical has become a reality

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