
Raising chickens learns to use these Chinese herbs and do more with less

author:Pastoral Encyclopedia

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In the production of chickens, we can use Chinese herbal mixtures such as astragalus, pig, baishutong, houttuynia cordata, gentian grass and other Chinese herbal mixtures to feed the chickens, which can play a role in preventing illness and increasing physical fitness.

Raising chickens learns to use these Chinese herbs and do more with less

One: herbs for raising chickens without getting sick

It can promote the development of chicken bursa and spleen: astragalus, shiitake polysaccharides, astragalus polysaccharides, pig lily, ginseng acid polysaccharides.

Enhances the phagocytic function of macrophages: astragalus, leukotra, houttuynia cordata, and is not inhibited by chemicals, has a similar effect to immune adjuvants.

Enhances the number of leukocyte chicken lymphocytes: plate blue root polysaccharide, and has a significant anti-adversarial effect on leukopenia caused by hydrocortisone.

Enhances NK cell viability: ginsenosides, bougain polysaccharides, astragalus polysaccharides

Promotes cytokine activity: astragalus, eleutherococcus, gentian, melon peel, loofah, fragrance reduction

Promotes cellular immunity: goji berries, astragalus, shiitake mushroom polysaccharides, houttuynia cordata

Promotes humoral immunity: Epimedium, Lotus, Ginseng, Baishu, Poria

Raising chickens learns to use these Chinese herbs and do more with less

Two: how to raise chickens without getting sick

Free-range chickens are generally divided into two types, one is free-range in the courtyard, generally a small number, mainly for self-use. One is to use woodland, orchards, hills and other places to raise chickens for the purpose of profit. Free-range flocks are more likely to be exposed to external pathogens and are therefore often susceptible to disease. For example, necrotizing enteritis, ulcerative enteritis and other intestinal diseases, chicken tissue trichomoniasis (also known as cecalitis or blackhead disease), parasitic disease, chicken pox, and so on.

Raising chickens learns to use these Chinese herbs and do more with less

To reduce the incidence of free-range chickens, the following should be done:

Choose a venue. The venue is not only conducive to epidemic prevention, but also convenient transportation, and it is advisable to choose a dry, dry and well-drained place. In the activity area of the chicken, there should be no stagnant ponds, sewage pits, etc., which is convenient for discharging water from the site after rain.

Build a chicken coop. There should be a chicken coop with a suitable area so that there is a place to rest in the dark and rain.

Strengthen management. Feed is supplemented according to the season and the situation of the site to avoid nutritional deficiencies in the flock. Remove the feces in the chicken coop in time, and regularly disinfect the chicken coop and the activity site. When raised in the forest and orchard, it is also necessary to prevent chickens from accidentally eating pesticide poisoning.

Disease prevention. Usually, it is necessary to often feed some antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Regular deworming of chickens. Conventional vaccines should be vaccinated on time and correctly, especially in the summer and autumn, we should pay attention to the prevention of chicken pox in advance.

Raising chickens learns to use these Chinese herbs and do more with less

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