
In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

author:Heavy building said history

In the spring of 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery, only to see that the old woman was already about seventy years old and was no longer walking very sharply.

Accompanied by several staff members of the Xingguo County Civil Affairs Bureau, she staggered along the bluestone slab road of the Martyrs' Cemetery. Although the old woman did not walk very quickly, the excitement in her eyes could not be hidden.

She looked at the tombstones of martyrs on the mountain, looked at the grass and trees in her hometown, like a wanderer who had not returned for many years, full of attachment.

After the old woman walked into the martyrs' cemetery, she had been looking at the tombstones, stopping and walking, as if to see if there were anyone she knew well.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Picture | Xingguo Martyrs Cemetery

Suddenly, the group stopped, and the old woman pointed to a tombstone and said, "This is me..."

The staff around her answered her affirmatively, only to see that there were several big words written on it: Liu Fayu, a martyr of the Red Army, is immortal.

Is this old woman the martyr Liu Fayu himself? Why am I still alive, but the tombstone has already been erected?

What's the secret?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > (1) child brides become female soldiers of the Red Army</h1>

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Pictured| female soldier of the Red Army

This old woman is the martyr Liu Fayu on the tombstone, she did not sacrifice, but survived, and the story about her has to start from 1913.

In 1913, Liu Fayu was born into a poor peasant family in Chengjiang Village, Dongjiang Township, Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province. The poverty in the family is difficult to describe in two words, far beyond our imagination.

In Liu Fayu's childhood impression, the family did not have a good day. The parents gave birth to seven Brothers and Sisters of Liu Fayu, which was relatively common in the countryside at that time, and basically every household had several children.

Although the cost of childbearing at that time was not as high as we are now, at least there must be food to eat, and only this most basic condition, their family can not meet.

The family did not have their own land, so they relied on their father to work long-term work for the landlord's family to support the family, and they only lived in a tattered thatched hut. Her father alone could not feed so many people, so what to do?

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

The picture | old photo of the landlord

According to the customs and customs of that time, it was more common to give their children to other people's families as child brides. Liu Fayu was such a fate, when she was seven years old, the family sent her to a nearby family surnamed Lai as a child bride.

This family surnamed Lai is actually not rich in the family, but it is better than Liu Fayu's family. After coming to Lai's house, Liu Fayu often went up the mountain with her husband Lai Lai, who was a year older than her, to dig wild vegetables to maintain the family.

We all know that Xingguo County is a famous general county in the country, and there are many founding generals out of the country. During the period of the agrarian revolution, it was also a base area of the Red Army, and many young men and women enthusiastically signed up for the Red Army. The days of Liu Fayu and her husband Lai Laifa also underwent earth-shaking changes with the arrival of the Red Army.

In 1930, the Red Army began the agrarian revolution in Xingguo County, established peasant associations, and distributed the land in the hands of landlords to the peasants. As early as April 1929, the Red Army promulgated the Land Law for the Rejuvenation of the Country, and the peasants were given their own land.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Figure | "Revitalization Land Law"

Not only has the land changed, but it has also been a liberation for women. They went out of the house, cut off their old-fashioned hair, kept them short, and actively participated in the revolution.

These new changes also affected Liu Fayu, who actively participated in the work of the farmers' association. Soon after, because of his responsibility and serious work, he became the captain of the women's team. During this time, she actively studied the policies of the Red Army and learned many revolutionary principles.

In 1932, the 19-year-old Liu Fayu was already a big girl, and at this time she and Lai Laifa were officially married and became the daughter-in-law of the Lai family. However, the revolution was doing well in rejuvenating the country, and the situation was very good, and Liu Fayu often asked himself: Do we have to follow the old path of women in the past?

If it had been before, she might not have had such a thought, but when the Red Army came, she learned a lot of truth. She didn't want to live her life around the stove and children like the women she had before.

At that time, she had slowly understood that without the overthrow of the previous feudal system, the poor would not have a good life and women would not be liberated.

She persuaded her husband and family to join the Red Army in June of that year, through the introduction of Wei Xiurong, the chairman of the county women's federation. She was assigned to the 3rd Company of the 5th Division of the 3rd Red Army to do logistics work, and soon after, she was appointed as the head of the laundry squad.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Pictured| Red Army

After Liu Fayu joined the revolution, he dedicated his enthusiasm to his work. The organization considered her to be active and meticulous, and soon after transferred her to a medical position. In 1933, she was transferred to Fujian Hospital.

During that period, the Soviet area was surrounded by the Kuomintang, and the materials were even more strictly inspected, and the medicines were even more in short supply. However, one battle after another, the number of wounded is also increasing, there is no medicine, and it is very difficult to carry out medical work.

In order to alleviate this problem and allow more Red Army soldiers to recover as soon as possible, Liu Fayu and other medical personnel went to the mountains to collect medicine and used civilian treatment methods to heal Red Army soldiers.

After less than two years in the hospital, Liu Fayu is already an excellent medical worker, and what to stop bleeding, infusion, and injection are the most basic. She also learned acupuncture (jiǔ) and massage from some old doctors in order to allow the warriors to recover sooner.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Figure | acupuncture

Because of Liu Fayu's outstanding performance in her work, coupled with her firm thinking and support for organizational decisions, she joined the Communist Party of China in 1933.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" > (ii) the road to life and death</h1>

In 1934, due to Wang Ming's wrong command, the Central Red Army faced a series of difficulties, and finally had to leave the Soviet zone and start the 25,000-mile long march.

Liu Fayu was assigned to Peng Dehuai's Three Corps and worked as a medical nurse in a company. At this time, she actually found her husband Lai Laifa in the team, who also joined the Red Army in 1933.

The two husbands and wives joined the revolutionary ranks together, which made Liu Fayu very happy. However, at this time, the army was marching and fighting, and Liu Fayu could not care about the private feelings of these sons and daughters, but only encouraged each other to follow the team and insist on going.

On the Long March Road, kuomintang planes were bombed from time to time in the sky, and there were Kuomintang troops closely following on the ground, and the situation has always been not optimistic. The Red Third Army broke through Gannan all the way and crossed two enemy blockade lines.

In order to reduce the casualties of the Red Army soldiers, Peng Dehuai ordered the soldiers to sleep during the day and march at night to negotiate with the enemy. After crossing the Xiang River, it turned into Guizhou.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Pictured| Peng Dehuai

One afternoon, the enemy plane suddenly came to the top of the soldiers' heads, and before they could hide, they dropped countless bombs. Behind the Red Army, gunfire was also heard.

At this critical moment, Li Tianyou, a commander of the Red Third Army, ordered his soldiers to quickly occupy the heights on both sides, while at the same time launching a counterattack against the pursuing enemy, liu Fayu and others were asked to temporarily hide in the cave.

The fighting lasted for one night, and when it was almost dawn, Liu Fayu and other Red Army soldiers immediately rushed out to rescue the wounded. I saw that the battlefield was full of corpses, both red army and enemy, and the battle was very fierce.

At this time, the enemy was still at the foot of the mountain, and Liu Fayu immediately began to treat the wounded. At dawn, a female Red Army soldier suddenly shouted: "Captain Liu, you come quickly, Lai... Comrade Lai Laifa sacrificed. ”

When Liu Fayu heard it, it was like five thunderbolts roaring to the top. She quickly ran over, only to see that Lai Laifa had been blown out of shape, but his fingers were still holding the trigger.

Seeing that her husband had sacrificed, Liu Fayu could no longer bear the discomfort in his heart and pounced on him and cried. But without crying a few words, Liu Fayu stopped, she suppressed her sadness, got up and saluted her husband.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

The picture | old photo of the wounded being treated

Then she threw herself into the task of treating the wounded, and at this time, she could not let other wounded people lose their lives because of her personal feelings. After treating the wounded, she buried her husband's body with the help of her comrades-in-arms and then went back to rescue work.

During the Long March, Liu Fayu experienced a lot of suffering and rubbed shoulders with the god of death many times. One of the things she remembered most clearly was a march in Guizhou, because there were always pursuing soldiers behind, and the troops had no time to stop and rest, and walked for several days and nights in a row.

On these days, they rely on some dry food, fried noodles, and when they are thirsty, they will fetch some water by the river. Liu Fayu could only rely on a little raw broad beans in the bag to fill their hunger, and they were thirsty to drink river water or rainwater.

As the troops advanced towards the Jinsha River, suddenly enemy planes arrived. As a doctor, Liu Fayu naturally has many injured people around him, and many are seriously injured people who need to lie on stretchers.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Pictured| bombed by Kuomintang aircraft

When the enemy's shells fell, a comrade carrying a stretcher was killed on the spot. Seeing that the enemy's plane was circling in the sky, the shells might fall again immediately, and at this time, the thin Liu Fayu lifted the stretcher and transferred the wounded to the woods.

After the enemy plane left, Liu Fayu was ready to carry the wounded man, but found that the man had one hundred and thirty or forty pounds, and she was less than ninety, even if she was carried, I am afraid that she would not be able to walk. This shows how explosive she is when the wounded are in danger.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" > (iii) leave the team to get medicine and fall into the hands of the enemy</h1>

The Red Army received a short rest after crossing the Jinsha River. However, medicines are in short supply in the troops, and many soldiers are injured without medical treatment, especially anti-inflammatory drugs.

Seeing the soldiers' wounds suppuration and bleeding, Liu Fayu's heart was very painful, but she couldn't do anything about it. In desperation, she had to boil water and soak salt water to disinfect the warriors. One day, she went outside to ask for medicine from some fellow villagers, and suddenly saw white lime on the wall of a house.

Liu Fayu suddenly thought that an old Chinese medicine doctor once told him that Chen lime could relieve pain and inflammation, and quickly picked up a broken tile and scraped off a large pile of lime. After returning to the hospital, she smeared lime powder on the wounds of the soldiers, but she did not expect that the next day the soldiers' wounds did improve. (Do not imitate)

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Pictured| Peng Xuefeng

After a short rest, the troops continued north, when they reached the Mianning area in Sichuan. The regimental commander Peng Xuefeng and the political commissar summoned Liu Fayu and Zhong Sanxiu and gave them a task - to go to Wuhan to purchase drugs.

Peng Xuefeng gave the task to the two of them, mainly considering that the shortage of drugs needed to be taken over by people who knew medicines. In addition, there is an underground party member in Wuhan surnamed Cao, who is a person they know, and it is easy to communicate by sending them.

The next day, the two of them set off, and after a long journey, they arrived in Wuhan. At this time, the inventory in Wuhan was very strict, and there were enemy sentries everywhere. When leaving the station, Liu Fayu was worried that the joint letter would be searched, so he changed his clothes with a beggar on the side of the road, which evaded the interrogation.

When Liu Fayu and Zhong Sanxiu came to the agreed place Liu Jiamiao Hospital, they met the dean surnamed Cao, and on the pretext of seeing a doctor, President Cao prescribed a prescription drug to her, which read: "Tomorrow at four o'clock in the morning, all the drugs will be delivered to the station, please wait in the waiting room." ”

The next day, at the agreed time, Dean Cao delivered the medicine. Zhong Sanxiu was in charge of cover, and Liu Fayu and Dean Cao quickly put the medicine into a sack. However, an accident occurred, and some police officers found them while patrolling.

When President Cao saw that the situation was urgent, he immediately shot and killed several policemen, and Liu Fayu and Zhong Sanxiu immediately ran away with sacks. Surrounded by the enemy, President Cao was sacrificed, and Liu Fayu and Zhong Sanxiu were arrested.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Picture | torture (stills)

The enemy tortured them, questioning them and the identities of Dean Cao, and where were their medicines to be taken? The two of them only insisted on helping others, and never said anything about The identity of President Cao and the situation of the Red Army.

Liu Fayu and Zhong Sanxiu were tortured in prison, but they never gave any information. After detaining them for more than half a year, the enemy pulled them to a place ready for execution.

However, this information of the enemy was learned by our Party, and the Red Army guerrillas were already on the road preparing for rescue. As the car was driving on the road, gunshots suddenly rang out, and the guerrillas shouted loudly during the fighting: "Comrades get out of the car, we are the partisans of the Red Army." ”

Liu Fayu and Zhong Sanxiu quickly ran out of the car, because it was dark and the back of his hand was tied, Liu Fayu accidentally rolled down a hillside.

Liu Fayu listened to the gunshots, and she was afraid that her shouting would attract the enemy, so she did not dare to shout loudly. She thought that since the Red Army guerrillas were nearby, she would look for them at dawn.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

The | guerrillas

At dawn, Liu Fayu shouted Zhong Sanxiu several times, but found no response. It wasn't until an old man who went up the mountain to cut firewood saw her and untied the rope for her.

When the old man heard that Liu Fayu had been arrested by the Kuomintang for making a revolution, he admired her very much and took her in. Liu Fayu hid in the old man's house for a few days, and asked the old man to inquire about the whereabouts of the Red Army guerrillas for her, but a few days passed, and no guerrilla figure was found around.

At this time, Liu Fayu felt a little confused, and she wondered, where did the Red Army guerrillas go? Did Zhong Sanxiu escape? Was he rescued by the guerrillas or did he flee on his own...

A series of questions filled Liu Fayu's mind, she thought she could not wait here, decided to go out to find a large army, did not expect that this search, is more than ten years...

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="67" > (4) Long way to find a way</h1>

After waiting in the old man's house for a few days, Liu Fayu felt that it was not the way to wait like this, so he decided to go to the big troops himself.

Dressed in a worn-out dress, she begged as she set out for the road she had come from. After more than ten days of trekking, she reached Mianning, Sichuan. However, at this time, more than half a year had passed since she set off for Wuhan, and the Red Army had already gone far.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Figure | a begging man

Liu Fayu followed the original Long March route all the way back, and reached Huili, but still did not find the Red Army guerrillas. Unable to find the Red Army, Liu Fayu felt like a homeless child, abandoned outside.

Liu Fayu's heart was very sad, and he didn't know what to do next? She carried a cane and a broken bowl and dressed herself as a hanako. She thought that since the Red Army had gone north, and she herself had gone north, she would always be able to meet them.

At that time, in an era of soldiers and horses, Liu Fayu, a little girl, walked around like this, and it was inevitable that she would encounter some dangers. Liu Fayu specially cut his hair, made it into a boy's head, and made himself dirty, with a belt around his waist...

Liu Fayu's method really reduced a lot of trouble for her, Liu Fayu relied on doing small work for other people's families all the way, from Sichuan to Hubei. From Hubei all the way north, I met some traders on the way, so I asked them about the whereabouts of the Red Army.

However, the accounts of these businessmen are different, and they are all heard news, Liu Fayu often went to a location, but did not find the Red Army, which made her take a lot of wronged roads.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

In this way, Liu Fayu has been searching everywhere, while doing things to earn some food money and travel expenses, while inquiring about the whereabouts of the Red Army everywhere. Liu Fayu went to Sichuan, Hubei, Guizhou and other places, but he did not find the Red Army.

In the process of searching, the War of Resistance Against Japan broke out. The coming of the war has made the way forward more difficult and the news more closed.

In 1943, Liu Fayu went to the old river mouth in Hubei Province. Here, she almost lost her life, what happened?

After several years of travel, she suffered from typhoid fever, which could kill people if not handled well. Fortunately, a local towel factory owner saved her, and after more than half a year of treatment, she finally got better. After recovering from her illness, she stayed in the boss's towel factory to work, which was a way to repay the life-saving grace of others.

Although she worked there, she never forgot to look for the team. Finally, Japan surrendered, and Liu Fayu heard that the Red Army was in northern Shaanxi, so he decided to get up and look for them.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Picture | 1945, the surrender of Japan (oil on canvas)

Unfortunately, the peace of the victorious War of Resistance did not last long, and Chiang Kai-shek provoked a civil war. The Kuomintang troops surrounded the People's Liberation Army heavily, and even the road to the Liberated Areas was blocked, and There were Kuomintang soldiers patrolling there. As soon as it feels like anyone is suspicious, arrest them.

Liu Fayu had no choice but to stay in the towel factory. Later, Liu Fayu heard a carpenter say that a Red Army unit had passed through his hometown, and his hometown was in Zhenping County, Henan. Liu Fayu used the excuse to look for relatives and asked the carpenter to take him with him.

The carpenter's name was Zhang Jinyu, and he was a warm-hearted person, and he immediately agreed. However, when they arrived at Zhang Jinyu's home, the villagers told them that the troops had long gone far away, and no one knew where they had gone.

Liu Fayu's path to find the troops was once again stranded, and she felt very lost in her heart.

Liu Fayu stayed in Zhang Jinyu's house until 1948, when Liu Fayu had no whereabouts of the troops. At this time, more than a decade had passed since she and the troops had been separated, and she had become a 35-year-old.

During the time when zhang jinyu lived in his home, she and Zhang Jinyu slowly developed feelings, and the two people became married.

As the liberation war progressed, Liu Fayu's village was liberated, and when she heard that it was a Communist party, she was eager to explain her situation to the local government. But she was already pregnant at this time, and there was nothing to prove her past identity, liu Fayu slowly dispelled this idea.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

Picture | War of Liberation

After the liberation of the whole country, Liu Fayu also wrote a letter to his hometown xingguo. However, I can't read myself, and I have wrong pronunciation, the address and the recipient's name are wrong, and the letter naturally can't be sent to the place I want to go.

In the years that followed, Liu Fayu slowly buried the idea of finding troops in his heart, concentrating on raising his children and running the family. Liu Fayu gave birth to 3 children, and under her care, the children slowly grew up.

In 1985, his wife Zhang Jinyu died of illness, and Liu Fayu's heart was very sad. After the children saw their father die, their mother washed her face with tears day and night, so she bought her a television set to ease her mood.

Liu Fayu saw some battle films on TV, and immediately couldn't stand it, and the tears fell. Looking at it, Liu Fayu told the children about his Experience in the Red Army, where did the children know that their mother still had such an experience.

In order to fulfill his mother's wishes, her son decided to take his mother back to his hometown of Xingguo to see, and perhaps there were still relatives and friends alive.

Therefore, in the spring of 1986, Liu Fayu and his son returned to Xingguo, and the Xingguo County Civil Affairs Bureau heard that Liu Fayu was a soldier of the Red Army, and they immediately looked up information, confirmed that there was indeed Liu Fayu, and took her to the martyrs' cemetery.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

When Liu Fayu walked into the martyrs' cemetery, she saw the tombstone of her ex-husband Lai Laifa, as well as her own tombstone. When she saw her tombstone, she said, "This is me..."

The staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau next to you explained: "When the Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, the comrades-in-arms saw that you had lost contact for a long time and thought that you had been sacrificed, so after liberation, there was also your tombstone. ”

After Liu Fayu listened, he recalled the time when he was looking for the team, and he had mixed feelings for a while.

It is gratifying that when he returned to his hometown this time, Liu Fayu found that seven brothers and sisters in his family, five of whom were still alive, the whole family was living well, and two of the brothers were still state cadres.

Not only did he have news of his brothers and sisters, Liu Fayu also inquired about Zhong Sanxiu's situation.

It turned out that after Zhong Sanxiu jumped out of the car, he also looked for the Red Army everywhere like her, and finally settled in Tanghe County, Henan. However, Zhong Sanxiu returned to his hometown to visit his relatives at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In 1986, an old woman came to the Xingguo County Martyrs' Cemetery and pointed to a tombstone: This is me(1) The child daughter-in-law became a female soldier of the Red Army (2) the road of life and death (3) leaving the team to take medicine and falling into the hands of the enemy (4) The long search for the road

The picture | old photo of the Red Army

After Liu Fayu returned to Henan from Xingguo, in 1987, the elderly Zhong Sanxiu came to meet Liu Fayu. The two comrades-in-arms who survived the disaster have not seen each other for half a century, and the two are crying with joy...

Liu Fayu's revolutionary experience can be said to be very legendary, and after the troops were separated, he never forgot to look for it, and did not forget his original revolutionary intention.

It was precisely because there were so many fighters who firmly believed in the revolution that victory was finally ushered in.

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