
Chinese strong voice on Bali

author:Bright Net
Chinese strong voice on Bali

With its gentle sea breeze and warm crowds, Bali, Indonesia, attracts global attention with a spectacular event – the 17th G20 Summit on November 15-16.

As far as the world is concerned, after a three-year absence, the G20 member countries, which contribute 85% of global GDP, have gathered offline to seek a solution to "common recovery and strong recovery", which has attracted much attention; For China, this is the first time that a top leader has attended a multilateral summit since the conclusion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the world looks forward to hearing more Chinese voices.

On November 15, at the G20 Summit, President Xi Jinping announced China's determination to continue to walk the road with the people of all countries and work together to create the future.

"A China that is constantly moving towards modernization will surely provide more opportunities for the world, inject stronger impetus into international cooperation, and make greater contributions to the progress of all mankind!"

Chinese strong voice on Bali

On October 11, 2022, the International Monetary Fund released its latest World Economic Outlook. The report lowers global economic growth to 2.7% in 2023 from 2.9% earlier, and believes that one-third of the world's economies may shrink next year.

In addition, the repeated delays of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, geopolitical tensions, serious lack of global governance, and the superposition of multiple crises such as food and energy have led to major challenges to human development.

In 2008, in the face of the global financial crisis, the leaders of the G20 countries upheld the spirit of solidarity and cooperation to bring the world economy, which had slipped to the cliff, back to the track of stability and recovery.

Today, 14 years later, in the face of new difficulties and challenges, President Xi Jinping proposed at the G20 Summit that all countries should establish a sense of a community with a shared future for mankind, advocate peace, development, cooperation and win-win results, and let unity replace division, cooperation replace confrontation, and tolerance replace exclusion, so as to tide over difficulties and create a better future.

Mamata Jimire, 11, is a grade 5 student at Nepal's National Basic School. In the past, she used to worry about lunch.

In June 2022, China announced the establishment of the Global Development Promotion Center, consolidating and upgrading the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund into the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund. In July, the Smiling Children Project, supported by the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, was launched in Nepal. Mamata Jimmy Ray and her classmates had a free lunch.

At present, in the fourth village of Linge in Kihanga County, Bubanza Province, Burundi, the new season of rice has begun to be planted. Before the arrival of Chinese experts, it was difficult for the local population to obtain sufficient food because of poor harvests in the fields. In 2018, a Chinese team of experts built the first hybrid rice demonstration project in Ringe Village, stationed technical leaders in the villages, and trained cooperative farmers. Up to now, the four villages of Ringer have implemented five consecutive crops of rice planting, increasing rice production by 1,661 tons.

China has carried out agricultural cooperation with more than 140 countries and regions, and has promoted more than 1,000 agricultural technologies to developing countries, which has been widely praised by the international community.

Food and energy security are the most pressing challenges in the field of global development. For a long time, China has made important contributions to world food and energy security.

Chinese strong voice on Bali

△As the official car of the G20 Bali Summit, China New Energy Vehicle provides daily commuting services for delegations and organizing committees.

Sustainable energy transition was a major topic at the G20 Bali summit. As the official car of the summit, 300 Chinese new energy vehicles shuttled between Bali Airport and the summit delegation's premises and between the venue and the venue, providing green travel services for delegations and the organizing committee.

During the 12-day summit guarantee period, these 300 new energy vehicles can reduce carbon emissions by a total of about 33 tons. According to the Indonesian government's plan, Indonesia will reduce carbon emissions by 31.89% by 2030. Indonesian Economic Coordination Minister Al Langa said frankly that Indonesia and China have strengthened cooperation in the research and development, manufacturing, and market of new energy vehicles, which will help the rapid development of Indonesia's related industries and promote energy transformation.

Ma Jun, co-chair of the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group and President of the Beijing Institute of Green Finance and Sustainable Development, said recently that China has promoted the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group to achieve substantive results, contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to address climate change and promote the world's energy transition.

China's contribution to the world goes far beyond that.

On the land area of 1/15 of the world's land area, the world's largest plantation forest has been preserved, and the Saihan Dam, which "turns the wasteland into a forest sea", has added a green space to the earth. Whether it is the implementation of the Paris Agreement or the implementation of the goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality", China has been taking action.

In the more than two years since the new crown pneumonia epidemic has spread wildly, more than 2.2 billion doses of vaccines have been provided to more than 120 countries and international organizations, medical experts have been sent to 34 countries, and anti-epidemic materials have been provided to more than 150 countries and 15 international organizations... The largest global emergency humanitarian operation since the founding of the People's Republic of China has demonstrated the responsibility of a responsible major country.

Richard Black, an expert at the Schiller Institute, an international think tank, believes that to this day, wars, famines and disasters caused by Western economic power continue to occur in many regions. "China has no empty talk, but has proved a new path through practical actions."

Chinese strong voice on Bali

This summer, a workshop on "Poverty Reduction and Development in the SCO Countries" was held in Chongqing, China. Among the participants were 30 experts and officials from Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan's ambassador to China Artiev said that poverty reduction and development are the priority directions of Uzbekistan's national development. China's success in eradicating poverty has provided good experience for developing countries.

“CHINA! JUNCAO! JUNCAO! China! Listed by the United Nations Development Programme as a "priority cooperation project between China and other developing countries", Chinese fungus has been "circled" in more than 100 countries and regions, helping local people improve their lives and get out of poverty.

Upholding the concept of inclusiveness, inclusiveness and common development, China has helped developing countries build a large number of infrastructure facilities and carry out a large amount of technical cooperation.

Chinese strong voice on Bali

△China's assistance to grow mushrooms and industrial chain has improved Papua New Guinea's sustainable agricultural development capacity.

Development is the common task and the greatest common denominator of all countries in the world.

Since President Xi Jinping first proposed it at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly more than a year ago, the global development initiative has taken root and gathered a crowd. "When I put forward the global development initiative, I focused on the long-term goals and practical needs of global common development, condensed international consensus to promote development, cultivated new momentum for global development, and promoted the common development and progress of all countries in the world." At the summit, President Xi Jinping gave further explanations.

In the past year, the number of countries and international organizations supporting global development initiatives has increased to more than 100, and the "Group of Friends of Global Development Initiatives" established at the United Nations platform has grown to more than 60 members. UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said that the UN welcomes and supports the Global Development Initiative and believes that it will help the international community achieve the goal of "leaving no one behind".

At the G20 Bali Summit, President Xi Jinping proposed:

We need to promote more inclusive global development – "mutual respect, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and peaceful coexistence";

We must promote more inclusive global development – "common development of all countries is real development" and "every country wants to live a good life";

We need to promote more resilient global development – "more than ever".

China has also contributed to the global economic recovery with its own development.

38.6%! This is the average contribution rate of China to world economic growth from 2013 to 2021 published in the latest World Bank report, which is more than the combined contribution rate of G7 countries.

6.6%! This is the average annual growth rate of China's economy from 2013 to 2021, which is much higher than the world average growth rate of 2.6% over the same period, and also higher than the average growth rate of 3.7% in developing economies.

Argentina's "Asia Report" website said that after 10 years of steady growth, China has become one of the main contributors to global growth, and has achieved many milestones in its high-quality development. With its progress in innovation-driven, sustainable development and openness, China continues to inject impetus into the world economy.

Chinese strong voice on Bali
Chinese strong voice on Bali

△ The streets of Bali, Indonesia

Indonesia is not only the rotating presidency of the G20 Summit, but also the first place to jointly build the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road".

On November 9, as a Chinese-made high-speed EMU slowly drove out of Decarur Station, the hot slip test of the catenary of the Yawan high-speed railway test section, a landmark project jointly built by China and Indonesia to build the "Belt and Road", was in full swing.

The Yawan high-speed railway, which runs from the capital Jakarta in the north to the famous city of Bandung in West Java in the south, has a total length of 142 kilometers, and is the first high-speed railway in Indonesia. After completion, the travel time from Jakarta to Bandung will be reduced from more than 3 hours to 40 minutes.

"From Zheng He merchant ships to Yawan high-speed railways, China is our old friend..." This popular song "Yawan Song" in Indonesia sings the joy of the local people. President Joko Widodo called the Yavan high-speed railway "a symbol of Indonesia's rapid development" and expressed willingness to work with China to ensure that it is completed and operated on time, making it another monument to the friendship between the two countries.

In the past 9 years, China's Beidou satellites have helped Indonesia's land surveying and mapping, marine fisheries, and smart city development, China's drones have provided new solutions to the logistics problems of the world's largest archipelago country, and the industrial parks invested and built by Chinese enterprises have brought hundreds of thousands of employment opportunities to local workers... China has created countless win-win stories of cooperation in Indonesia.

"We should work together to open up a new realm of win-win cooperation."

In the new era, China has become a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions, ranking first in the world in total trade in goods and attracting foreign capital and foreign investment.

The China International Import Expo has been held for five consecutive years, with a cumulative intended turnover of nearly 350 billion US dollars. The 60 global cross-border transaction service platforms built around the Expo have been running all year round, with a cumulative import of more than 323 billion yuan. Afghan handmade carpets bring income to more than 2,000 families, New Zealand milk is sold to supermarket shelves across China, and more and more companies open up broad markets through the Expo and become industry leaders.

Chinese strong voice on Bali

△On November 9, 2022, the exhibition area of the 5th China International Import Expo was officially opened. The alpaca dolls of Peruvian exhibitors, fluffy and soft animal dolls with different shapes "lined up" at the booth, attracting a large number of visitors to come to exchange and negotiate.

"We are witnesses of China's development and opening up, and through the window of the Expo, we are also the sharers of China's opportunities." L'Oréal North Asia President and China CEO Fabri is bullish on China's economic prospects.

Yan Si, Executive Director of North and Northeast China of the German Chamber of Commerce in China, said: "Almost all German industries see growth prospects in the Chinese market in the next 10 years, which is why German companies are very eager to see and participate in China's development. ”

Ronny Lins, director of the Brazilian Center for China Studies, said that China's development is not alone. "The various cooperation between China and different countries and regions has been fruitful, promoting the economic development of these countries and regions, and has been widely recognized and praised by the people. This is a remarkable achievement. ”

The recently concluded 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China not only drew up a blueprint for the next stage of China, but also painted a future in which "China's new development will continue to provide new opportunities for the world, promote the construction of an open world economy, and better benefit the people of all countries".

China and the people of Chinese on the new journey not only hope that they will live well, but also that the people of all countries will live well. As President Xi Jinping called for at this summit -

"G20 members are world and regional powers, and should embody the responsibilities of major countries, play an exemplary role, and seek development for all countries, the well-being of mankind, and progress for the world."

Director system丨Qian Wei Wang Shanshan

Executive producer丨 Zhang Ou


Editor-in-chief丨Ning Lili

Editor丨 Yang Caiyun

Vision丨Jiang Yuhang

Proofreader丨Cheng Yu

Source: CCTV News Client

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