
"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

author:Little fun to talk about entertainment
"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

"A grain of dust of the times, falling on an individual's head, is a mountain." This classic quote is applicable in any era. Each era has its own unique features, has a special cultural and political system, and what matches it has a special cultural attribute.

A generation has a generation's memory, which may be the white rabbit milk candy, whether it is a bicycle that rings everywhere except for the age of the car, or the potato shreds on the table, and the sewing box of Grandma's house. This is our impression of the word times after entering the new China. However, for a feudal dynasty, the memory of the times may be blood and tears, pain, and a fate that cannot be struggled.

"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

Zhang Yimou's classic movie "The Big Red Lantern Hangs High" tells the story of such a small person who drifts and floats in the era, resolutely fights against fate at the beginning, and finally has to succumb to fate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > the tragic fate of four women</h1>

In the luxurious Chen Mansion, which is decorated like a castle, there are four women with superficial scenery and lonely hearts, and these four women are the eldest wife, the second wife, the third wife and the fourth wife of Mr. Chen. These four women have very different personalities. The eldest lady is upright and serious, loves Buddhist scriptures, she does not like to be lively, and she treats the next person very seriously, and the people in the house are afraid of her, but although she has a very high status, she is not loved by Old Master Chen, and her life is very lonely.

"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

The second wife is kind and kind-eyed, likes to win people's hearts, plays mahjong, is the most popular person in the house, and is deeply liked by everyone. However, in fact, she is the most ruthless person, often framing others to achieve her own goals, which can be said to be unscrupulous. The third wife is young and beautiful, very favored, and the fourth wife, that is, the heroine named Song Lian, is a pure and beautiful female college student, with a high degree of education and a stubborn personality.

"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

She should have enjoyed the good time of studying at school, but because of her stepmother's greed and selfishness, Song Lian was sold to chen mansion as a fourth aunt, and when she first arrived, she was bullied by the wives because she was favored, and Hou Kai gradually gained a foothold in this family.

Chen Fu had a rule that whenever the old man spoiled someone, a big red lantern was lit in front of her room; and if anyone angered the old man, the lantern was sealed to show the old man's anger. In order to gain favor, everyone tried their best, Song Lian was dismissive at first, but in this deep palace compound, without the support of the old master, she would only be bullied by others, so she unconsciously began to ask for the favor of the old man.

"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

Later, Song Lian slowly gained status in the family, because she was young and beautiful, and sometimes she could use her knowledge to share worries for the old man, so the old man was very fond of her. However, as the days got better and better, Song Lian asked more and more, in order to defeat the other aunts, Song Lian did not hesitate to make up lies that she was pregnant, Old Master Chen had no heirs for many years, and after hearing the news of this song, he was ecstatic, he did not think that this news was fake, and since then, the lights at the door of Song Lian's room have been bright all night, which has caused other wives to blush.

"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

However, there is no impermeable wall in the world, Song Lian's fake pregnancy was still discovered, the old man was very angry, and the lady around Song Lian was also punished to die, watching him die for himself, the young Song Lian was afraid and shocked in her heart, and finally she finally went crazy, after that, Old Master Chen won the fifth wife, that is a younger, more beautiful, more learned woman, just don't know, what kind of fate is waiting for her?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > film is very popular and has won numerous awards</h1>

"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

The film ends here, the film has an immortal status in the film world, and it is also this film that helped Zhang Yimou become the most famous director in China. Whether it is the tone, composition, or the tuning of the actors, in this film, Zhang Yimou's extremely high aesthetic talent and artistic standards are reflected. Many Chinese watch the first step movie is "The Red Lantern Hangs High", and the sad tone and sad ending of the film have given the audience a great shock.

"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

The film is adapted from Su Tong's novel "Wives and Concubines in Groups". The film revolves around feudal etiquette, vividly interpreting the story of the helpless era when the little people fought with the world and finally met the head and bleed. On March 13, 1992, the film was released in North America, setting a record for the highest Chinese-language film in North America at the time with a box office of $2.6 million.

In 1991, the film won the Silver Lion Award at the 48th Venice International Film Festival in 1992 and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, becoming the second Chinese film to be nominated for the award after Ju Dou. Subsequently, it won the Italian Film Award for Best Foreign Language Film, becoming the first Chinese film to win the award. In 1993, it won the British Academy Film Award for Best Foreign Language Film. In 2015, it was ranked 28th among the 100 best foreign language films in film history by the British "Empire" magazine, and it was the highest-ranked mainland film. The brilliance of the film is evident.

"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > the movie caused controversy</h1>

Although the film is very classic, it has also caused a lot of unnecessary controversy. The background of the film is a gray and gloomy era, and many people think that that era comes from the past, which is an insult and blasphemy to the new China. Therefore, many people think that it should not go abroad, but should be left to our own appreciation.

"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

And I personally believe that each era has its own advantages and disadvantages, the European era is brilliant, but there are also many sad past events during World War II, which made Europeans suffer incomparably. China is the same, although we have been brilliant and lost, but this does not affect the image of China, we can still look back at that era worthy of consideration.

"The Red Lantern Hangs High": The tragic fate of four women who are a little person's wandering and floating film is very popular, and the film that has won countless awards has caused controversy

Not resisting in the dark ages is complicity with sin. This is what the movie "Big Red Lantern Hangs High" tells us.

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