
Breakfast protein supplement is the focus, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 5 things, the body is tough and the legs and feet are strong

author:Shovel loves the kitchen

Introduction: We often say that "a good start is half the battle", and the same is true for our three meals. Breakfast intake accounts for 50% of the nutrients needed in the day, and eating breakfast well can ensure full energy and physical strength throughout the day.

So what kind of breakfast is a "good breakfast"? Protein supplementation is key! If the body is compared to a house, protein is equivalent to the foundation and framework of the house. It is responsible for providing us with energy and is the basis for life-sustaining activities.

Breakfast protein supplement is the focus, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 5 things, the body is tough and the legs and feet are strong

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people with degraded physical functions, the rate of protein loss is accelerated, and if you want to have strong legs and feet, your body is tough, and you should eat more foods with high protein content in breakfast. These 5 common ingredients in life are high-protein foods, don't miss out on your daily diet.

1. Eggs

When it comes to "high-protein" breakfast, the first thing that comes to mind is eggs. Not only is it rich in protein, but it is also known as a "whole nutritious food", rich in a variety of nutrients and high in content. Middle-aged and elderly people often eat eggs for breakfast, which can also alleviate the aging speed of the body and have many benefits for the body.

Breakfast protein supplement is the focus, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 5 things, the body is tough and the legs and feet are strong

Generally, everyone will arrange boiled eggs for breakfast, thinking that this can better retain the nutrients in the eggs, but the digestive ability of middle-aged and elderly people is weak, and boiled eggs are not easy to absorb. Usually try to choose egg custard, although it will lose some nutrients, but can improve the body's absorption and utilization of eggs, more suitable for middle-aged and elderly people for breakfast.

2. Mung beans

Compared with other beans, mung beans have a soft taste and fresh taste, which is more in line with the light taste of the elderly in the mouth. Mung beans are not only a typical "high-protein" ingredient, but also rich in a large amount of dietary fiber, which helps the body of middle-aged and elderly people to unblock and promote the absorption of food.

Breakfast protein supplement is the focus, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 5 things, the body is tough and the legs and feet are strong

For breakfast, mung beans can be cooked with millet to make mung bean porridge, and if you have a bad tooth, you can also choose Sanchuan Guifang green cake. It is a soft glutinous pastry made by crushing mung beans into mung bean puree and combining dandelion and tangerine peel and other natural ingredients. Without a drop of flavor and coloring added, the fragrance and nutrition of the ingredients themselves are restored.

Breakfast protein supplement is the focus, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 5 things, the body is tough and the legs and feet are strong

In terms of production, Sanchuan Guifang Green Cake adopts a low-temperature baking method to make the pastry moist and soft and non-sticky. Add maltitol to increase sweetness, do not worry about excessive sugar intake, middle-aged and elderly people can eat with confidence. When cooking small pastries, make the morning meal more nutritionally balanced.

3. Walnuts

Nuts are also a big user of "high-protein" foods, especially cheap walnuts, which are like a "gas station" for the body, eating two walnuts for breakfast, you can be full of energy in the morning. The old people often say "form complements the shape", and the old people who often eat walnuts also have better memory than their peers.

Breakfast protein supplement is the focus, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 5 things, the body is tough and the legs and feet are strong

The outer skin of walnuts is hard, and the skin of the kernels is bitter, which greatly affects the taste. You may wish to try jujube with walnuts, red dates are pitted and sandwiched with walnuts covered with honey, which can not only relieve the astringency of the walnuts themselves, but also neutralize the sweetness of red dates. The combination of the two doubles the nutrients, and eating two nutrients every morning is refreshing.

4. Shrimp

We often say that "breakfast is like an emperor", if possible, you can eat some shrimp in the morning. For every 100 grams of shrimp meat, the protein content is as high as 17 grams, which is higher than eggs. The shrimp meat is tender and better digested, and the body has just woken up in the morning, so it is appropriate to eat more highly nutritious and easily digestible shrimp meat.

Breakfast protein supplement is the focus, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 5 things, the body is tough and the legs and feet are strong

In the morning, when time is tight, you can choose quick-frozen prawns, and it is very convenient to steam two of them. Or choose semi-finished vegetable shrimp cakes, which contain vegetables such as broccoli and carrots in addition to shrimp puree, which enrich the dietary nutrition of shrimp cakes. Frying a piece in the morning with the main food is a simple and nutritious breakfast.

5. Black beans

The old man often said that "a bunch of tonics, not as good as a handful of black beans", black beans are a common tonic ingredient, so what is it tonic? In fact, the protein content of black beans is as high as 12 times that of milk, and it also has the reputation of "plant protein meat", which is a very cost-effective bean ingredient.

Breakfast protein supplement is the focus, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 5 things, the body is tough and the legs and feet are strong

Black beans have a hard texture and are most commonly cooked for breakfast. If you don't have time to grind, you can also choose a more time-saving seven-degree square five black cake. In addition to black beans, there are also grains such as black rice and black sesame, combined with mulberries and black goji berries, and each bite can eat a variety of nutrients.

Breakfast protein supplement is the focus, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more of these 5 things, the body is tough and the legs and feet are strong

The key is that the seven-degree square five black cake is to cater to the taste of the elderly, and the powder grinding is very delicate. The pastry is soft and loose in the mouth, the more chewy it gets, and the seasoning of honey makes it sweet but not greasy. Eating a few pieces for breakfast can not only enhance satiety but also serve as a supplement to coarse grains, and the nutrition is comprehensive and tasteful.

Tips: For middle-aged and elderly people, nothing is more important than having a good body. If you want to maintain the body, you can't do without daily nutritional supplements, eat more soy products, eggs and other high-protein foods for breakfast, which can strengthen the "firewall" of the body, so that everyone has good legs and feet, physical strength, and the body is getting tougher.