
Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku

author:Earth Expeditions

Have you heard of Otaku Killer? Do you know how many husbands Hatsune future has? What is the magical operation of hot spring takeaway? Today, the captain will talk to you about "Otaku Those Things" to understand the history of the development of Japan's "otaku culture".

It seems that in life, we mention otaku, and many people are full of disgust. Because in the subconscious of the public, the otaku is a greasy face, untrimmed, extremely fanatical about the second dimension, curled up in a narrow rental house all day to eat instant noodles and play games, and smile at the two-dimensional girl.

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku


So what exactly is an otaku? What is Otaku? How did otaku culture arise?

Interested friends, please help the captain in the praise area of the chief press the thumbs up, we will start to speak immediately.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > the cultivation of otaku</h1>

The captain first wants to popularize the science that in the Japanese cultural context, otaku and otaku are not the same thing. Why? Because the "house" of the otaku refers to the physical level of the house, mainly refers to those who have received higher education, but have squatted or worked odd jobs at home for a long time, and have cut off communication with the outside society.

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku

However, the "house" of otaku refers to the house on the spiritual level, mainly referring to the anime, manga and other subcultural content, extremely fanatical, willing to invest a lot of money and time in the group, such as crazy buyers, shopping for comic exhibitions, they do not necessarily squat at home.

However, in Japan, the two major groups of otaku and otaku are highly overlapping, so the two concepts are confused.

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku

Otaku Café

Speaking of the birth of Japan's "otaku culture", it is very sad.

After the end of World War II, Xiao Dai held a momentum in his heart, wanting to prove himself, the national cohesion was very strong, and in the next 30 years, the economy developed rapidly, and finally ushered in the brilliant 80s.

But it was also from the 1980s that the Japanese economy began to bubble, housing prices soared, consumer loans blossomed everywhere, and classes solidified, all of which fell on the young people at that time. What to do?

Many young people choose to "escape" and "lie flat", and one by one they hide in the gentle countryside composed of anime and games.

But then again, it coincided with the abundant capital and technology in Japan at that time, the unprecedented development of the anime game industry, and the gushing out of high-quality anime games for human beings.

In terms of animation, such as the well-known Evangelion, Mobile Suit Gundam, Dragon Ball, etc., which we are familiar with, are all anime works at that time.

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku


And Japan's Nintendo is also unique in the field of games, such as "Legend of the Sacred Sword", "Persona", "Golden Sun" and other novel themes, well-made video games have also captured the hearts of a lot of fat houses.

There are good anime and manga, there are fun games, and the Japanese government provides high unemployment subsidies to let me go to work? Two guns will give the answer!

As a result, the first generation of fat houses began to sprout, taking the rental house as the position and immersing themselves in the world of the second dimension all day. However, at that time, the public was very tolerant of otaku and otaku, without any prejudice.

Until the end of the 1980s, there were four cases of abduction and murder of young girls in Tokyo and Saitama, Japan, and "otaku" and "otaku" gradually became a group pointed out by thousands of people and spurned by thousands of people, and they also ushered in the darkest moment.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > otaku killer</h1>

Ever heard of Incident 117, which shocked Japan? Do you know Miyazaki?

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku


It is this man who has made the whole world change its view of otaku and otaku.

In the short period from 1988 to 1999, there were 4 cases of abduction and murder of young girls from Tokyo to other prefectures in Japan, which were extremely bad in nature and attracted the attention of the Japanese police. The initiator was Miyazaki.

According to the information disclosed by the police, Miyazaki is not a natural cannibal. He was born into a middle-class family, his father was the director of a printing house, and he was extremely disciplined, so when he was a teenager, Miyazaki was both diligent and excellent.

Unfortunately, he was born with "ulnar imperfection", which caused his arm to be unable to lift normally, which became the reason why he was often laughed at by his classmates.

So he often stays at home, reading a lot of hunting comics and living with adult anime, while his parents ignore his otaku life.

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku

Miyazaki's room

The only one who brought comfort and care to Miyazaki was his grandfather, who unfortunately died in 88. From that moment on, the door of his intellect collapsed, and crazy and cruel thoughts continued to breed. Therefore, he planned to kill 4 young girls to pray for the resurrection of his grandfather.

Sounds ridiculous isn't it? But the reality is not only that, Miyazaki has been in a state of madness after being arrested.

When he learned that his father had committed suicide because of his shame, he smiled happily and said that he "felt very happy" after knowing about it.

At the same time, he refused to confess his guilt, and has always argued that it was the cartoon character "Rat Man" who instructed him to do it, and he was a good man.

The police found more than 6,000 hunting anime animations in his home, and Miyazaki even filmed the process of his crime and often used it to watch, which can be described as a pervert.

And he was eventually sentenced to death for his diabolical crimes.

However, because Miyazaki is a typical "otaku", the social image of the otaku has plummeted, and it was once regarded as a symbol of color, perversion, depression and murder. Japan's anime and game industry has also been hit hard.

In fact, until now, Japanese society still has a prejudice against otaku and otaku. Due to the huge social pressure, they are more willing to indulge in the virtual world of anime games, so they also give up the opportunity to defend themselves and prove themselves, which deepens the misunderstanding.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > the rebirth of otaku culture</h1>

However, due to the growing number of otaku, society's perception of them is also changing. According to a survey conducted by the Yano Institute of Economic Research in 2017, about 20% of the 18-69-year-old population in Japan is some type of 'otaku', and it is predicted that the number of "otaku" will further increase, exceeding 1/3 of the total population of Japan by 2030.

Such a huge group, its consumer demand and economic effects can not be underestimated. In order to tap business opportunities from "otaku", Japanese merchants have also done their best.

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku

Gundam Warrior

For example, the launch of many virtual anchors with different personalities. Japan's recognized first virtual anchor is called Trip Love, an eye-catching, youthful girl wearing frilled stockings and a pink headband.

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku

Artificial AI stumbles on love

However, Trip Love is a virtual character with a completely three-dimensional design, voiced by countless well-known voice actors. As of November 2020, she has nearly 4.5 million followers worldwide and has seen more than 450 million views of the video.

Speaking of a well-known virtual idol, Hatsune Mirai, she has brought huge benefits to the Japanese animation industry and has always been regarded as a "wife" by otaku. In 2018, a man named Akihiko Kondo announced a wedding with virtual idol Hatsune Mirai.

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku

Hatsune Mirai

He spent 2 million yen (about RMB120,000) for the wedding for six months, and Kondo obtained a marriage certificate issued by a holographic projection. In the past five years, Hatsune Mirai has issued 3,700 such marriage certificates in Japan, which means that Kondo Hidehiko will "compete" with more than 3,700 Japanese fat houses. It's also interesting to think about.

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku

The most important thing is that in order to make otaku money, Japan has launched hot spring takeaway. What's going on?

As we all know, Japan is the world's favorite country to soak in hot springs. Due to the epidemic, the Matsunoyama hot spring business in Niigata Prefecture has plummeted and is on the verge of closing its doors.

In order to meet the needs of otaku who want to soak in hot springs at home, Matsunoyama Onsen has launched a hot spring takeaway service in a unique way. The otaku only needs to place an order at home, and the store will carry the bucket to send the hot spring water to the home, so that the otaku can enjoy the pleasure of bathing in the hot spring without leaving home.

Just listening to this service, the captain was moved. As for the price, the takeaway price of the 20-liter barreled hot spring is 30,000 yen, which is about 1,770 yuan RMB. This is ridiculously expensive, but Japanese otaku are eager to say that lazy people have lazy methods.

Behind the "otaku" phenomenon in Japan, psychological distortions persecute children and marry virtual characters? The rebirth of the otaku killer otaku culture of the otaku

hot spring

To be honest, the birth of otaku culture is caused by historical and economic reasons to a large extent, and the society with high pressure and low desire has created such a group of people who escape from reality and indulge in the virtual world, they may be far away from interpersonal communication and are not good at words, but they are kind and simple in their hearts, and situations like otaku killer Miyazaki Are often a case. However, with the popularity of otaku culture in China, society should pay sufficient attention to it, because this is a very serious social problem. Have China's young people also entered a state of high pressure and low desire? And where does this high pressure come from? This is something that each of us should think about.

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