
A fantasy movie for the family: "The Magic Nanny McPhee"

author:Watch movies from generation to generation

Mr. Brown has seven cute but very naughty children, and even the family's cook said that solving these children's problems is more difficult than August Flying Snow. Just now, they had driven away the seventeenth nanny, and there was no other nanny in the housekeeping agency to introduce them. To avoid Mr. Brown's questioning, several intermediaries closed their doors. Mr. Brown was about to leave when a voice came from the agent with the closed door: "The person you need is The nanny McPhee." ”

Mr. Brown returned to his noisy home, where the stress of work and the rent he had lost made it difficult for him to breathe. His wife's aunt, Adelaide, is a responsible and wealthy lady who helps the Brown family pay the rent, but she thinks that there are too many children in the family and she is neglectful, and Mr. Brown needs to find a stepmother for the children within a month, otherwise he will recover his financial support, so the house will be mortgaged, the children will also need to work in the factory, and mr. Brown, who loves his son, must not let this happen.

A fantasy movie for the family: "The Magic Nanny McPhee"

While they were worried, the children were quarreling in the kitchen, even tying up the cook, and while Mr. Brown and the maid Ivan Gilling were overwhelmed, a strange-looking woman appeared at the door, two distinct black moles, thick and connected eyebrows, a tooth that protruded from the lips, and an amazingly large nose, and she was the nanny McPhee.

McPhee enters the kitchen and tells the children to go to bed, and the little boy simon, who is led by Simon, along with the other children, ignores her and says he will play in the kitchen all night. When McPhee knocks on his cane, the children lose control of their bodies and keep repeating their actions. Just as they were about to throw their youngest sister, Aggie, into the cauldron, Simon finally put his face down and said to McPhee, "Please stop, Nanny McPhee!" ”

The moment McPhee tapped his cane, everything returned to order.

In the children's bedroom, the little sister Aji is giggling at their mother's only relic, the silver bell, while her older siblings are pranking McPhee under a false name, expecting McPhee to become the eighteenth nanny to leave the house. However, McPhee just calmly called out everyone's real name and said goodnight to them.

McPhee's au pair's principles are:

When you need me but don't want me, I have to stay;

When you want me but don't need me anymore, I have to go.

At Mr. Brown's house, McPhee had five classes.

Early the next morning, McPhee told the children to get up, and Simon came up with the idea of asking everyone to put on a big white face, and then light a red spot, pretending to have measles.

A fantasy movie for the family: "The Magic Nanny McPhee"

The children thought they had fooled McPhee, but when they were about to get up, they found themselves firmly glued to the bed, and the sweet and delicious lunch was replaced by the British version of pearl emerald white jade soup. It wasn't until the children all willingly uttered the word "please" that they were released from the "tight embrace" of the bed. At the same time, McPhee's mole disappeared one.

The first lesson, learning to say "please," is done.

Aunt Adelaide came to visit the children and offered Mr Brown to take a girl to raise her, and the conversation was overheard by the children, and a prank took shape in the children's little brains. The children dressed up the poultry in gorgeous clothes, and even put Aunt Adelaide's delicate hat on the head of the donkey, which angered the aunt, the aunt decided to take away the cute short-haired girl Chris, the scene was uncontrollable for a while, McPhee appeared outside the fence at the call of the children's hearts, and used magic to make the donkey seven-five, amusing Aunt Adelaide.

But the aunt was determined to take a girl, and Simon thought of the maid Ivan Gilling, who had been looking forward to the opportunity to learn. So Ivan Gilling was adopted by her aunt in place of Chris. Simon thanked McPhee sincerely, and McPhee's mole disappeared completely.

The second lesson, learning to say "thank you," is done.

In order not to take the house, Mr. Brown decided to pursue Mrs. Selma, who had given away her three husbands, in a tight time. The children always refused their stepmothers, so they put worms in sandwiches, toads in teapots, doorknobs electrified... Mrs. Selma mistakes Mr. Brown's act of stopping the prank for Meng Lang's and leaves the house.

Disappointed, Mr. Brown tells the children the truth, and the children realize they have made a big mistake and ask McPhee for advice, who makes the children brainwash. So the seven children went to Madame Selma together to confess their reasons and ask for forgiveness. Upon hearing that Mr. Brown had such a wealthy relative as Aunt Adelaide, Mrs. Selma immediately forgave the child and accepted Mr. Brown's marriage proposal.

Mr Brown apologized for not telling the children the truth and read bedtime stories for them. McPhee had two beautiful eyebrows.

In this lesson, the children learn to think and take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, and Mr. Brown learns to listen.

On the eve of the wedding, Madame Selma revealed her form in front of the children, destroying the silver bell, the relic of their deceased mother. At the wedding, Simon asked McPhee again what they should do. McPhee replied, "Do as you hear." ”

A fantasy movie for the family: "The Magic Nanny McPhee"

Little sister Aji said to Simon, "Honeycomb." Simon immediately realized, and the other children pretended to be bees at the wedding scene, successfully disrupted the wedding and drove away Mrs. Selma. The eccentric children build a magpie bridge for Mr. Brown and the maid Ivan Gilling, so that the master and servant who have long been in love with each other will become dependents. McPhee came out of the August snow, the strange appearance returned to normal, and the broken bell returned to its original form.

The last lesson, learn to be obedient, complete.

A fantasy movie for the family: "The Magic Nanny McPhee"

The film was released in 2005, but the reflections it sparked are still appropriate for now. Parenting requires rules, not because they want children to be well-behaved and obedient, but to adapt to the moral codes and rules of society. Of course, stereotypical admonition is not the best solution, companionship, listening, and teaching by example are what children need.

McPhee's peculiar appearance symbolizes the family's problems, and every time he finishes a class, he restores a look. Two times in the film, McPhee salutes the seat belonging to the child's deceased mother, as if at the mother's call to lead the family.

A fantasy movie for the family: "The Magic Nanny McPhee"

Even with colleagues and classmates, there will be friction, not to mention the family that they get along with day and night, you are listening, accompanying, mutual respect, and communicating in the appropriate way.

I hope that everyone's life is harmonious and beautiful.

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