
Seawater Encyclopedia - Yellow Upside Down Hanging

author:Dragon Peak Seawater Fish
Seawater Encyclopedia - Yellow Upside Down Hanging
Seawater Encyclopedia - Yellow Upside Down Hanging

This is a very common inverted hanging, and because its adult gills are black, it is scientifically called the black gill spiny tailfish. And because it likes to eat some of the residues of large fish excrement that have not been fully digested, Hong Kong enthusiasts have given it a disgusting name "dung hanging".

Yellow hanging is a very good cleaner in the aquarium, they will look around the corner to eat a large number of algae in the aquarium, red algae gate, brown algae gate, green algae gate all received according to the order. However, it is not possible to clean up without limits, if your aquarium is already full of headache brown algae, I still recommend that you change the water first. The yellow pendant we use for ornamentation is generally only a juvenile, because only the juveniles have a beautiful bright yellow color. Yellow hangings of more than 12 centimeters, the body gradually changed to coffee color, the tail also changed from the previous fan shape to crescent shape, and as it grew, the color will become darker and darker, and eventually become an ugly fish with "stool color". Lost its ornamental value. There are many inverted hangings that appear yellow in young years, such as one-word hangings and ear spot hangings. We can judge according to the color of the gills, the yellow hanging black gills are black from the inside out, even if the smallest juvenile fish, as long as the gills are opened, the black will immediately expose them to the horse's feet.

Seawater Encyclopedia - Yellow Upside Down Hanging

So why do yellow hangings or other hanging juveniles show a brighter color than adults? It's simple, as many zoological writings tell us that bright colors are a warning color, and that a poisonous animal cloaked in such a cloak can reduce attacks on it by large predators. In order to avoid becoming the food in the mouth, the young animals also put on a more colorful coat. But the yellow hanging coats don't seem to be just pretending to be warning colors, they are sometimes a complete mimesis. In fact, the juvenile fish of the yellow hanging are not necessarily yellow, and I have seen the small yellow crane from Malaysia with blue lips and gill cap when I was doing the marine ornamental fish trade, which looks a lot like a small angelfish blue-eyed yellow bride (centropyge flavissimus). I have also seen a tail with a milky white on the front half of its body and a gradual black on the back half, and seven or eight orange-colored longitudinal individuals on its body, which look exactly like the centropyge eibli in the little angelfish. Even the normal yellow hanging juvenile fish with bright yellow body mimics differently from other hanging species, other hanging species only evolve the color to yellow, while the yellow hanging juvenile fish cannot even change the shape of the tail fin to fan shape. This makes them look more like small fairies than like hangings.

Seawater Encyclopedia - Yellow Upside Down Hanging

All spiny tailfish have a lunar or triangular caudal fin in order to maintain a high swimming speed to adapt to group migration. Only species of the butterfly family (fairy fish) did not require long-distance raids to evolve a fan-shaped tail fin due to their solitary presence on coral reefs. We can see that the juvenile fish of the yellow hanging are adult fish deliberately disguised as some small angelfish. So why did Huang Hang disguise himself like this? Angelfish are mostly dangerous fish that are not highly poisonous, and their own color is not a protective color that can be shadowed in coral reefs. What did Huang Hang's ancestors look up to the angelfish and let their descendants imitate them in this way? I don't know.

I think you will also raise yellow hanging, let's use the days to investigate and associate it in the future. I can responsibly tell my friends that the most precious thing is that even if two are kept together at the same time, they will not fight all day long.


Seawater Encyclopedia - Yellow Upside Down Hanging

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