
"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

author:Picture book tour of the moon shrimp
"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Recommended Index : ★★★★★ Subject : Friendship

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

《A mouse called Julian》(英)

Unexpected Dinner (Medium)

Author: [English] Joe Todd Stanton

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Julian the Little Mouse has always enjoyed living alone. The animals on the ground wanted to eat him. The animals underground are always in his way. So, Julian always avoided them. One day, a fox stuck its head in the skylight in order to eat him. Julian's quiet life was interrupted.

Let's take a look at Julian's story!

Little Mouse Julian

I have always lived the solitary life I love

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Until one day the fox

Fox in order to eat the little mouse Julian

Didn't expect that

Stuck in the skylight of his house

Out of compassion

Julian the little mouse and the fox shared dinner

First time found

Have dinner with someone else

It's a nice thing

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Do whatever you can

Help the fox get out

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Julian went out to forage

Accidentally caught by an owl

The fox came and rescued him

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Since then

Julian and the Fox are still going their separate ways

However, they occasionally get together for dinner

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend
"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

When you open the picture book, you will see a map of the animal village on the front ring lining page, and the style is simple and cute. Although the bodies of the small animals are all triangular and the heads are outlined with a few simple lines, they can be seen to be different animals.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Shrimp especially liked the two sentences in the opening chapter of the story, "Since I can remember, the little mouse Julian has lived alone, and he enjoys this life." The animals on the ground wanted to eat him, and the animals on the ground were always in his way. Two simple and neat lines illustrate Julian's situation.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

One of the favorite images is when Julian's neighbors are asleep. The faint moonlight that shines into each animal's home renders a warm feeling. The sleeping positions of small animals are also diverse.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Let's take a look at Julian's underground home, the little house that he has decorated with care. Leaves are used as wall decorations, plants of various shapes are planted, and on the walls hang maps of the dwellings of underground animals. The wall is lined with a paper clip, a needle and thread roll and a large spoon. This big spoon will come in handy in the future. The small pencil head I picked up also set off the literary atmosphere. And Julian's little bed is a human winter fur shoes, and on the bed is Julian's cute blue striped nightcap.

In contrast, other animals have real beds and furniture like humans in their homes, while Julian's home is arranged by himself, echoing the opening sentence "Julian the little mouse lives alone, he enjoys this life".

This is Julian, the little mouse who loves and enjoys life.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

As the story progresses, the author of the picture book draws three different scenarios in which the fox and Julian are drawn, and although they are all in Julian's home, the protagonists have not changed, and the scenes are the same, but the atmosphere of the picture is completely different.

One night, the fox secretly stared at Julian, using all his skills and tricks, and crashed into the skylight of his house.

The fox in the interstitial has large round eyes and sharp fangs; in stark contrast to little Julian, who clings to the quilt and shivers.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Immediately after, the plot reversed.

The fox was tightly stuck in the skylight. The fox who had just waited for the round-eyed bully to eat Julian immediately lowered his posture, not only opening his mouth and closing it, but also narrowing his eyes.

At this point, Julian, who was still trembling just now, also put his hands on his chest and stood up and stared at the fox with dissatisfaction.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Finally, when Julian and the fox became good friends, the fox came to Julian's house as a guest.

The corner of the fox's crooked eyes, the smiling mouth, and Julian's small expression of satisfaction as he eats the fruit make people feel warm friendship.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Most of the picture books are warm feelings in orange tones. But when Julian encounters danger, the picture becomes dark.

The only exception is that all the time they meet the fox is in yellow or bright tones, suggesting that the two of them have never been true enemies.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

There's also a very special performance, generally the protagonist will occupy a large area in the picture, but this picture book does the opposite, in each scene reflects Julian's small, small protagonist Julian living in the corner of each picture.

Big scene, small protagonist, shrimp shrimp saw a warm and brave heart.

An interesting little problem: the animals underground are dressed, some with glasses, and live a human-like life. And the animals on the ground, including the little foxes and owls who later wanted to eat Julian, were naked, and guess why?

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Friendship is one of the most amazing phenomena in the world, it can cross everything, race, status, age, and the mask when you go out, and all the obstacles disappear in the face of true friendship.

There is a Chinese saying that inserts a knife into the ribs of a friend, and the seemingly cunning little fox in the accidental dinner gives us the most real version.

The line of friendship connects the purest forms of two lives, and the little mouse Julian and the little fox in the picture book share a dinner from time to time, or say nothing, just sit quietly together and spend a period of time in their lives, feeling the beauty of friendship.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Friends no matter how big or small

In Western movies we often see the shadow of friendship. In the first few issues, Shrimp Shrimp once introduced an elephant named Horton, which is another Horton movie " Horton and the Unknown" .

Horton the Elephant and his friends were playing in the forest when suddenly Horton heard a faint cry for help from a grain of pollen. He felt incredible, and his friends in Horton thought it was impossible.

The truth is that there is indeed life on this pollen. Pollen is a small world, with a city called "Nameless Town" inhabited by tiny "nameless people" who obey the leadership of the "mayor".

Horton decided to save the world in pollen. All the neighbors laughed at him, believing that the elephant had lost his mind, but Horton was convinced that he had indeed heard a cry for help.

Horton, the giant elephant, faces tiny pollen, doesn't give up, and makes friends with the miniature "nameless" in the pollen world. Horton believed that life was life, big or small, and that friends should help each other.

Eventually, Horton, the elephant, found a suitable place for the residents of the "Nameless Town" to live again.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Friends regardless of status

As Chinese, we often say that the flowing water of the mountains meets the acquaintances, and the clouds chase the moon to know themselves. The most familiar story about friendship should be the mountain flowing water meets zhiyin "Liezi Tang Qing".

The musical talent Yu Boya is good at playing, and one of his favorite pieces is called "Mountain Flowing Water", but no one in the world can understand, Yu Boya plays the piano on the mountain all day long, and the song is high and widowed.

One day, a passing woodcutter understood "Flowing Water in the Mountains" and was able to understand that it depicted "E'e Xi Ruo Tai Shan" and "Foreign Ocean Like a River". The person's name is Zhong Zi Period. Every time Bo Ya thought of something, Zhong Zi period could understand what Bo Ya thought from the sound of the piano. Once, the two went to Taishan to play together, and when they were in the middle of the game, it suddenly rained heavily, so they took shelter under the rocks, and Bo Ya felt very sad, so he took out the piano he carried with him and played it. At first it was the sound of a steady drizzle, and then it was the sound of a mountain cracking. Every time you play, you can hear the meaning expressed in the sound of the piano.

Later, Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi became brothers and met here again in the mid-autumn of the following year. Bo Ya arrived as scheduled, but the agreed time sub-period did not appear.

Yu Boya inquired from many sources and learned that Zhong Ziqi had died of illness and could not go to the appointment again. Bo Ya was so distraught that the only person who could understand his music was no longer in the world, so he dropped his beloved piano at the grave of his son.

This is the story of Xie Zhiyin. People use this lament to know that it is difficult to find.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

True friends

Friends play an important role in our lives. When you are sad, when you are lonely, when you encounter difficulties, you may think of your friends. There will also be a variety of friends from colleagues, people who know society, classmates, and so on. Colleagues can help solve problems in the workplace. Friends who know each other in society may introduce new people from different fields to each other. And friends who grew up together tend to share happiness and sadness.

However, the ones who grew up together may not always be best friends. So, good friends shouldn't just be measured by time together. Since everyone's personality is different, the friends you are looking for can also be very different. Still, most definitions of friends have some common characteristics. The three main qualities that define a good friend are loyalty, understanding, and encouragement.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

True friends always support you

A true friend will stand up for you. When other people try to hurt you emotionally or physically, they will do everything they can to keep you safe. True friends are friends when it's convenient and friends when it's inconvenient. Whether you're there or not, they'll be consistent.

Empathy, foresight and honesty

True friends are not hypocritical. They never try to trick you into making yourself look stronger, more successful, or better than you really are. True friends go beyond the surface, and when friends open up to you and share their struggles and disappointments, it's a testament to their trust and value for you. True friends are not only honest with themselves, but also with you. They'll tell you things you might not want to hear.

Despite the differences, you will accept you as you are

True friends will accept you as you are. They will encourage you to be a better version of yourself, but they will also help you see the beauty you are now. They don't get distracted by what other people think of you. While true friends may encourage you to make the right decisions, they trust your judgment and respect it. They accept your personal growth and evolution along the way.

I hope you are happy and healthy

A false friend may prompt you to change for them. Instead of really helping you. True friends will acknowledge how you feel, but at the same time they will guide you toward a happier, healthier life. They don't passively sit back and watch you make unfavorable choices because they want to see the happiest, healthiest you are.

True friendship will not abandon you

When you are happy and successful, "friends" who can only be happy and cannot share hardships will be with you. When you have a problem, they immediately turn to the next happy, successful person. And true friends will accompany you through trauma, disappointment, mental health crises and physical ailments. They won't avoid you because true friends will genuinely care about you and they want to be there for you in times of trouble. They care more about what you're going through than about how much fun you are. Whatever you face, you won't have to go through these challenges alone in the corner because you have real friends!

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Shrimp shrimp is very lucky, in the vast sea of people to find a real friend. Today Shrimp shrimp wants to end with Alora M. Knight's "To Dear Friends" as a end, hoping that everyone can find real friends, so that we can have a friendship that is more precious than jewelry.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="176">To My Treasured Friend</h1>

Alora M. Knight

Though there is gold up in the mountains,

Lovely pearls deep in the sea,

Those treasures do not mean as much

As your friendship means to me.

While diamonds may be beautiful,

And worth a lot of money,

They cannot give a warm embrace

Or share jokes we think are funny.

I know it's true some people

Will collect much priceless art,

Yet I have never seen a picture

That showed me a loving heart.

So I don't need to spend a fortune

To have what means the most to me.

Knowing that I have had your friendship

Will be a treasured memory.

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

Today's moon shrimp picture book tour ends here,

Let's look forward to the next issue of How to make friends with a ghost!

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0055 "Unexpected Dinner" To My Treasured Friend

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0054 "Mom! The tiger is coming!"

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" |0053 "Disappearing Lake"

"Moon Shrimp Picture Book Tour" 0052| "A Big River"

Disclaimer: All the content text, pictures and videos in this article are original, and the copyright belongs to the WeChat public account [Moon Shrimp's Picture Book Tour"

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