
Treating everything around you with an ordinary heart is also a realm

author:Chubby love

Why should girls work hard, in order to have more chips and confidence for their future selves, when you are facing the sky and leisurely, shopping at the street stalls, others will feel that you love life, grounded, when you wear a crown, wear a gorgeous dress and crystal shoes, others also think that you have a good temperament and can afford it.

Life is a battlefield, need to sprint, need to fight, everywhere is full of traps, if you are not careful, you will be ambushed, you will encounter failure, there will never be a day to turn over, but we must fight in a clear direction, have a goal to fight, will succeed, happiness will belong to you.

Treating everything around you with an ordinary heart is also a realm

We can't control our own encounters, but we can control our own mentality; we can't change others, but we can change ourselves; we can't change what has happened, but we can regulate our own mentality.

If you are well, it is a sunny day. If you are happy, it is the end. If you bloom, the breeze will come. If you shed tears, wet my heart first. If you are not in charge, if you are warm in the city. If you smile, the sun will fall. If you remember, it is half warm and pouring out. If you leave, there will be no end in sight. If you look back, you will smile and fall into the city. If you don't leave, I won't give up!"

Treating everything around you with an ordinary heart is also a realm

Cherishing what you have now is a beautiful idea, there are many things in the world, but there are not many that really belong to you. Watch the flowers blossom and fall before the court, honor and disgrace are not alarmed, look at the clouds in the sky, and leave no intention. In this chaotic secular world, being able to learn to treat everything around you with an ordinary heart is also a realm.

You can't foresee tomorrow, but you can cherish today, the word dream is too far away, just hope not to leave the dream on the road. If you don't work hard, you will still be the same you after a year, just one year older; if you don't change, you are still a year ago, and life will remain the same. Appreciate those who have the courage to try to be uneasy about the status quo, look far ahead, work hard in the present, and harvest the future!

Treating everything around you with an ordinary heart is also a realm

Whose life is not all the way through the thorns? If you want to be the person that others can't reach, don't be afraid of the thorns and bumps on the road ahead, and pay efforts that others can't reach. Fight while you're young! A day's effort may see the harvest at the moment, and may accumulate a greater outbreak, but if it is wasted, there will be no gain.

Even if you are nothing now, as long as there are tree seeds, even if you are trampled into the soil, you can still absorb the nutrients of the soil. When you grow into a towering tree, people will be able to see you in distant places. If one day we are lost in the crowd and spend our whole lives in mediocrity, it is because we have not tried to live a full life.

Treating everything around you with an ordinary heart is also a realm

The road is the point of care for oneself, friends are the point of mutual help, happiness is the point of perception, trouble is the forgetful point of self-seeking, mentality is the point of peace of cultivation, friendship is the purity point of cultivation, success is the point of effort, and failure is the inevitable point of relief.

Squander today, promise the task in front of you in the future, and time will soon slip away. We have failed the time, and time will live up to our expectations. Only those who cherish time can get the generosity of time and give back every minute and second.

Treating everything around you with an ordinary heart is also a realm

I am chubby, grateful for life, sharing happiness! Answer every question carefully, make every friend with your heart, thank you for reading, agree with please forward and like, thank you for paying attention to the headline number: fat love!

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