
With a unique vision, you can make money everywhere

author:Alang's Story 79

Being able to make money everywhere is the dream of every businessman, and it is also an important embodiment of the value of every businessman. Good businessmen have a flexible and changeable eye, and are good at spotting opportunities to make money.

Opportunities are equal for everyone, and the difference is whether you have the vision to find out. Making money is an all-time, ubiquitous activity, there is no time and geographical restrictions, and all you need is to discover opportunities to make money.

In the late 1970s, Li Ka-shing foresaw that tourism would become a popular industry in Hong Kong, and the related hotel industry would grow rapidly, with high occupancy rates for first-class hotels. Once he had firmed up his ideas, Li Ka-shing bought a 56% stake in Yonggao Co., Ltd., which owns American capital, with lightning speed, and then bought the shares of other shareholders. The company's main property is the 800-room Hilton Hotel in Hong Kong's Central District.

For this behavior, Li Ka-shing explained: I estimated at the time that the rent of hotels in Hong Kong would rise in a straight line in two or three years. The assets of The Hong Kong Hilton are already worth buying. That's the decisive data that puts this company in my hands. After Li Ka-shing took over the hotel, sure enough, he caught up with the golden age of Hong Kong's tourism industry, and Li Ka-shing made a lot of money.

You can make money everywhere, and in the eyes of many people, it may be a fantasy. In fact, there are business opportunities everywhere, and the difference between businessmen is whether they have this vision of discovering business opportunities. With this quality, even a penniless person can become a multi-millionaire.

Denise was an ordinary bank clerk before starting a business. At the time, like other professional women, she liked to wear a stocking that had just become popular. These stockings are worn with skirts, cool and solemn, which makes many professional women completely say goodbye to the old-fashioned, stuffy trousers in the hot summer.

However, Denise soon discovered the inconvenience of wearing these stockings, and if she wore them for a little longer, the top of the socks would shrink back. Sometimes Denise was serving customers, sometimes she was negotiating with customers, and the stockings would retract disobediently. Whenever this happened, Denise had to borrow her way to the bathroom. In the face of this embarrassment, Denise thought that other responsible women must have encountered it, so how can this problem be solved?

One day, Denise was talking to a very important customer in the hall, and felt that the stockings in her skirt were sliding, and she was really upset by this problem, so she had to go to the bathroom again. This time, Denise casually untied a ribbon tied to her head, tore it in two, and then used the clip to put two holes in the top of her stockings, and used the ribbon to hang him on her pants, as a result, this very simple emergency method worked, and for a whole day, her stockings never fell off. Denise immediately realized that this would be a rare business opportunity, and that a new invention could be made by adding a suspender to the top of the stockings. So Denise quit her job and opened a sock shop. A pair of socks can be changed in just five minutes, and as a result, the ladies who are suffering from it and are reluctant to have stockings have poured in to reform, and Denise has made a good profit.

After the accumulation of funds, Denise opened her own factory to produce special suspender stockings, and later developed more convenient tights on the basis of ribbon stockings. Now, Denise has more than a dozen stores in the U.S. and Canada, with fixed assets of $5 million.

Many people will say: I can't always find the hot spot of making money. In fact, in the eyes of people who will make money, there will never be a distinction between hot and unpopular, three hundred and sixty lines, not all lines are hot, in the eyes of businessmen with poisonous eyes, in the cold industry can also find real gold. As long as you practice a pair of golden eyes that are good at finding business opportunities, there will be gold everywhere.

Some people always pick hot spots and focus in business, and always feel that only in this way can they dig up gold. This choice is the right choice in most people's eyes. Needless to say, the fact that the popularity and focus can attract the attention of most people shows that he has a certain attractiveness and unlimited business opportunities. But the real businessmen who have the ability to make money will create wealth in the cold, dig up gold that others can't dig up, and transfer it to money that others can't make.

There is a saying called "everywhere is attentive to learning", in the eyes of businessmen, "everywhere is attentive to business". Around us, we will always find that some people's small business is particularly successful because the businessman is always paying attention.

During the tourist season, when tourists are marching but suddenly hit by heavy rain, there are always people selling cheap raincoats and umbrellas, and the business is very good, and sometimes the supply is in short supply. This is the benefit of keeping an eye on opportunities around you. A grand football game will be played in a gymnasium, someone printed the name of a football star on the 2 yuan wholesale undershirt, each piece sold for ten yuan on the day of the game, and the result was robbed of crazy, which is also the benefit of keeping an eye on the opportunities around you.

Opportunities are equal for everyone, but whether they can be seized or not depends on their own vision and actions. A successful businessman must cultivate his own unique vision. This vision is the result of continuous experience, and it is also the capital that a businessman is proud of.