
Animals so beautiful that you are stunned and undisputed

author:A magical zoo of sardines

There is a kind of bird, beautiful to the extreme, like the phoenix in Chinese myths and legends; it is extremely expensive, the tail feathers are more precious than gold, it is the phoenix tail green bite crane.

Animals so beautiful that you are stunned and undisputed

Beauty is arbitrary, not free, rather than death

Anchovy green bite crane, living in the rainforest of Central and South America, close the camera, you can see that it is only the size of a pigeon, and has a bright red belly, bright red mouth, green back, green feathers, plus a meter or so emerald tail feathers, the whole body is very moving, alive and bright blind your eyes.

Not only is the anchovy green-tailed oyster incredibly beautiful, but it is also the embodiment of the feathered serpent god in the ancient Mayan and Aztec cultures, symbolizing sowing, harvesting, grain abundance, symbolizing the kingdom of heaven and the soul, and legend has it that its tail feathers are even more precious than gold, and only kings and high-ranking sacrifices are eligible to wear them. Such a beautiful bird, do you want to keep one? Unfortunately, no one has ever been able to feed it for a long time, because if it is kept in captivity, it will soon die, so in people's minds, it is a symbol of freedom, so it has become the national bird of Guatemala, the flag and emblem of Guatemala have a beautiful anchovy green bite crane, according to legend, before the Spanish invasion of Guatemala, people can hear the beautiful song of the anchovy green bite, but after Guatemala was invaded by the colonizers, it began to be silent, until Guatemala was liberated, the anchovy green bite cuckoo only resumed singing.

Animals so beautiful that you are stunned and undisputed

A pigeon named after the Queen

The Victorian crested dove belongs to the pigeon-shaped dove family, so it is actually a kind of pigeon. Why do people name it after the Queen? Because it has a gorgeous crown, a low-key plume color and sharp eyes! Its feathers are fan-shaped, always standing upright above the top of the head, and must be carried at all times, want to open and close freely, no door! If you don't want to be king, you have to be right! Its feathers in the crown are many and fluffy, the longest can reach more than ten centimeters, the feathers are scattered and not connected, but at the end of the feathers will gradually converge into small fans, the overall feeling is delicate and stretched, and scattered with white stars, quite beautiful, look closely, and the peacock's tail feathers are somewhat similar.

Although the Victorian crowned dove is beautiful, it is not good at flying, because their wings are short and wide, the muscles of the sternal process are not developed, and the body is a bit bloated and bulky, so it generally does not fly, mostly on the ground. But even though it has thick legs wrapped in scales, the legs are relatively short, so it walks very slowly, and it is not even as light and agile as a chicken. Why did such a beautiful Victorian crested dove become so bulky? This is because it mainly feeds on various plant fruits, and it lives on the island of Guinea, the fruit yield is extremely rich, just those fall fruit, it is enough to ensure that the Victorian crowned dove has no worries, only blame life is too happy?

Animals so beautiful that you are stunned and undisputed

Who threw the harp into the deep sea?

Is this a plant or an animal? Or is it a human work of art? In fact, this is a strange sponge discovered in 2012 by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in the deep sea of 3300-3500 meters off the coast of California, USA, and it is named harp sponge because it is too similar to the harp. The harp sponge has 1-6 leaves, radiatively distributed, with roots at the bottom that fix itself on the seabed by the roots. The blades are thinner and thinner from the center to the edges.

Harp sponge looks elegant and beautiful, dignified and generous, but don't be deceived by its appearance, it is a meat-eating sponge, the first carnivorous sponge found in nearly 25 years! Each branch of it is covered with barb-like flagella, what to do? For eating? Not only that, but it can also breed! The rounded bag at the end of each of its branches is the seminal vesicle, and the bulge in the middle of the branch is where the soft cells form. After maturation, the sperm is released into the water, and when it comes into contact with other harp sponges, it will move along the branches to the egg cells to breed in surprise. So, even though it's hermaphrodite, it's allogeneic fertilization!

The most primitive and lowest multicellular animals in the sponge animal kingdom generally look like bottles, pots, mortars, etc., but harp sponges are a little smarter than their peers, the deep sea environment conditions are limited, food is limited, it has evolved such a unique branching structure, which increases the surface area of contact with the ocean, not only increases the chance of predation, but also greatly increases the chance of fertilization and reproduction.

Animals so beautiful that you are stunned and undisputed

Akha-Takma, who coexists in appearance and strength

Home in Turkmenistan, Akha-Takma is one of the oldest breeds in the world, beautiful, elegant and versatile, with a long, delicate head, well-defined, straight nose, shiny fur, metallic luster, and a long, sturdy body with aristocratic style.

Akha-Takma is equally adept at speed, endurance and intelligence. Because there are mountains to the south, deserts to the north, and seas to the west, these are the natural barriers of the Tak people, and they also contribute to the stability of the Akha-Takma gene, which is the only descendant that has preserved the pure blood of the ancient Turkmen. The sweltering heat and cold of the desert make it one of the toughest and most endurance horses in the world.

Animals so beautiful that you are stunned and undisputed

Sea, land and air, beautiful species exist everywhere, if you are tired, then unload the burden of your heart, appreciate it, keep you physically and mentally happy, the next day full of energy. The next episode of the show, Man-Eating Tiger, do you dare to watch?