
Share a healing movie "Little Forest"

author:The daily life of the two of us and Xiao Mumu
Share a healing movie "Little Forest"

# Share a healing movie #

There is a movie that I have never tired of watching, and I have not been able to brush it ten times so far, whenever irritability invades my heart or is pulled by the habit of "watching a movie or TV series and can't put down the mobile phone" by Xiao Mu, I will brush it again, so what is the name of this divine drama?

, divided into winter, spring, summer and autumn, adapted from the manga of the same name, there is now a Korean remake version, but I still like the original version——。

There are not many lines in the film, but it can deeply perceive every action, every temperature, and it is a film that makes people calm down...

Some people commented, but I think it is not appropriate, Li Ziqi's short video can only be counted as "cultural publicity", there is no trace of life, compared with "Little Forest" is still a lot worse.



Only talk about eating

Share a healing movie "Little Forest"

Komori, located in the mountains of northeastern Japan, is a small village that does not even have shops. Without the convenience of city life, everything has to be self-sufficient.

The people there live by farming and follow the traditional habit of working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

Farming and harvesting alone, making your own food, sharing it with friends when you do more, and living every day to the fullest and purest.

In the spring, tempura is fried with fresh vegetables and miso sauce is made.

In the middle of summer, fish in streams, dig wild vegetables in the mountains, and drink chilled rice wine when thirsty.

In autumn, he is busy cutting rice, slaughtering ducks, making walnut rice balls, and sharing mountain game with the people of Komori.

In the cold winter, use frozen radish to stew, cook a pot of noodle soup, make natto and mash rice cakes with neighbors, and lean against the fireplace to welcome the arrival of the new year.

Share a healing movie "Little Forest"


Try to live and embrace life

Share a healing movie "Little Forest"

Confused about the future, she chose to return to her hometown of Komori.

In Komori, she is accompanied only by the silent mountain forest.

Why did the mother run away from home? Is it resentment or understanding of the mother? When working and cooking, Ichiko often thinks of her mother, and from time to time regrets and contemplation. Perhaps she returned to Komori not only to escape the city, but also to restore the beautiful memories hidden in the depths of her taste buds, trying to piece together the time she spent with her mother.

Alone in the face of the silent mountains and land, through the change of seasons, the annual rings change, Ichiko gradually understands:

Therefore, she chose to leave Komori, re-pack her emotions, and set out for the city.

Share a healing movie "Little Forest"


Opinion transmission · Experience the most authentic

Share a healing movie "Little Forest"

: When I fall somewhere, every time I look back at my previous self, I find that I have fallen in the same place every time, although I have been trying very hard, I always draw circles in the same place, and I wander until the end, but I just return to the original point, which is very disappointing. But each time, the experience is accumulated, so whether it is failure or success, it is no longer the origin. Well, it should not be called 'circle', but 'spiral'. From a certain point of view, it seems to be going around in the same place, but in fact, it will deviate from the previous point or the next point, and if so, it is fine. , up or down or horizontally extended out. The circle I drew was getting bigger and bigger every time, so the spiral was getting bigger every time, and when I thought about it, I felt that I should try harder.

"I've always admired you for being alone and trying to live. But in fact, people always feel that you are always dodging, hiding, and deceiving yourself for the most important things, aren't you running away? ”

I was speechless, he was real. Therefore, Komori's older generation will enjoy life in their hearts. And me?

Share a healing movie "Little Forest"
Share a healing movie "Little Forest"


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