
Haidilao and Banu have successively laid out "wedding banquets", how to seize the trend of "sweet economy"?

author:Luohua Mountain Catering O2O
Haidilao and Banu have successively laid out "wedding banquets", how to seize the trend of "sweet economy"?

Recently, a news that "the newlyweds held a wedding in the Banu concept restaurant" has aroused heated discussion among netizens.

Haidilao also intends to create an offline wedding scene in the process of interacting with consumers' social networks.

Behind the development of the wedding banquet is the outbreak of the "sweet economy".

The relevant research institute predicts that from 2021 to 2026, the average annual compound growth rate of China's wedding industry will be about 5%, and by 2026, the industry market size will exceed 2 trillion yuan, reaching 2166.9 billion yuan.

So, as a scene of group dinner, will the wedding banquet become the main scene of competition between all parties? Can institutional catering companies take advantage of their own advantages and get a piece of the pie?


Repeating the tragedy of the "Golden Leopard"?

"Hot pot restaurants want to hold wedding banquets" is the hottest topic of discussion a few days ago.

On the eve of the National Day, a couple in Zhengzhou chose the wedding venue at the Banu Concept Restaurant.

The white-green flowers and minimalist background lines of the main stage of the wedding create a romantic atmosphere. The two couples took hands from the spiral staircase and slowly descended, completing the wedding ceremony amid the cheers of a group of relatives and friends.

Haidilao and Banu have successively laid out "wedding banquets", how to seize the trend of "sweet economy"?

Compared with the Banu wedding line, Haidilao's "wedding track" is more like a guest retention routine and then upgraded.

The cause of the matter must first start with a small red book dynamic.

A "Haidilao fan" posted a dynamic on the Little Red Book, asking netizens whether Haidilao could hold a wedding banquet? At first, netizens were curious and playful to like and comment.

Who expected that the relevant staff of the Haidilao party saw it and immediately contacted the user and asked about the situation, and the relevant chat screenshots were broken by the parties, so that the netizens who originally thought hi on their own saw the "hope". With the heat of the first wave of "notes", the second wave of follow-up made the melon-eating masses brain-opening.

It began to radiate out of the circle to other social platforms continuously with the Little Red Book as the center, and the popularity did not decrease. Haidilao also seems to see new business opportunities from it, officially responding that "the wedding is under negotiation, and the collective team building can make corresponding reception arrangements according to the number of diners."

Haidilao and Banu have successively laid out "wedding banquets", how to seize the trend of "sweet economy"?

Although the out-of-the-loop behavior of the two hot pot brands is hotly discussed, the creation of wedding banquets in the social dining scene is not without precedent.

Some netizens pointed out that in the Sichuan-Chongqing region, it is not uncommon for wedding banquets to eat hot pot, "I have eaten it more than ten years ago." ”

It is understood that there are many large-scale ecological hot pot gardens in the local area, with the characteristic scenes of natural scenery or classical gardens, as well as the blessing of large stages and characteristic songs and dances, so many couples use it as a popular place for taking wedding photos and holding wedding banquets.

Moreover, among the social catering brands, there has been a well-known brand Golden Leopard who has actively focused on the wedding banquet scene.

It was directly renamed as "Golden Leopard Wedding Banquet", focusing on high-end wedding banquet consumption. But this action lasted only a few months, and it was not over.

Rationally, the wave of social meals is more like a case of brand marketing.

Some netizens pointed out that as far as the wedding banquet is concerned, the factors that consumers consider when choosing catering brands today are first of all the environment, service, and then dishes. Whether a hot pot restaurant can host a wedding banquet can satisfy consumers depends on whether it reflects the value of a wedding banquet.


The "sweet economy" represents the new consumer demand

It is worth mentioning that at present, the demand for wedding banquets is indeed very large.

"CCTV Finance" reported that since entering October, many hotels have ushered in a "sweet period", and every weekend, many hotels have couples "getting together" to hold wedding banquets.

According to data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the wedding day consumption is 1 trillion yuan. According to the survey, the wedding banquet consumption on wedding days accounts for about 35%, the average number of banquet tables across the country is 18-30 tables, and the average meal standard is 900-5200 yuan. According to numerical estimates, the income from the wedding banquet accounts for nearly 1/10 of the total revenue of catering.

In the industry's view, after the consumption upgrade, the entire catering industry has undergone a reshuffle, and the wedding banquet market is the same. Nowadays, people's consumption demand for wedding banquets is generally concentrated in two points: one is that the attention to value is higher than the price, and the other is that the attention to the form of marriage is far more than the banquet.

Haidilao and Banu have successively laid out "wedding banquets", how to seize the trend of "sweet economy"?

The "2021 China Wedding Consumption New Normal User Behavior Insight Report" shows that among the current marriage population, young people after 90 and 95 account for 39.2% and 28.1% respectively, and have become the main force of marriage.

Observations have found that their wedding spending shows 4 trends:

Keen on the trend, what trend comes from what; criticalism, both exquisite and cost-effective; atmosphere first, not only to have a sense of ceremony, but also to pay attention to the emotional interaction with guests; happy in sharing, like to post happy moments on social platforms.

According to the report, 90/95 young people hold an average of 2.5 weddings, holding traditional weddings to meet the social needs of their parents on the one hand, and a small wedding to meet their social needs on the other hand.

Therefore, it is particularly important to leverage consumption from the perspective of wedding banquets to meet consumer psychology.

Through the interview, I learned that as far as operating a wedding brand is concerned, it is not only the banquet itself that should be considered, but also the service optimization. Third-rate enterprises make products, first-class enterprises lead the culture, and the wedding banquet market needs to guide consumers. No matter who will do it, it is not only to undertake the wedding banquet and arrange the meal, but also to guide consumers to complete a wedding banquet and wedding of their dreams.


Layout deep ploughing scene,

How to pry the wedding banquet?

If you pry the theme of the wedding banquet based on the mass catering scene, you should think about the following points:

First, find a wedding theme that you can graft. For example, beach weddings, lawn weddings, their catering needs are very strong, can pry a variety of special scenes outside the hotel.

Secondly, the combination of special wedding dishes can be extended. The essence is that the taste and connotation of the dish are both beautiful and connotative. Appearance refers to the shape and taste; the connotation means that the dishes should be creative, and the innovation of the dishes is very important.

Moreover, with the upgrading of consumption, in the vast rural areas, the demand for high-style wedding banquets has yet to be developed.

Catering enterprises use radiation capacity, in addition to rural wedding banquet dish distribution, but also can tap service links.

The idea is that in addition to allowing customers to enjoy the banquet, they can also experience some other meticulous and thoughtful services, such as all employees will participate in the kissing session, and can participate in the subdivision packaging of the wedding banquet theme to meet the needs of different consumer groups.

In addition, it is understood that at present, there have been many resource integration services in the wedding industry, can group meals cooperate with them through channels?

Haidilao and Banu have successively laid out "wedding banquets", how to seize the trend of "sweet economy"?

Wedding APP is the current more popular customized demand unit, many of which have obtained several rounds of financing. Tuantuan opened one of them and found that a wedding planning company had nearly a thousand positive reviews, and a "sunflower" theme package with a reference price of 19,800 yuan in its store had a collection of more than 200.

Netizens said that because of the time relationship, the wedding company can only "handle" its own wedding throughout the process, and the results, whether it is planning, planning, or layout, have greatly exceeded their expectations.

And its theme package may be a win-win point for cross-border cooperation.

Source: Tuan Catering