
Why would a Spanish matador kill a cow?

author:Fish swimming north

For Spanish bullfighting, I think you must have seen the live broadcast. The activity for bullfighting in Spain dates back to the 13th century, when King Alfonso X of Spain began this ritual sacrifice, in which cattle were sacrificed to the gods. Later, it evolved into a bull racing performance, and the bullfighting performance officially appeared on the stage in the middle of the 18th century. Usually bullfighting events end with the bull being killed, so why would a bullfighter kill the bull?

Why would a Spanish matador kill a cow?

The process of bullfighting is complex and is roughly divided into four steps: tease, spear piercing, flower dart and formal fighting, which is the beginning of formal bullfighting. Since the ox's wild hair is large after the start, it needs to be led by three matador assistants to lure it all over the field, constantly consuming its physical strength. The second step is to stab the back and neck of the cow with a spearhead, so that its blood vessels are punctured and bleed. The third step is for the main bullfighter to stand alone in front of the bull with a flower dart with a metal hook and tease the bull to attack him.

Why would a Spanish matador kill a cow?

The climax of the bullfight is the final assassination stage, when the main bullfighter will aim a curved sword at the neck of the bull, and when the bull attacks the bull again, the bull will rush forward and stab the sword into the heart of the bull, and the bull will fall to the ground and die in a relatively short time.

Why would a Spanish matador kill a cow?

At this point, the audience will cheer loudly, because the Spaniards are very much enjoying the fun and pleasure of the process. On the other hand, the bullfighters who kill the bulls will also be very happy to accept the cheers of the audience, which also reflects the level of their assassination. At the same time, this cheer will also bring them a greater sense of honor.

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