
Long Island Cuisine | Poetic white-dried fish

author:Qilu one point

Text, figure | Zhao Wei

White-dried fish is a method of processing fish on islands. No or little salt, wind and sun, inheriting an original and pure flavor. Many species of fish are suitable for white sun: mackerel, flounder, yellow eel, pomfrets, braided fish, pufferfish...

Long Island Cuisine | Poetic white-dried fish

The white-dried fish is walked in four steps, cut and washed and salted. Let's start with the cut, cut longitudinally along the spine from the head of the fish, split one into two, the belly and abdomen are intact, and the back is spread out. Thin fish, such as pomfret and flounder, are cross-cut and breathable.

Long Island Cuisine | Poetic white-dried fish

Second pickling. Add salt to taste. The salt is large, the fish is not easy to spoil but salty; Less salt, sweet but perishable. When it comes to washing, there is a trick: the marinated fish is best washed down with seawater throughout. Wash fresh fish in the sea. Seawater is a natural preservative.

Long Island Cuisine | Poetic white-dried fish

The most poetic is "sun", like showing off in the sun. Fish spread on the beach like dragon scales; Fish fillets are hung in rows like ceremonial guards. Pomfret hanging in the drying net, white as silver... Oily fish are hung on the shady side to air dry to prevent the oil from coming out of the sun, and have a "cala" taste.

Long Island Cuisine | Poetic white-dried fish

The island full of dried fish is the most like an island, the fisherman full of fish and shrimp is the most like a fisherman, and the white dried fish is also a swaggering advertisement in the wind. The sun is grilled, the sea breeze is strong, and the meat is firm and the taste is condensed after the fish is white. White-dried fish is cooked and eaten in white, both as a dish and rice, and can be stored as food in the famine era.

There are many ways to eat white dried fish, but the most delicious is grilled on fire, and white dried fish is suitable for surrounding the stove. On the night when the moon is dark and the wind is high, come two or two white dry. Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, chatting about gossip, all at the bottom of the tongue.

When he was in the Beihuang Tax Office, the coal stove was used for heating, the island was windy on a winter night, and he was grilled with fish fillets on the stove, and the elder Wu served in Shanhaiguan, talking about Lin Biao's escape at night, thrilling, and unforgettable.

Long Island Cuisine | Poetic white-dried fish

White-dried long-necked flounder, whole steamed, eaten from the head of the fish, torn by hand, chewed carefully, tasting the wine... The wine is drunk dry and then filled, and when slightly drunk, there are comb-like fish bones... Life is like morning dew, wealth and precious tiles are frosted, success or failure turn empty, and a cup of fishing bar.

Long Island Cuisine | Poetic white-dried fish
Long Island Cuisine | Poetic white-dried fish

One Point Island Dream

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