
"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

author:Wenwen Education Diary

The English foreign teacher of Hangzhou Normal University became popular on the Internet because of his resemblance to Hepburn's appearance and cold and elegant temperament, not to mention that the students liked it, and the author couldn't take his eyes off the photos.

With the continuous development of higher education in the mainland, the courses of universities are more abundant, considering the current lack of foreign language language environment for domestic college students, so many colleges and universities do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to hire foreign teachers.

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

High-value foreign teachers walked into the university campus, and the classrooms were full

The students' favorite foreign teachers are mostly white European teachers, with high noses and big eyes, delicate facial features and a tall figure, and the appearance of Western whites is more in line with the aesthetic standards of college students.

Some students even said: If there is a course in level four or six, and a foreign teacher is the teacher, I will come back to brush up marks after level six!

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

However, the role of foreign teachers is not only to rely on the beauty of students studying abroad, in addition to ensuring more than 100% attendance, the value of foreign teachers to teaching is much higher than his own appearance.

First of all, different foreign teachers come from different countries, live in European countries that are completely different from China, and receive different educational concepts and cultural literacy.

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

And as the saying goes, it is better to hear than to see, there is a world of difference between what you see on the Internet and what you actually see, and the current college students in the mainland are still a few who have the ability to go abroad.

Foreign teachers can share what they have seen and heard in their own countries with students in China, helping them truly understand the customs and customs of different countries.

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

Of course, the main purpose of hiring a foreign teacher is to teach foreign language courses. Domestic college students began to learn foreign languages from kindergarten to more than ten years after graduating from university.

However, students with high English proficiency are still in the minority, and in addition to the influence of language talent, the language environment greatly limits students' learning of foreign language subjects.

As a language discipline, the ultimate purpose of learning foreign language is communication application. However, due to the lack of language environment, students' learning is limited to textbooks.

There is very little training in listening and speaking, and there is almost no in northern schools, so although it took more than ten years of study, the final thing I learned was dumb English.

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

Therefore, the appearance of foreign teachers makes up for this deficiency well. Foreign teachers come to China, although they will also learn some basic English to ensure daily life.

However, it is not easy to achieve completely fluent communication, but fortunately, the work content does not require foreign teachers to have a high level of Chinese, because the school just wants foreign teachers to teach in English.

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

Foreign teachers are not only extremely good-looking, but also their contribution to education and culture cannot be ignored

As a result, students can not only exercise their English listening skills, but also have the opportunity to hear the purest American or British pronunciation, which is much more English majors with dialect accents than many middle-aged English teachers in China.

The teaching mode of foreign teachers is also different from the traditional teaching mode of other teachers in China. Most of the teachers in domestic universities are older, so they are not active in preparing for lessons, and even very lazy.

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

The courseware is the "ancestral" courseware made by graduate students many years ago, the course content is an old textbook that has been taught dozens of times, and the final exam is a show.

What's more, after the first three chapters, I am too lazy to talk about it, and the rest of the content is divided into small groups, and the students are allowed to speak by themselves in the form of classroom presentations, and the teacher only needs to sit and enjoy it, and easily complete the teaching task.

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

Pay more attention to attendance than teaching work, and if attendance is missing, ordinary grades will be deducted; Give students a PPT before the exam, not only to ensure attendance, but also to ensure grades, but also to become a good teacher who "cares about nosy" in the eyes of students at the end of the semester.

However, foreign teachers are different, and the biggest difference between their Western education and traditional Chinese education philosophy is that everyone is actively encouraged to express their own views.

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

Therefore, compared with the endless lectures of domestic teachers, foreign teachers prefer to carefully design questions, throw them to students, let students think more, and encourage students to speak more.

Driven by this atmosphere, students' oral language is naturally practiced, and in the long run, English has a language environment that can be used, and the level of proficiency improves and the grades also improve.

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

This is the starting point and good intentions of many colleges and universities to hire foreign teachers with high salaries. In addition, foreign teachers come to China to work, which is also a cultural double rush.

Foreign teachers teach students foreign languages in China, and they themselves will also be influenced by the environment to learn Chinese, feel the charm of Chinese culture, and return to their home country later.

"Attendance should reach 60, actual to 200", inventory of those high-value foreign teachers who are full

Author's Note:

By telling what they have learned and felt to local students, cultural exchanges have been realized, and foreign teachers have made great contributions to the spread of culture in addition to being busy with education.

Although foreign teachers are beautiful, students should still respect their own work as teachers, listen carefully to the class, actively answer the teacher's questions, and achieve good results is the greatest respect for the teacher.

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