
The interpretation of "The Da Vinci Code" attracted me, in addition to the ups and downs of the novel, for some of da Vinci's familiar famous paintings, I am also fascinated, this is not because of the author's exposition of these famous paintings novel and unusual, but to look closely at what is the same thing, and then think carefully about it does not seem to be the same thing, this feeling is very wonderful, this may be another harvest of reading this novel.

author:Paint poems

Leonardo da Vinci, the Louvre Museum in Paris, Caravaggio, the Vitruvius, the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa...

These names immediately attracted me, because I had stopped at the Louvre to admire it, and the scene seemed to have reappeared.

The interpretation of "The Da Vinci Code" attracted me, in addition to the ups and downs of the novel, for some of da Vinci's familiar famous paintings, I am also fascinated, this is not because of the author's exposition of these famous paintings novel and unusual, but to look closely at what is the same thing, and then think carefully about it does not seem to be the same thing, this feeling is very wonderful, this may be another harvest of reading this novel.

The book opens with the Louvre curator being hunted down, who kills the Louvre in the form of a Vitruvius, using his own blood to draw a pentagram on his stomach, thus leaving a secret message.

The interpretation of "The Da Vinci Code" attracted me, in addition to the ups and downs of the novel, for some of da Vinci's familiar famous paintings, I am also fascinated, this is not because of the author's exposition of these famous paintings novel and unusual, but to look closely at what is the same thing, and then think carefully about it does not seem to be the same thing, this feeling is very wonderful, this may be another harvest of reading this novel.

I was impressed by the painting "Vitruvius", a well-known representative of the ideal proportions of the human body, the study of this painting is a clear expression of the artist's classical thought, but also an affirmation of the scientific nature of painting, which is understood as an understanding of the reality of "phenomena".

In fact, Leonardo da Vinci wanted to provide a mathematically measurable basis for artistic expression, which is why the written part expands to the proportions of the individual parts, starting with a highly fundamental dimension centered on the navel.

Leonardo da Vinci envisioned a man lying on his back with his hands outstretched, drawing a circle from his navel with a compass.

Through Leonardo da Vinci's rich knowledge of anatomy, optics and geometry, he enriched the theory of the Vitruvius, developed a scale model representing the highest sign of divine harmony, and demonstrated the perfect proportion of human beings in Leonardo da Vinci's eyes, which not only found his research on figure painting at that time from the artistic point of view, but also interpreted the golden ratio with rigorous scientific calculation methods.

Da Vinci was a mischievous man. Computer analysis shows that the Mona Lisa and da Vinci's self-portrait have many similarities in the faces of the characters. Whatever Leonardo da Vinci thought, his Mona Lisa was neither male nor female. She cleverly hides intersex messages. She is a fusion of the sexes.

The interpretation of "The Da Vinci Code" attracted me, in addition to the ups and downs of the novel, for some of da Vinci's familiar famous paintings, I am also fascinated, this is not because of the author's exposition of these famous paintings novel and unusual, but to look closely at what is the same thing, and then think carefully about it does not seem to be the same thing, this feeling is very wonderful, this may be another harvest of reading this novel.

Not only does the Mona Lisa's face look bisexual, but even her name is made up of a combination of masculine and feminine elements. That's da Vinci's little secret, and why the Mona Lisa always smiles knowingly.

The Mona Lisa has become a world art masterpiece not because the Mona Lisa has a mysterious smile, nor because many art historians have made mysterious explanations of it, but simply because Leonardo da Vinci claims that it is his proud work.

I think about going to the Louvre to see this painting at that time, taking a picture in a hurry, and not carefully examining this masterpiece, I regret it.

Faith is the foundation of life, it determines the direction of people's life and eternity, and cannot be ignored.

Science, whose objects and means of study are material, will be capable of nothing but matter.

The more I read it, the more I feel that this is a great work, which is mixed with religion, metropolis, historical legends, mysticism, astrological symbols, police detectives, treasure hunting adventures and other selling points, among which the subversion of religious beliefs or primitive mysticism, medieval legends and other "mysterious" elements... Being able to read a lot of historical knowledge is also beneficial to open the book.

It is rumored that Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper contains not only Jesus and his 12 disciples, but also the Virgin Mary and a knight, and the disciple John on the right hand side of Jesus is actually a woman, That is, Mary Magdalene, which has caused considerable controversy and is still inconclusive. Notice that there is a hand holding a dagger in the painting, and it is fascinating that this hand does not seem to belong to any of the people in the painting.

The interpretation of "The Da Vinci Code" attracted me, in addition to the ups and downs of the novel, for some of da Vinci's familiar famous paintings, I am also fascinated, this is not because of the author's exposition of these famous paintings novel and unusual, but to look closely at what is the same thing, and then think carefully about it does not seem to be the same thing, this feeling is very wonderful, this may be another harvest of reading this novel.

Look closely at the painting "The Last Supper", the man on the right hand side of Jesus... The shape and figure of that person's face could not help but be astonished! The man had flowing red hair, his hands were gracefully folded, and the outline of his breasts was faintly visible. That's right, that's a woman! It was Mary Magdalene, the woman of Jesus. It really stunned me, and indeed, the color of their clothes corresponded.

The interpretation of "The Da Vinci Code" attracted me, in addition to the ups and downs of the novel, for some of da Vinci's familiar famous paintings, I am also fascinated, this is not because of the author's exposition of these famous paintings novel and unusual, but to look closely at what is the same thing, and then think carefully about it does not seem to be the same thing, this feeling is very wonderful, this may be another harvest of reading this novel.

(For closer inspection, this painting of The Last Supper was glorified.) )

Jesus wore a red cloak and a blue cloak, and Mary Magdalene wore a blue cloak and a red cloak. One yin and one yang.

Leonardo da Vinci painted this secret on The Last Supper. I looked at the painting again.

The main advantage of this book is that it condenses a lot of interesting and sensational knowledge into the progress of the plot, and from time to time it is taught and fiddled with, which increases the "intellectuality" that is lacking in ordinary popular novels, and makes the style of the book much higher.

As a world-selling novel, "The Da Vinci Code" has its own superiority.

It is a very good novel, which not only mixes the conventional best-selling elements such as murder, detective, puzzle solving, suspense, and hunting, but also adds a lot of cultural condiments such as art history, religious history, and symbolism. Amazingly, he spilled those high-end condiments just right, with every twist and tear, completely integrated with the thrilling story. This is not a skill.

<h1>What attracted me, in addition to the ups and downs of the novel, was also fascinated by the legendary interpretations of some of Leonardo da Vinci's well-known masterpieces, not because of the novelty and otherness of the author's exposition of these famous paintings, but because of the fact that it was one thing to look closely, and to think about it carefully, it seemed that it was not the same thing, which was a wonderful feeling, which may be another gain from reading this novel. </h1>

The Da Vinci Code is reflected not only in literature, but also in history, religion, art history, aesthetics, symbolism and many other aspects.

Why is this book so popular with a wide range of readers?

There are two main reasons, one is that the ups and downs of the detective plot in the book are profoundly influential. On the other hand are the religiously sensitive topics covered in the book. This book exposes the truth about the origins of Christian orthodoxy, the inside story of religion that is not known to people, and the religious system that is not known to ordinary people.

The brain-wrenching code is hidden in the art of Leonardo da Vinci, and the desperate contest unfolds in cathedrals and castles all over Europe, and the shocking truth of the facts is finally unveiled after a century of obscuration.