
Police Story | Wang Tuanhui: Shocking the Bad News of the Death of His Loved Ones During the Arrest He interprets great love with perseverance

author:Beiqing Net

Original title: Police Story | Wang Tuanhui: Shocking the Bad News of the Death of Relatives During the Arrest, he interpreted great love with perseverance

"Hui! Your sister is gone, she wants to see you again, but in the end she didn't wait for you to come back to see her for the last time..." After hanging up the phone, Wang Tuanhui, who is the captain of the Wugang City Network Supervision Brigade, instantly blurred his eyes with tears. He wanted to catch people and immediately go back to accompany his sister, but as the leader of the brigade, and in the stage of tackling the case, he could only choose to stick to it. He pretended to be calm, turned to wipe away the tears in his eyes, and bowed deeply in the direction of his hometown....

This is the touching story behind a case uncovered by the Wugang public security that used the online platform to live broadcast obscene videos for profit.

Clues: The yellow-related report involves a major case involving yellow

In June 2021, the network supervision brigade of the Wugang City Public Security Bureau received a report from the public that some people on the Internet used the network live broadcast platform to perform obscene and pornographic content, and the impact was extremely bad. After receiving the report, the network supervision brigade immediately organized the people's police to carry out an investigation.

Police Story | Wang Tuanhui: Shocking the Bad News of the Death of His Loved Ones During the Arrest He interprets great love with perseverance

After two days and two nights of platooning, on June 19, the network supervision brigade and the Zaolin police station arrested five criminal suspects in the Yicheng District of Zhumadian City. After a surprise interrogation, the five criminal suspects confessed to the criminal facts of downloading the online pornography live broadcast APP through the recommended QR code and using the online live broadcast APP platform to engage in live broadcasting of obscene pornographic performances for profit. However, the case still caused 4 criminal suspects to flee and did not arrive.

Because the impact of this case on society was extremely bad, in order to arrest and bring the fugitives involved in the case into custody as soon as possible, Captain Wang Tuanhui led the brigade of police to study and judge all night, follow the line, and quickly organize police forces to carry out arrests after determining the information of the two fugitive criminal suspects. On September 22, through careful deployment, the arresting police successfully arrested 2 criminal suspects in a rented house in Pingdingshan City, and the other 2 suspects are still at large.

Pursuit: Follow the line to catch the last fugitive

If a criminal suspect involved in a case cannot reach the case, it will be more harmful to society. This made Wang Tuanhui, who had a strong personality and was jealous and hateful, even more restless. Therefore, on the eve of the Eleventh National Day, he urgently summoned the case-handling personnel to analyze and judge the case again, and after experiencing a large number of case clues analysis and investigation, the investigating police once again tracked the clues of the 2 criminal suspects. After determining the specific location of the criminal suspect, Wang Tuanhui immediately reported the situation to the party committee of the bureau and went to Shandong to carry out the arrest work according to the instructions.

At noon on October 11, during the arrest in Shandong, Wang Tuanhui received a call from his family: "Your sister is critically ill, and I hope to see you again." At the moment of hearing this news, Wang Tuanhui, who was on an arrest mission thousands of miles away, was stunned, and a few seconds later, he trembled on the phone and said to his family: "I am currently thousands of miles away, and it is already a critical moment of arrest, I really can't go back, convey it to my sister for me, and the criminal will go back to see my sister as soon as possible after being caught."

Police Story | Wang Tuanhui: Shocking the Bad News of the Death of His Loved Ones During the Arrest He interprets great love with perseverance

Hanging up the phone, Wang Tuanhui led the arrest team to continue the arrest mission. Under the leadership of Wang Tuanhui, the police handling the case traveled more than a thousand kilometers, and on October 13, the criminal suspects Tan Moushuai and Zhao Mouhao were successfully arrested in a certain place in Shandong.

Return: Bad news came to hear of my sister's death

On the way back to the arrest team to lead the suspects, Wang Tuanhui received a call from his family again, and the voice on the other end of the phone was already choked, "Hui! Your sister is gone, and she wants to see you again, but in the end she didn't wait for you to come back and see her for the last time..."

At this moment, for Wang Tuanhui, it seemed as if everything around him was still. Because in addition to his parents, the person in this world who has the same bloodline as him is gone, and the good sister who loved him and hurt him since childhood is gone... The colleagues in the arrest team seemed to have a premonition, and everyone stared closely at Wang Tuanhui without saying a word.

After only a few seconds of pause, Wang Tuanhui endured his grief and said firmly: "First go back to the unit, arrange the work well, and then say something else." "In just one sentence, the tears have long blurred everyone's eyes...

It was later learned that Wang Tuanhui's sister had died on the morning of October 12. In order to let him carry out the arrest mission outside, the family did not inform him of the bad news until they captured the suspect and returned home.

There is always a hard work behind each case, and it is full of many unknown stories and perseverance of the case-handling personnel. For most policemen, for the sake of the people's safety and social fairness and justice, they have turned their homes into "hotels" and units into "real homes"!

Every public security officer has a dream - to protect the lights of thousands of homes to warm the hearts of the people, to uphold fairness and justice and protect the people's security.

Where there are some years of quiet good, but someone carries the weight forward! (Cai Changwei, Zhu Lina, Li Yiang)

Source: Great River Network

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