
It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

author:Film Magazine

It is another good day of "the beast out of the cage", the children have summer vacation, it is estimated that the most headache is the parents.

In order to fill the children's free time, most parents will report various interest tutoring classes, training classes, and summer camps to their children, and to be honest, few children really like this arrangement.

From the perspective of parents, jackie chan is beyond reproach, but on the road of children's learning, parents have asked themselves whether it is to get the appreciation of others, the glory brought by the trophy, or purely let the children feel the joy of learning -

"The Piano Boy Who Wants to Fly"


It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

The film's protagonist, Witt, has been gifted since he was a child, and when he was one year old, he showed a strong musical cell, and he could play only one song after listening to it.

At the age of three, when other children were playing with toys, he took the initiative to ask his parents to buy him a piano.

Children with such ideological awareness are really not ordinary, and Mother Witt feels that this son may have great achievements in the future, so she works harder to work overtime to make money.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

In fact, the young Werther does have a super high IQ that does not match his age.

For example, he would read reports of global warming to kindergarten children, and said that they would soon die, frightening many children to cry;

For example, he does not need an opponent, and one person can play a complete game of chess by playing two corners.

Witt's "weird" behavior was complained about by parents, and the teachers were worried, but Werther's mother was secretly happy.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

At a family party, Witt easily played Schumann's song in front of the guests, and the guests were almost shocked.

Witt's parents suddenly became the focus of the party, because of their son, they received countless praises and had the capital to show off.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

This should be a scene that most of the post-8090s have experienced, when they were young, they would be pulled out by their parents to practice as soon as there was a party, not so much to help, but rather to say that the adults were comparing with each other.

Obviously, Witt's parents also had this mentality, that night, Witt's parents were so happy that they couldn't sleep, they felt that their son was a prodigy, must be cultivated, and may soon become a world-renowned pianist.

When they think of this, Witt's parents are even more excited.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

The next day, Mother Witt dismissed her son's original piano teacher and the nanny at home for the first time.

In her eyes, the original piano teacher was too ordinary to help Witt, and the nanny often took her son to play at home and could not play a role in supervising.

She must plan her son's life well, so that his future can be unimpeded, and any people and things that affect his son cannot exist.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

In order not to waste her son's super talent, Werther's mother simply let Witt, who should have been in elementary school, go to middle school, but Witt was not happy in school, because in the world of ordinary people, Witt was really an outlier.

For example, he is used to wearing a suit to school, and his classmates think he is like a monster;

For example, he would challenge the teacher in class to make the teacher get into trouble, and the principal could only advise Werther's mother to take Witt to a gifted school.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

Classmates isolated him, laughed at him, no one wanted to make friends with him, and many times, Witt had to stay alone in the classroom.

As Witt grew older and he had his own ideas, he found that being a gifted child was really not happy at all.

I don't know when it began, playing the piano became his parents' dream, and his life seemed to live to fulfill this dream, and he began to hate the piano.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

The problem is that pure practice can no longer meet the requirements of Witt's parents, who hope that their son can reach a higher level.

Werther's mother simply resigned at home, practiced all day, and arranged a master piano teacher for him, but Werther was extremely resistant.

He didn't know who he was practicing so hard for, and his daily life was repetitive and repetitive, and he was bored.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

He began to feel lost, but fortunately at this time, Witt's grandfather gave his grandson unlimited support.

Witt's grandfather was an open-minded old man who wanted to be a pilot when he was young, but later became a carpenter, who never complained about life, but especially enjoyed life.

When Witt proposed that he only wanted to be an ordinary person, his grandfather told him: "If you can't decide, you have to give up a little thing first."

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

That night, after thinking about it, Wittes took the wooden wings made by his grandfather and jumped from his balcony.

Fortunately, Werther was just an ordinary bruise, a slight concussion, and when the doctor said that Werther might have sequelae, Werther's mother immediately became nervous, and her son would have to do big things in the future and could not be injured in any way.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

Soon, Witt's after-effects gradually revealed.

He no longer forgot, his playing level was not as smooth as before, he was always stuck, he was no longer the top of the class, his grades fell back, and he often lost to others when playing chess.

Werther's mother often scolded her son angrily, but there was no way to do anything, and in desperation, she could only send her son back to ordinary primary school to study.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

One day, Witt went to his grandfather's house to play, playing music on a CD player, and when the music stopped, he naturally sat down at the piano and smoothly played the music he had just heard.

At that moment, he walked in the clouds and flowed freely, without oppression, and felt unprecedented happiness.

Yes, the so-called jumping off the building is just a good play directed by Witt himself, he deceived everyone, just to return to the life of ordinary people.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

Grandpa understood his grandson very well, and he also respected Witt's ideas, and he promised his grandson that as long as he was alive, he would keep secrets for his grandson.

This is estimated to be difficult for many Chinese parents to do, they impose their will on their children in the name of "good for you", and hobbies have become tools to squeeze a better life.

Fortunately, Werther has an empathetic grandfather, he is Werther's real life mentor, compared to others who value Werther's high intelligence, Grandpa is more concerned about whether his grandson is happy.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

For Grandpa, Werther was not only his grandson, but also his best friend, with no condescending attitude, only equal treatment and mutual respect.

This should be what all adults should pay attention to and learn, no matter how high the child's IQ, their hearts are the same, being hurt by people will be lost, being respected will be happy.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

Not long after, Witt's father's company went wrong due to poor management, and Witt used his super high IQ to invest with the money given by his grandfather, which not only saved his father's company, but also made his grandfather a millionaire.

Witt used the money he earned to rent an office building and buy a piano, and when he was fine, he sneaked over and played a song.

At this time, he completely fell in love with music, every time he was playing every song with his heart, and what he once hated the most had now become an indispensable thing in his life.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

With a love of music, Witt stepped onto the stage, and his performance won warm applause from the audience.

It's too realistic, and jackie chan's parents should look at it the most

At the end of the film, Grandpa Werther dies, and before he dies, he leaves a letter to Werther's parents, telling them the truth, for Werther, the world can't keep up with his intelligence, and only by pretending to be stupid can he escape.

In other words, everyone is free to pursue their dreams without any constraints.

Dreams are only a part of life, life in the world is to follow the arrangement of fate to move forward, only by not forgetting the original heart, we can harvest true happiness.

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