
Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

author:Polar Matter
Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Not surprisingly, Hu Jun played a tough guy again.

In "Chosin Lake", Lei Suisheng has a large waist, dark skin, a loud voice, and first-class combat skills, and is a fully iron-blooded hero.

Hu Jun, who has been trapped by the "tough guy" for many years, wants to break the cage and change the way he plays.

He crossed out the script's large-scale classic lines before Lei Suisheng's sacrifice.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Lei Suisheng is a battlefield hero, but under the hero, he is just an ordinary man who wants to hurry home and build a house and marry his daughter-in-law.

"It hurts me to death."

"Don't leave me here alone."

As the only sacrificial character in the protagonist's group, these two last words are neither tragic nor heroic enough, but true enough.

That desolate and exotic battlefield, thousands of tired white bones, no one wants to sleep here.

People will hurt, heroes will be afraid, they all want to go home alive, this is the most real appearance of the group of warriors 71 years ago.

Hu Jun, who grew up in a pile of soldiers, understood this truth better than anyone. In his place, Lei Suisheng was first a "person", and then became a "hero" because of his patriotic enthusiasm.

So he personally molded this volunteer army with soul and flesh for the audience, and also made his "tough guy" temperament have more human flavor.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Stills from the movie "Changjin Lake", Lei Gong (played by Hu Jun)

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

In 2003, Hu Jun officially entered the public's field of vision with the role of "Qiao Feng".

But it was this role that allowed him to live in the label of "tough guy" for years to come.

Jin Yong's rough and burly Qiao Feng outlined in "Tianlong Babu":

Duan Yu saw that this figure was very tall, more than thirty years old, wearing an old gray cloth robe, slightly tattered, thick eyebrows, big eyes, high nose and wide mouth, a four-square national character, quite the color of wind and frost, and when he looked forward to it, he was extremely powerful. Duan Yu secretly drank in his heart: "What a big man! This must be the tragic song of the northern kingdom of Yan Zhao.

Qiao Feng was a Khitan man, with rough facial features and a strong form, and Hu Jun could not match it.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Stills from 2003 "Tianlong Babu", Xiao Feng (played by Hu Jun)

Therefore, when Hu Jun went to the director Zhang Jizhong to audition for Ling Huchong, the director directly let him enter the group to play Qiao Feng.

This is Hu Jun's first time playing a hero, or his favorite martial arts role.

"This character is so perfect, the ideal male that anyone would aspire to."

Since childhood, he has been passed on martial arts by a high-ranking person, and his first appearance as an adult has already been a martial arts master; later, in the apricot forest gang assembly, in the face of the rebellion of the gang, the thief first captured the king, and then showed his political skills.

From the first half of Qiao Feng's life, this is a perfect chosen son.

But he is also a tragic figure of ancient Greek fate.

All his life he has been avenging his parents, and in the end he has found that the enemy is his own mentor; he has never stopped for any woman, only a red-faced confidant Aju, but he killed him by mistake; he has been serving the country and the people all his life, heroic and righteous, but because he is not Han blood, he has changed from a hero who everyone admires to a dog that loses his family overnight.

Yanmen Guanwai taught Shan Yu to fold arrows, the Six Armies were easy to break, and the heroes were angry, and Qiao Feng, who was forced into a desperate situation, resisted and committed suicide here.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

This is a complex and perfect role, heroic, chivalrous, flesh, Hu Jun is very in place, and there are still audiences who scream for Hu version of Qiao Feng.

Even when Jin Yong was drunk, he would raise his glass and say to Hu Jun, "I want to have a drink with my Xiao Feng." ”

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Originated from Weibo @ Hu Jun, left one Jin Yong, left two Zhang Jizhong, right two Huang Xiaoming, right one Hu Jun

"Tianlong Eight Parts" has produced 6 versions before and after, and in comparison, Qiao Feng, played by Hu Jun, is undoubtedly successful.

But the fly in the ointment is that the overly outgoing grassy arrogance makes Qiao Feng less delicate emotion.

Whether it is the fierceness of fighting with people, or the grief when killing Arjun by mistake, Hu Jun always likes to express his emotions with a roar, although full of heroic courage, but it is almost a bit of the taste of Qiao Feng's chivalrous tenderness in the original work.

And this kind of performance method makes the audience firmly remember the unique toughness of Hu Jun's version of Qiao Feng, and also labels Hu Jun as a "tough guy".

Xiang Yu, Zhao Yun, Qi Jiguang, Kublai Khan, Zhang Xueliang... Hu Jun's play path seems to have been limited to the "tough guy" persona since then, and no matter what role he plays, he will give the audience the illusion of "tough guy in front, role in back".

After more acting, Hu Jun also began to ponder the difference between tough guys and tough guys.

Instead of acting labelly, he thinks more realistically about the character from another angle.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

"Zhu Yuanzhang" is the most able to reflect The acting skills of Hu Jun, the fierce and bold and righteous in the grassy period, the domineering majesty and the dove in the imperial period, portraying the image of a civilian emperor's hero and tyrant into three points.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Stills from "Zhu Yuanzhang"

In "Chu Han Fengyun", Hu Jun's Chu Bawang Xiang Yu is arrogant and unmatched, but in front of the beauty Yu Ji, he will also be as young and vigorous as a hairy boy; he does not blink when he burns Afang Palace, and occasionally becomes a woman's benevolence because of the words and words of others.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Stills from "Chu Han Storm"

Hu Jun likes to play heroes, so he wants to show the "hero" to the audience more three-dimensionally.

He does not want to be imprisoned by the "hero", but he is willing to let the hero walk off the altar and become a "person" with flesh and blood.

Lei Suisheng is one of them.

How are good actors born? Probably like Hu Jun, he was born in a series of struggles with himself.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Few people know that Hu Jun officially embarked on the "tough guy road" because of a gay character, that was before "Qiao Feng".

In 2001, Hu Jun became a "hormone perpetual motion machine" for men and women to kill with "Lan Yu" directed by Guan Jinpeng, and also became an opportunity for him to enter the famous guide circle of Hong Kong and Taiwan.

"Lan Yu" is derived from the adaptation of the same-sex novel "Beijing Story", which tells the tragic story of the male brother Chen Handong and the male college student Lan Yu who fell in love, but could not stay together because of the world.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Movie "Lan Yu", Lan Yu (played by Liu Ye) and Chen Handong (played by Hu Jun)

Chen Handong is well-bred and has a strong male charm, and Guan Jinpeng chose Hu Jun when he first saw him, and he believes that no one is more suitable for this role than Hu Jun.

Each chapter of the original book has a large-scale description, and the screenwriter Wei Shaoen largely retained the rivalry between the two male protagonists when changing the script.

But Hu Jun was slow to enter the play.

Chen Handong's appearance and Hu Jun are very suitable for this is not to say, but the feelings of Chen Handong and Lan Yu are great and sad, too intense, he must feel this role with true feelings.

Hu Jun is a straight steel man who grew up in the Hutongs of Beijing, walking the streets and alleys since he was a child, inviting cats and dogs, receiving the baptism of traditional secular ethics, and playing some very macho roles after entering the industry.

For such feelings, he could not understand and could not accept them.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Stills from the movie "Lan Yu", Lan Yu (played by Liu Ye) and Chen Handong (played by Hu Jun)

Before the audition before the start, Guan Jinpeng only said to Hu Jun after watching it: You are no different from the model play.

"When you're filming this scene, you have to fall in love with each other." Guan Jinpeng let them eat and live together for a month until they put their true feelings into each other and then start shooting.

In order to balance the "physical and emotional male and female killing", Hu Jun once found homosexuals and chatted all night, making many psychological presuppositions for himself in advance.

Also try to drink a lot of alcohol and use alcohol to help you find feelings.

But as he performed, Hu Jun began to enter the role, "I put myself in Chen Handong's shoes to think, I imagined myself as Chen Handong." ”

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Stills from the movie "Lan Yu"

In the original ending of the script, after Lan Yu's death, Chen Handong's career was booming, and in order to fill the miss, he found a boy similar to Lan Yu.

Hu Jun accepted this setting when he first entered the group, but at the end of the performance, when he saw Lan Yu lying in the morgue, he did not know whether he was Chen Handong or Hu Jun for a while, but he rebelled with the director with red eyes: Chen Handong would never find a substitute, and he could not tolerate others in his heart.

At that time, Hu Jun had just debuted not long ago, most of the films he had starred in were more concerned about the superficial shapes and lines, Chen Handong was the first role to be supported by abundant emotions, he played very difficult, and it was also very painful to withdraw after finally entering the play.

Before filming "Lan Yu", Hu Jun awkwardly performed Chen Handong as a male;

After filming "Lan Yu", Hu Jun threw away the gender shackles and, as a "person", to feel Chen Handong's pursuit of love and the pain of not being recognized by the world.

Hu Jun is fortunate that "Lan Yu" let him see more possibilities in his acting skills, and also let the audience see: Hu Jun is not just a tough guy, he is also sensitive and full enough when he touches emotions.

It was after that that his play began to have a human flavor.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard
Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

When receiving the role of Lei Suisheng, Hu Jun had a sense of fate that "I will become you when I grow up".

His father had carried the wounded in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, made a third-class meritorious service, and sang and played a single string for his comrades in arms in the face of Blizzard.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Originated from Weibo @ Hu Jun

His father had left his own blood-colored youth in that great battle, which also made Hu Jun resonate with the hero a little more when he played Lei Gong.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Growing up in the compound of the military region, Hu Jun could not understand the words and deeds of the soldiers and the state of the soldiers' high spirits and perseverance.

The strict work and rest time in the compound from morning to night, and the spirit of the army Lyon Yang's perseverance, have become the deep memories of Hu Jun's childhood.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Hu Jun's childhood

However, in such a strictly religious environment, Hu Jun still became a well-known troublemaker.

In the winter, he would take advantage of the coal delivery master to move the coal to his home to deflate the tires of the coal truck, pour water into it, and then hide aside to peek, and when the coal delivery master started the car, the tires would spray water out; just after putting on the new clothes his mother bought for himself, he turned his head and rolled in the mud pit.

Hu Baoshan was strict with his son's tutoring, but he did not expect that Hu Jun jumped up and down all day like a leather monkey, even if he was beaten every day, he could only be honest until the night, and the next day he woke up and became a "little devil in the mixed world".

One of the most repeated things in Hu Jun's childhood was that his father chased after him all day and beat him up.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Hu Baoshan

"As long as there is something wrong with our area, my father thinks that I did it, and he doesn't ask about it, and the big slap will come over, and sometimes it is inevitable that I will be wronged."

Every time his father, who was a soldier, punched down with a fist, Hu Jun did not even say a word, with a "I do not obey" attitude, silently confronted his father.

When Hu Baoshan saw that his son was stubborn like a donkey, he would take out the belt and smoke hard, but as the number of times the belt fell more and more, the number of communication between father and son became less and less.

He still loves his father, but he will never be soft - this is the law of life that Hu Jun himself realized under his father's strict teaching.

Therefore, in the process of later selecting roles, he preferred to play a tough and tenacious tough guy, which was the "wealth" of his self-sufficiency in his youth.

Until Hu Jun himself became a father, he and his son Kang Kang also began a similar stalemate.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Hu Jun and Kang Kang

Kang Kang, like Hu Jun when he was a child, is a "big brother" with his own domineering temperament, as long as he can solve it, he resolutely does not reach out to Hu Jun for help, and relies on self-reliance.

Hu Jun asked Kang Kang, "Do you think that Dad only likes his sister and doesn't like you?" ”


Time seems to go back to more than thirty years ago, Hu Jun seems to have experienced his father's fatherly love that he could not vent at that time, just like he did to Kang Kang at this time.

"Dad just doesn't know how to express it, but Dad loves you very, very much."

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Figure | Derived from the stills of "Where Daddy Goes"

Hu Jun has played many heroic tough guys, and he knows that those who look like steel also have a soft heart, the father is, he is himself, and So is Kang Kang.

Hu Jun began to take his father on a talk show, on which he and Hu Baoshan reminisced about the past together, as if to make up for more than thirty years of late talk in one breath.

He took Kang Kang to a parent-child reality show, and in "Where Daddy Goes", when Hu Jun appeared in front of Kang Kang disguised as a dying old man, Kang Kang's face was full of panic.

Hu Jun tore off his white beard and handed it to Kang Kang, looked at him and said seriously, "You see this is fake, I understand that you don't want your father to grow old." ”

Kang Kang sobbed and looked at the beard in his hand, and after tearing it to pieces, he cried in Hu Jun's arms and cried his heart and lungs.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Later, when he received the script of "Changjin Lake", Hu Jun and his son pondered the script together, pondering the Lei Suisheng who mourned his father.

So the tough guy Lei Suisheng is no longer rigidly masculine and tough.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

Write at the end:

However, when the "tough guy" and Hu Jun are firmly mixed together, the actor Hu Jun has a new dilemma.

In the past few days, "Turandot" was released, and Hu Jun played a tough and brave tough general.

However, this time the box office fiasco, word of mouth weightless, even with Hu Jun was also spat on: this movie can not be watched.

I think of a strange picture being staged in the cinema at this time: on the one hand, there is a thunderous life that makes people cry, and on the other hand, there is a general who is incompatible with the style of painting.

One actor, two screening halls, two textures, two worlds, as if time and space were torn apart.

The audience was confused, whether it was the long-term human design of the "tough guy" that trapped Hu Jun, or the production that was no longer willing to tear up his "tough guy" identity.

Hu Jun: Tough guys are not hard

The text is a polar original, please contact the author for reprinting

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