
How many people like this precocious and cute pig


How influential is art?

Perhaps many people have wondered what the use of paintings that art museums can't understand, classical music that may not sound too pleasant, and obscure masterpieces, in this era of rapid development, everything is not as influential and attractive as stocks, bonds, and entertainment news.

And this summer 2012 movie "McDougall With My Heart" answers this question for you through a short story.

How many people like this precocious and cute pig

From the perspective of the protagonist Mai Du, a chubby little pig, the film tells the story of Springfield Flower Kindergarten's serious economic difficulties and the crisis of closure, and the principal strives to maintain the operation in several positions. As a piglet, he did not understand the words on the wall for debt repayment and the less and less rice and milk, and immersed himself in the small colorful room of the kindergarten with the canned chestnuts that could not be chewed. In order to save the kindergarten, the principal summoned the alumni to hold a fundraising party, but the alumni of Springfield Flowers and Flowers failed to soar today, and there were few fundraising, but in the end, the alumni spontaneously sang together on the rooftop, and the song attracted an aunt who was originally a singer. She suggested organizing the Springfield Flower Children's Choir, which could both perform and make money. The principal painstakingly sought out a rubber manager, and the performance was announced to be successful, and even successfully sang at Andy Lau's concert. Their songs healed a large number of people, allowing people to find their original hearts and feelings in their chorus.

However, when the choir reached the peak of its career, the manager disappeared due to the bankruptcy of the stock, and the kindergarten still had to close its business. During the headmaster's last performance before the choir disbanded, he was surprised to find that the most successful alumnus was the late great baritone Mak Jiao. It turns out that kindergartens are very ordinary in all aspects, except for their superiority in music - the principal usually focuses on singing without spending money, just ears and mouths, so most alumni, although they have not become rich, can sing moving songs. As one of his alumni, he has always been grateful to the principal for his musical enlightenment, and hopes to hear the chorus of children from Hong Kong at his funeral.

How many people like this precocious and cute pig

Later, the children gradually grew up, but music has always been an indelible soul in their hearts, so that they are not humble and can have a happy and positive life in the ordinary. They weaved through the crowd to live ordinary lives, torn between misery and sweetness, forever remembering the music of their childhood and beginning to appreciate the silly headmaster.

The final shot is on the principal's back: the white-haired principal in reading glasses is cleaning the doorway of a mansion, and the sound of children singing together is heard from the room. It was the voices of the Wheat Symphony, the Springfield Flower Choir, and now the children, intertwined to form a kind of inheritance.

How many people like this precocious and cute pig

When I saw the end, the author was already in tears, and his heart was like when McDougall was at Andy Lau's concert in the movie, "I don't know if it is the stomach or the heart, jingling".

As the movie says: "It is exactly like this, when we grow up, when we are happy and sad, when we hope and are disappointed, we are glad that there is always a song in our hearts and intestines, holding on... Let the hard state not be hard into the heart, let the weak not collapse. ”

"McDougall Dangdang Accompanies My Heart" is the fifth film in the McDougall film version, although the painting style is biased towards the childish simplicity of children's paintings, the content expressed is profound and philosophical, exposing the pathology of this society from the perspective of children, and conveying children's naïve visions and hopes.

This film continues this core, so that the audience is not only children, but also adults who have lost their hearts in the boring and difficult life. The work uses flashback techniques to unfold, uses multiple choral songs to connect the plot, skillfully uses the complementary narrative technique to enrich the content and improve the whole story, and successfully conveys the power of musical art to every audience.

If you are a person who feels tired and confused and needs healing and direction, this movie will not disappoint you.

Never forget why we set out.