
Flying "thieves" steal cables trapped in the building Flying cornices to play "cat and mouse games"

author:China Youth Network
Flying "thieves" steal cables trapped in the building Flying cornices to play "cat and mouse games"

The police arrested the suspect in the green belt

Flying "thieves" steal cables trapped in the building Flying cornices to play "cat and mouse games"

Criminal suspect Wei Mou

Flying "thieves" steal cables trapped in the building Flying cornices to play "cat and mouse games"

Civilian police conducted an investigation at the scene

"What kind of people we are depends on what kind of people we choose to be." This is the classic line in the movie "Spider-Man", and recently, there was also a flying "thief" in the Chongqing High-tech Zone, stealing more than 300 pounds of cables, causing direct economic losses of more than 130,000 yuan, and was finally caught by the police.

Chongqing Evening News - Upstream News reporter Peng Guangrui police courtesy of the police

Thieves steal cables trapped inside the building

"Comrade police, since that time, our community has strengthened its security forces, even the units that have not stayed have increased the number of patrols, fortunately, you have brought the 'thief baby' to justice, otherwise we are not good to account to the owners..." On October 19, Lao Li, the property manager of a community in Jinfeng Town, High-tech Zone, said to the community police who were returning to the community.

At 11:00 a.m. on August 18, the Jinfeng Police Station of the High-tech Zone received a report from the property personnel of a public rental housing community in the district, saying that there were traces of thieves in an unoccupied building in the community. After receiving the police, the police immediately rushed to the scene, and learned that the thief was currently trapped in the building. Through the clues obtained, the police judged that in this 33-story high-rise building, the suspect would definitely not be able to get out in a short period of time, and immediately joined forces with the community security team to launch a joint round-up.

Searchers began to investigate floor by floor. In the electric well on the 20th floor, the police found a suspected crime tool - a high stool and a clamp, and found that there was a room on the 20th floor that was locked from the inside, the key could not be opened from the outside, the police immediately broke the door, found empty drink bottles and several cigarette butts in the room, and judged that the thief was likely to have hidden in the house before. "I felt closer and closer to the suspect, found the clues he left behind, and there were people stationed downstairs, but they never found his whereabouts." The man appears to have engaged in a tug-of-war with the civilian police. "It can't just disappear!" The police informed the property to mobilize more security forces and further increase the intensity of the search.

Flying cornices walking on the wall to play "cat and mouse games"

Around 10 p.m., the search continued. Suddenly, searchers who had been stationed downstairs for a long time found an anomaly in the green belt near the building. "Police! Don't move! The police who heard the news rushed to immediately identify the man hiding in the green belt as the "right lord" hunted by everyone - the theft suspect Wei Mou, and immediately arrested him. What makes people cry and laugh is that Wei told the police that he sprained his foot when he fled, and after hiding in the green belt, his body was entangled in bushes and he could not move. Subsequently, the police called 120 to take him to the hospital, and the doctor diagnosed Wei Mou's left leg heel fracture and had to be hospitalized. On August 23, after meeting the conditions for discharge, the police handling the case took Wei out of the hospital and summoned him to the police station for investigation according to law. During the interrogation, Wei also truthfully explained how to steal the cable and how to evade the pursuit of the detailed experience.

At the end of July this year, after Wei mou won the first theft of cable lines in the community, on August 18, due to tight hands, Wei came to the community again, directly walked into the building where the cable was stolen before, and took the high stool previously placed on the floor of the cable theft to the 20th floor near the electric well, ready to cut the cable down the layer. After going up to the 20th floor, Wei mou found through the corridor window that the police and community security guards suddenly rushed downstairs, and he hid in the nearest room when he realized that the situation was not right. The cunning Wei Mou observed the movements of the searchers at any time, walking up the stairs a few floors, and then flipping down a few floors from the kitchen window of a certain house, and playing a "cat and mouse game" with everyone.

The injured snitch could not escape justice

At about 10 p.m., Wei hid on the 15th floor, and he felt that the search personnel were getting closer and closer to him, so he flipped down from the balcony of the indoor kitchen on the 15th floor to the 11th floor. At this time, he found that there was a drainage pipe just outside the window of the floor aisle leading to the ground floor, and Wei slid down the window along the drain pipe, sliding directly from the 11th floor to the glass canopy on the 1st floor. Maybe he was physically weak and injured his foot when he jumped down from the canopy on the first floor. Enduring severe pain, Wei Ran into the green belt next to him, but was entangled in the bushes, and was finally caught by the searchers who had been "waiting for a long time" downstairs.

After the arrest, Wei confessed to the crime of stealing cables. According to Wei Mou, he is a 28-year-old electrician from Luzhou, Sichuan, who usually works at the construction site, sometimes takes over some temporary business, and was dealt with by the Luzhou police in 2013 for theft. In July this year, I accidentally learned through a WeChat group that there was a public rental housing community near Jinfeng Town in the high-tech zone with a low occupancy rate, and then I started to think crookedly and used the electrician's expertise to find some quick money - stealing cables.

Wei told the police that in July, he came to the building to steal more than 300 pounds of cables from the 10th, 9th and 7th floors, and then sold them to the Jiulongpo Xipeng Waste Collection Station, illegally profiting more than 6,300 yuan. When he was ready to steal again for the second time, he was caught by the police. According to preliminary estimates, Wei mou caused more than 130,000 yuan in public property losses due to the theft of cables and wires. At present, Wei mou has been taken criminal compulsory measures by the public security organs in accordance with the law, and the case is being further handled.

Source: Chongqing Evening News

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