
The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

author:Little Lotus movie

Located in the Tohoku region of Japan

There is a small village called "Komori"

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly


The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Komori Seikadomo

It's a place away from the hustle and bustle of the city

It is surrounded by a large expanse of forest

The villagers depend on farming and farming to survive

All that is eaten and used is the fruit of one's own labor

Occasionally share it with three or two friends

Not pretentiously extravagant, but never

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Ichiko, a girl, cannot fit into the hustle and bustle of Tokyo

Decided to stay in his hometown of Komori

The days flow quietly in the spring, summer, autumn and winter

It's christmas every year

It is also the day when Ichiko's mother will send a letter back every year

But there isn't much greeting on concise stationery

Often this is also the disappointment of the city

She misses her mother who is gentle and elegant in her memory

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Ichiko and mother

I still remember Christmas in previous years

There is always a busy figure of my mother in the kitchen

There will also be a different guest at home

It was a foreign man with big eyes and a high nose bridge

Now think about it, it should be Mom's lover

He would flatter Ichiko by performing magic tricks

It made Ichiko, who was still on guard, laugh

Make the cold room instantly warm

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Mother's foreign lover

In the midst of cheerful laughter, Mom's Christmas cake was also on the table

A white box wrapped in thick cream on the outside

After cutting, the inside is bright red and green

That's the most typical Christmas color

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly


The red part is sweet rice wine made with red rice

The green part is even simpler, made with spinach

Pour both sample dishes into the same abrasive and bake

A freshly baked Christmas cake is ready

After many years, the city grew up

It was rare to talk to his friend Atai about his past

She knew how to make that cake

However, because the family has not grown red rice since then

It can only be replaced by black rice

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Black rice

Heimi family grows every year

Its taste is sweeter than red rice

Ichiko created her own sweet rice wine made from black rice

Although the brewed color is dark black

But after adding sugar oil to wheat flour these excipients

Its color will turn into a very beautiful purple color

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

It looks no less than red rice wine

Purple and yellow are the most compatible colors

So Ichiko added a yellow pumpkin paste

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Pumpkin paste

After making two colors into a cake paste

Then pour into the abrasive in turn and bake

Immediately after baking, place the expanded surface facing down

Keep all sides smooth

Finish with a silky and seductive white cream

A nice but different one

The "Christmas cake" is ready

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Christmas cake from the city

In such a festival with food and meaning

How can you not share it with three or two friends?

Ichiko called out to her good girlfriend Noriko

Enjoy it with your friend Athai

This idyllic and sweet "Christmas gift"

Inside the house is a paradise full of laughter and warmth

Outside the house is a crystal clear and spotless fairytale world

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Willow-like snowflakes fluttered down without alarm

It's not so much a climatic masterpiece of nature

It is more convincing to say that the snow elves are casting magic

Wear a thick blue cotton jacket

Wear a warm, chunky knit scarf

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly


The "heavily armed" city is stepping on footprints of varying shades

Alone at the neighbor's grandmother's house

The kind grandmother took out the homemade noodle steamed buns

Warm hospitality to the city while enjoying it

At this time, the little sister who was writing her homework next to her

Suddenly, he asked what was the best food Ichiko had ever eaten

Asked by her

Ichiko's first thought was the natto-flavored glutinous rice balls

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Natto flavored glutinous rice balls

Add sugar and soy sauce to the natto

Then immediately add the steaming glutinous rice balls

As a child, she was in elementary school

Hammer glutinous rice events are often held

Parents are busy preparing for the event

The children went digging natto together

Delicious glutinous rice and natto when ready

The little gluttons would circle around the table

Can't wait to taste the fruits of your labor

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Little gluttons

That steaming rice cake

Transformed by the magical hands of the adults

It became a cute little sticky rice ball

Throw it into natto and wrap it in fragrant soy sauce and beans

Then eat it in your mouth while it's hot

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

The soft, sticky texture cracks in the taste buds

A rich fragrance blooms in the mouth

One after the other, there was never a feeling of not being able to eat enough

Komori's winter is filled with snowflakes every day

Most villagers prefer to nest in warm little nests

Look at the snow outside the house and drink hot tea in your hand

But there is one more thing beyond that

It's something they won't forget

That's to make delicious "frozen radish"

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Make frozen radish

Cut the large white radish into two pieces

Then use a planer to scrape off the old skin on the outside

Cut longitudinally into long chunks and poke a hole and wear it with a rope

Put the strips of turnips you wear like drying clothes

Hang on an outdoor pole and freeze it at low temperatures

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Dried radish

The turnips that have been dried in this way can be stored for at least one year

On weekdays, every family's favorite stew is in the stew

The appearance of frozen radish is indispensable

Cut the frozen radish into slices and pickle the herring together

Put in a pot and simmer with water

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly


Plus a little bit of seasonal vegetables in season

The broth cooked in this way is fragrant

The plump radish is soaked in a rich soup

One bite is full of the fresh aroma of wanton escape

But let's say that this is a dish that can be dried and tasted

There must be soft sticky sweet persimmons

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Beat persimmons

In the autumn, Ichiko will take Noriko along

Pull out a long bamboo pole and hang it on the hook

Beat down the hard persimmons that have not yet grown on the tree

Leave the tip peeling off the bitter skin

Then tie it with a rope and hang it under the eaves to dry

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Dry persimmons

When you can't wait, you can pinch it with your hand

When I feel it get soft and become deflated

It's time to air-dried persimmons when they're done

In your spare time

Dried persimmons are delicious little snacks for untazziness

Sweet and soft glutinous one bite at a time

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly


It's the feeling of never being able to eat enough

When the weather is wet

Everyone will raise the stove in unison

Throw two large, sweet baked sweet potatoes into the stove

Then you can sit next to it while grilling the fire

While chatting and relaxing, wait for the baked sweet potatoes to come out of the oven

It's a happy and long process

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Baked sweet potatoes

Tear open the outer layer of tin foil steaming

You don't need to bite with much force

The sweet and hot flesh dissolves on the tip of the tongue

That dense taste is cold in winter

The most consoling "medicine" for the soul

Stress must be quenched with sweets

Therefore, in the cold winter, the appearance of red beans is indispensable

Whether it's stuffed into the dough or the glutinous rice dough

Both are a very good option

Combine wheat flour salt baking powder with water and knead together

Cover with a cloth and let it ferment for an hour

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

The final rod is wrapped in red bean paste

Fry in a saucepan until browned on both sides

The tender and sweet red bean cake on the outside is ready

Alternatively, it can be steamed directly in a steamer

In that case, it is a red bean bun

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Eat red bean buns

Take a bite of a hot bun in winter

It was as if he had been satisfied

Whenever it snows

Ichiko will especially want to eat "noodles"

Rub with water and wheat flour until as hard as an earlobe

Allow the dough to ferment well before tearing into thin slices

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Tear it up and throw it into the broth and cook it

The noodles of the tendon are fused with delicious broth

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Take a sip as you finish shoveling the snow belly grunt

You'll feel like it's the best food in the world

In the quiet days of the countryside

Bored Ichigo loves innovative food the most

She tried adding wheat bran (fu) to her favorite flour.

The so-called wheat bran is actually the outer skin of the wheat

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Wheat bran noodles

After waking up the noodles, the market is not in a hurry to make noodles

Instead, some small dried fish were prepared

Dried shiitake mushrooms Carrots White radish burdock (bang)

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Dried shiitake mushrooms, carrots, white radish

Taro Fried tofu slices Japanese cooking wine

Put it in the same pot and pour a pot full of water

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Place on top of a freshly brewed stove and boil

By the time all this was done, the snow outside had stopped

The clear sky illuminates the white earth brightly

Ichiko, who was in a good mood, decided to go out for a walk

Wait for a turn to come back to her soup

Walk in the vast snowy fields that are empty

Looking back

The white snow was nothing but the footprints of Ichiko

Only traces of a naughty rabbit remained

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Rabbit footprints

Such a beautiful place made Ichiko suddenly forget

Why exactly did you come back here

She's not because of how nice it is here

It's because you can't face the past and can't survive elsewhere

So she retreated to komori

Such an idea

Is it also an injustice to Komori?

It should not be such a helpless choice

After going around the city, I went home again

Noriko waited for her with a pot of curry

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly


Yesterday there was something unpleasant going on between them

Who expected that today Noriko would take the initiative to come to the door to apologize

The hearts of the people in the small countryside are so pure and simple

Because they are friends, they will take the initiative to bow their heads

Because they're friends, they don't want to lose

Because they are friends, they will forgive

Ichiko generously accepted Noriko's curry

Instead, he began to roll out the wheat bran noodles that had been awakened

A thin sheet of dough is thrown into the fire

Instantly swelled into a large dough ball

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

When it leaves the stove it becomes a thin dough cake again

That's the magic of this pie

It is the same practice that comes from India like curry

Crispy crepes with rich Indian curries

Taking a bite is exotic

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

After eating, the two girls went skiing outdoors

This is the most natural and convenient entertainment

They fell recklessly in the snow that covered the earth

Laughing and screaming to release the unhappiness of yesterday

At night the city is from the pickle jar

Pulled out his favorite pickled bracken

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly


This is one of the few stored seasonal vegetables today

It is also a must-have item for every household every spring

Such wild vegetables can be seen everywhere in the mountains

However, since it is to be used for pickling and eating

It is best to have fern (jue) vegetables that have not yet flowered

Dust a little ash on the dust and soak it in water for the night

It can remove the bitter taste

Then spread a full layer of table salt

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

Spread with salt

The bracken marinated in this way tastes refreshing and delicious

It can be used as a stew and can also be used to make soup

Komori's villagers are industrious and down-to-earth

They get together every year to discuss farming

Where mismanagement is rampant, where pests and diseases are rampant

These are major events of concern to them

Because once Komori was just a forest

It is the older generation that has reclaimed wealth for everyone with their hands

Therefore, they should cherish and love this land even more

The high-scoring Japanese film "Little Forest", the life that adults envy, has been filmed vividly

What is to cherish life

How to live a simple and tasteful life in a porridge and a meal

And how to combine effort with calm

The enterprising posture can also be so quiet and calm

"A person should also love himself"

For everyone in a mediocre life

People who strive for not to be willing to be mediocre!

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