
What should the NBA do to restore its relationship with China? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded

author:China Economic Weekly

China Economic Weekly-Economic Network News On October 8, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang presided over a regular press conference.

Q: We have noted that during China's National Day, Russian President Putin made positive remarks on Sino-Russian relations, cooperation in various fields and China's development at the Valdai Forum, especially highly praising the relationship with President Xi Jinping; Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova congratulated in Chinese on the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries; and The recipient of the "Friendship Medal", Ms. Kulikova, first vice president of the Russian-Chinese Friendship Association, said, "If there is an afterlife, I will also contribute to Russian-Chinese friendship." How does China evaluate Russia's above remarks?

A: We have just solemnly celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and the Russian leaders and the Russian people have sent sincere and beautiful wishes to the Chinese side. At the same time, the two sides are also warmly celebrating the 70 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, the heads of state, prime ministers, and foreign ministers of the two countries exchanged congratulatory messages, and the people of the two countries held a series of colorful activities. The close proximity and celebration of the two festivals of the founding of New China and the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia are themselves the embodiment of the particularity and high level of relations between the two countries.

We firmly believe that under the leadership of President Xi Jinping and President Putin, with the joint support and participation of the two peoples, China-Russia relations, which have been tested by 70 years of ups and downs, will certainly achieve greater development and more results in the new era and new starting point, and better benefit the peoples of the two countries and the world.

Q: According to reports, last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is helping China build its own missile early warning system, which will greatly enhance China's defense capabilities. Can you confirm and introduce the situation?

A: I don't know the specific situation you mentioned, if you are interested, you can ask the military.

What I can tell you is that China and Russia have always maintained normal exchanges and cooperation in the fields of military technology and defense in accordance with the principles of equality, mutual trust, mutual benefit and win-win results. Such exchanges and cooperation conform to the interests of the two countries, are not aimed at third parties, and are also conducive to maintaining international and regional peace and stability.

Q: According to reports, the US Department of Commerce issued an announcement on October 7 to include eight Chinese enterprises, including the Public Security Department of China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and its 18 subordinate agencies, the Public Security Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and Hikvision, on the list of export control entities. What is China's comment on this?

A: Under the pretext of using the so-called human rights issue, the US side has included the Public Security Department of China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Public Security Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and eight Chinese enterprises on the list of export control entities and imposed export restrictions, which seriously violates the basic norms governing international relations, interferes in China's internal affairs, and harms China's interests. China expresses its strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this.

It must be pointed out that Xinjiang affairs are purely China's internal affairs, and no country has the right to interfere. There is no such thing as the so-called human rights issue alleged by the US side in Xinjiang, and the relevant accusations are nothing more than a deliberate excuse created by the US side to interfere in China's internal affairs. Xinjiang's counter-terrorism and de-radicalization measures aimed at preventing the breeding of extremism and terrorism at its source are in full compliance with Chinese law and international practice. These measures have been widely supported by 25 million people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang and have also made positive contributions to the international counter-terrorism cause. The US accusations against China are completely black and white and nonsense, which can only further expose its sinister intentions of interfering with Xinjiang's counter-terrorism efforts and obstructing China's stable development.

We urge the US side to immediately correct its mistakes, revoke relevant decisions, and stop interfering in China's internal affairs. China will continue to take firm and effective measures to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.

Q: Last weekend, the DPRK announced that the DPRK-US working-level consultations had broken down. What is China's comment on this?

A: The Chinese side has been paying close attention to the DPRK-US working-level consultations and has also noted the relevant remarks made by the DPRK and the US. Achieving the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and lasting peace is the trend of the times and the universal expectation and consensus of the international community. The ups and downs of the situation on the Korean Peninsula over the past few decades tell us that dialogue and consultation are the fundamental way out. We hope that the DPRK and the United States will remain patient, move in the same direction, persist in finding solutions to their respective concerns through dialogue and consultation, and push the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the political settlement process to continue on the right track. China is also willing to continue to play a constructive role in this regard.

Q: Not long ago, the general manager of the Houston Rockets Club made a wrong remark on Hong Kong, and just now CCTV announced the immediate suspension of the broadcast arrangements of the National Basketball Association (NBA) games, and some American people are opposed to the NBA's apology and other practices. Is China using its commercial power to manipulate freedom of expression under the threat of commercial profits?

A: I think everyone should have seen in the media that the Chinese Consulate General in Houston has made solemn representations to the other side on the erroneous remarks made by relevant people at the Houston Rockets Club. The Chinese Basketball Association and the Chinese partners of the Houston Rockets have also issued statements. I think China's position is already very clear. In addition, I suggest that you pay attention to the reaction and attitude of ordinary Chinese people to this matter.

It is not feasible to carry out exchanges and cooperation with the Chinese side without understanding the chinese public opinion.

Q: Many of the Chinese companies on the US Department of Commerce's list of export control entities are large companies that employ thousands of employees. What impact will the U.S. sanctions have on these companies? How will China react?

A: I have just introduced China's position and attitude. I would like to stress that this practice by the US side violates the basic norms governing international relations, interferes in China's internal affairs, and harms China's interests. We express our strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this. China will continue to take firm and effective measures to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.

Q: Yesterday, the Chinese side released the news that Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare will visit China. Can you tell us about the main arrangements for Prime Minister Sogavare's visit? China has just established diplomatic relations with the Solomon Islands, so what is the special significance of Sogavare's visit to China at this time?

A: On September 21, China formally established diplomatic relations with the Solomon Islands, opening a new chapter in the history of bilateral relations. Prime Minister Sogavare's official visit to China is the first visit to China by a leader of the Solomon Islands since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and China, and is of great significance to the development of Sino-Chinese relations under the new situation. During the visit, President Xi Jinping will meet with Prime Minister Sogavare, and Premier Li Keqiang will hold talks with Prime Minister Sogavare. The two leaders will exchange views on China-China relations and other important issues of common concern.

Solomon Islands is an important country in the Pacific Islands region. The friendly exchanges between the chinese and Chinese peoples have a long history. China is the largest trading partner of solomon islands, and the two countries are highly complementary and have great potential for cooperation. The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and China has opened the door for friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. The Chinese side is willing to work with the Taiwan side to take Prime Minister Sogavare's visit to China as an opportunity to enhance political mutual trust, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, strengthen communication and coordination in international and regional affairs, and promote the positive development of China-China relations for the benefit of the two peoples.

Q: It is understood that the closing ceremony of the 2019 World Horticultural Expo in Beijing, China will be held tomorrow. Which foreign dignitaries will attend events related to the closing ceremony?

A: The 162-day 2019 World Horticultural Expo in Beijing, China is about to come to a successful conclusion. As one of the highlights and finale of this year's Expo, China will hold a grand closing ceremony on the evening of October 9. Five foreign leaders, including Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, Kyrgyzstan First Deputy Prime Minister Boronov, Azerbaijan Deputy Prime Minister Abtarebov, and Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Ho Namhong, will attend the relevant activities.

Q: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is currently visiting China. In a few days, President Xi Jinping will visit India. How do you see the connection between these two visits? Pakistani media said that the Kashmir issue will be mentioned during the Pakistani prime minister's visit to China. Do you have any comment on this?

A: China's position on the Kashmir issue is consistent and clear. China hopes that India and Pakistan will strengthen dialogue, enhance mutual trust and improve relations on controversial issues, including Kashmir. This is in the common interests of India and Pakistan, and is also the common expectation of countries in the region and the international community.

Follow-up: I still want to know, what is the connection between Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan's visit to China and President Xi Jinping's visit to India?

A: Regarding Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan's visit to China, China has released information. The Chinese side attaches great importance to this visit, and Chinese leaders such as President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang, Chairman Li Zhanshu and other Chinese leaders will meet and hold talks with Prime Minister Imran Khan respectively to exchange in-depth views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern. The relevant departments of the two countries will sign a series of cooperation documents. During the visit, Prime Minister Imran Khan will also attend the closing ceremony of the World Horticultural Exposition.

China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners, and the leaders of the two countries have a tradition of frequent exchanges and close communication. At present, China-Pakistan strategic mutual trust is solid, pragmatic cooperation in various fields is advancing rapidly, and new progress has been made in the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which has brought greater benefits to the two peoples. China looks forward to the positive results of this visit and injecting new impetus into the development of China-Pakistan relations.

As for your reference to high-level exchanges between China and India, what I can tell you is that China and India are each other's important neighbors, as well as major developing countries and major emerging market countries. Since the meeting between the leaders of the two countries in Wuhan last year, Sino-Indian relations have shown a good momentum of development. The two sides have steadily promoted cooperation in various fields and properly managed differences and sensitive issues.

The leaders of China and India have a tradition of maintaining high-level exchanges, and the two sides are also maintaining communication on the next stage of bilateral high-level exchanges. The two sides should jointly create a good atmosphere and environment for high-level exchanges between the two countries. We will release news about the situation in a timely manner, please keep you close to it.

Q: Will the US Department of Commerce's decision on Chinese entities affect the upcoming high-level US-China economic and trade consultations this week?

A: This morning, China's Ministry of Commerce has released the news. At the invitation of the US side, Liu He, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, vice premier of the State Council, and leader of the Chinese side of the China-US Comprehensive Economic Dialogue, will lead a delegation to visit Washington and hold a new round of high-level Sino-US economic and trade consultations with US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin from October 10 to 11.

I would like to stress that China's position on the issue of Sino-US economic and trade consultations is consistent and clear. We hope that the US side and China will move in the same direction and make joint efforts to promote progress in consultations on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

Q: According to reports, on June 6, the spokesman of the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior said that the recent turmoil in Iraq has killed 104 people, injured more than 6,000 people, and burned 51 public buildings and 8 political party headquarters by demonstrators. What is China's comment on this?

A: China is very concerned about the current situation in Iraq. We believe that the Government and people of Iraq have the wisdom and ability to handle the current situation and restore social stability and achieve long-term peace and stability at an early date.

Q: According to reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the annual meeting of the "Valday" International Debate Club that Russia proposed the establishment of an organization to resolve the crisis in the Gulf region. Putin said that in addition to the Gulf states, Russia, China, the United States, the European Union, India and other countries should become observer states of the organization. What is China's comment on this?

A: I need to understand and verify the situation you said, but I can only give you a principled response first.

At present, the situation in the Gulf region of the Middle East is complex and sensitive, and China has always maintained a high degree of attention. Maintaining regional peace and stability conforms to the common interests of the international community. China welcomes all initiatives and diplomatic efforts that will help to promote the relaxation of the situation in the Gulf region, and is willing to maintain communication with all parties on relevant issues.

Q: According to Taiwan media reports, Taiwan's "Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Fukuoka, Japan," held a fake celebration party, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Vice Prime Minister Taro Aso sent congratulatory messages and called Taiwan "Republic of China." What is China's comment on this?

A: We have noted that the Japanese Government has publicly stated that the above information is not true, and reiterated that the Japanese Government adheres to the relevant position of the 1972 Sino-Japanese Joint Statement on the Taiwan issue.

There is only one China in the world, the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate Government representing all of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory.

I would like to advise some people on the island of Taiwan not to be clever with themselves, otherwise they will only humiliate themselves. It doesn't feel good to be punched in the face in public.

Q: The first question is still about the NBA, where the Rockets general manager and several other executives have apologized to Chinese and Chinese fans over the past few days, and the NBA has explained the matter. Today, we saw CCTV announce an immediate suspension of NBA game broadcasting schedules. My question is, in China's view, what are the future prospects of the NBA in China? If the NBA wants to restore relations with China, what should they do? The second problem is that an American cartoon "South Park" is reportedly not available in China recently. What is China's comment on this?

A: On your first question, I have just responded. Let me stress again, how can we carry out exchanges and cooperation with China without understanding China's public opinion? The NBA has been carrying out exchanges and cooperation with China for a long time, and they know best how to say and how to do next.

On the second question, I am not aware of what you are talking about.

Q: Who do you think is responsible for this NBA incident? Is it the individual, the Rockets, or the NBA? What punitive measures does China believe should be taken?

A: As I said just now, the premise of exchanges and cooperation with China is to understand China's public opinion, otherwise some things may not be possible.

The NBA has been exchanging and cooperating with China for quite a long time, and they know best what they should say and do next.

Q: First question, regarding the US Department of Commerce's inclusion of Chinese enterprises in the list of export control entities, when similar situations occurred in the past, China hinted that it would counteract them. Is China prepared to take countermeasures this time? Second question, can you tell China the latest situation on the establishment of the "Unreliable Entities List" system?

A: As I said just now, we urge the US side to immediately correct its erroneous practices, revoke relevant decisions, and stop interfering in China's internal affairs. China will continue to take firm and effective measures to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.

As for the countermeasures you mentioned, are you looking forward to it? (Reporter laughs) Then please keep an eye on it.

Regarding the "Unreliable Entities List", the spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce of The People's Republic of China recently introduced that at present, the "Unreliable Entities List" system is performing internal procedures and will be released in the near future. For specific circumstances, it is recommended that you ask the Ministry of Commerce.

Q: Both China and the United States have recently faced many difficult situations. China faces escalating violent demonstrations in Hong Kong, the Trump administration is under impeachment inquiry, and some Chinese companies are on the list of export control entities by the United States. Which side believes will prevail in the upcoming round of high-level Sino-US economic and trade consultations?

A: We have stressed many times that the essence of China-US economic and trade cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win, and the same is true for China-US economic and trade consultations. It is normal for the two sides to have differences and frictions, and the key is to properly resolve them through dialogue and consultation in the spirit of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Seeking to gain the upper hand is probably not the right attitude to solve the problem. Working together and moving in the same direction is the right way.

Q: According to the information we have, China's "re-education camps" in Xinjiang and the society have widely used monitoring technology and equipment. Does China understand the concerns of many countries about China's repression of Muslim rights in the Xinjiang region?

A: Have you not been to the press conference for a while? (Reporter nods)

I'm afraid I'll have to take this opportunity to correct you. You have been stationed in China for such a long time, and the Foreign Ministry spokesperson has responded many times to Xinjiang-related issues, so why do you still use the term "re-education camp"? You should know the correct appellation. If you don't even get the title right, how can you report it objectively and fairly?

China's initiatives in Xinjiang are preventive counter-terrorism and de-radicalization measures that have nothing to do with so-called human rights or religion. Many of the countries you mentioned have concerns about this, but in fact, they are only a small number of countries, a small group of countries that are biased against China's development. I can tell you that there are many more countries that support China's initiatives in Xinjiang. At the invitation of the Chinese side, they visited Xinjiang on the ground, and after the visit, they all expressed their appreciation and affirmation for China's measures in Xinjiang. The media has reported on this, and I suggest you take a closer look. If you can't find the media coverage, you can also go to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to see the transcript of the press conference, and the foreign ministry spokesperson's response to the relevant issues is very sufficient and comprehensive. If you still have some puzzlements after reading it, we can communicate again.

Q: First question, it is reported that Pakistan's Army Chief of Staff Bajwa is currently visiting China with Pakistan's Prime Minister. Can you confirm that? Can you disclose his specific itinerary, such as the meeting between Chinese and Pakistani officials? Second question, you just said that there will be high-level exchanges between China and India, when does China intend to release the news?

A: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is currently visiting China and will attend the closing ceremony of the World Horticultural Expo. Regarding the visit, the Chinese side will release information in a timely manner.

On your second question, as I said earlier, the leaders of China and India have a tradition of maintaining high-level exchanges, and in recent times the two sides have also maintained communication on the next stage of bilateral high-level exchanges. The Chinese side will release the news in a timely manner on the relevant situation.

Q: Again, on the NBA, can managers of foreign teams still express their personal political positions in their own countries without fearing the consequences of doing so?

A: How they express their views is their business. But as I said just now, when the relevant parties carry out exchanges and cooperation with China, they should understand and understand The people's will of the People of China, otherwise how can relevant exchanges and cooperation be carried out?

Q: Recently, the work of the Sixth and First Committees of the UN General Assembly has had to be suspended because the United States has refused to issue visas to diplomatic representatives from Russia, Iran, Cuba and other countries. The Russian side proposed to change the first committee from New York to other cities. What is China's comment on this?

A: Providing visas and other facilities for delegates to UN conferences is an international obligation that the United States should assume as the host country of the UN.

Q: On February 2, the DPRK test-fired the new Polaris-3 submarine-launched ballistic missile. What is China's comment on this?

A: The Chinese side has noted the relevant situation. We have always adhered to the maintenance of peace and stability on the Peninsula, the denuclearization of the Peninsula, and the settlement of problems through dialogue and consultation. At present, the situation on the Peninsula is in an important period, and China calls on all parties concerned to cherish the hard-won détente, devote themselves to dialogue and eliminate tensions, and make positive efforts to promote the denuclearization of the Peninsula and achieve lasting peace on the Peninsula and the region.

Edit: Wang Xinjing