
Number 409! The gray-crowned warbler was observed in Jiefang Park, and a bird was seen in Wuhan City

author:Yangtze River Network
Number 409! The gray-crowned warbler was observed in Jiefang Park, and a bird was seen in Wuhan City

Grey-crowned warbler Photography by Wang Xuefeng

Yangtze River Daily Rong Media April 20 news (correspondent Wang Xuefeng, Zhao Qin, reporter Yang Xiaoyu) recently in the migratory bird migration season, a large number of migratory birds transit in Wuhan. On April 19, Veteran Bird Watcher Lei Jinyu found a grey-crowned warbler in Jiefang Park, a downtown area, setting a new record for bird species in Wuhan, and the distribution record of birds in Wuhan reached 409 species.

Subsequently, many members of the Wuhan Bird Watching Association went to the scene to shoot the image data of the warbler. According to the photographs taken, the warbler is yellow-green, has no wingbands, has a grayish-blue crown on the top of the head, black crown stripes and side crown stripes are obvious, the orbit is yellowish white, and there is a missing moment in the posterior edge of the eye circle.

According to the discoverer Lei Jinyu, the breeding area of the grey-crowned wren warbler is mainly in the southwest mountains, north to the Qinling Mountains at an altitude of 1400-2500 meters in the evergreen broad-leaved forest or bamboo forest. It is an occasional migratory transit bird in Wuhan, where there were no previous observation records.

Yan Jun, president of the Wuhan Bird Watching Association, said that in recent years, the group of bird watching enthusiasts in Wuhan has been growing, and the association has organized its members to regularly carry out bird monitoring activities in key areas of Wuhan, increasing the observation coverage and observation opportunities, effectively covering various habitats in Wuhan, creating more and more abundant bird observation records, making the list of birds in Wuhan rapidly increase from 353 species in 2013 to 409 species now.

Number 409! The gray-crowned warbler was observed in Jiefang Park, and a bird was seen in Wuhan City

Red-headed long-tailed. Photo by Tao Jianming

So far this year, three species of birds have been found, namely the red-breasted black goose, the copper-blue wren and the grey-crowned warbler.

"Wuhan is an inland city, and bird resources are actually not as rich as coastal cities or mountain cities, but now the list of birds in Wuhan has been updated to 409, a figure that few cities in the country can reach." Yan Jun said.

Number 409! The gray-crowned warbler was observed in Jiefang Park, and a bird was seen in Wuhan City

Green-headed show-eyed bird. Photo by Tao Jianming

Tao Jianming, a photography enthusiast who often shoots birds in Jiefang Park, introduced that there are many common birds in Jiefang Park, including kingfishers, black-faced noisy eyebrows, spotted doves, willow warblers, brown-headed crows, red-headed long-tailed, magpie finches, black water chickens and so on.

Number 409! The gray-crowned warbler was observed in Jiefang Park, and a bird was seen in Wuhan City

Dai Sheng Bird. Photo by Tao Jianming

As a large natural ecological park in Wuhan, Jiefang Park is distributed with hills, forests, lawns and lakes, and the diversity of natural resources has created good conditions for the survival of birds.

Number 409! The gray-crowned warbler was observed in Jiefang Park, and a bird was seen in Wuhan City

kingfisher. Photo by Tao Jianming

The person in charge of the Wildlife Protection Department of the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Gardens and Forestry said that Jiefang Park is a good place for birds and people to coexist in harmony. Especially now that the river beach is under construction, many birds have moved to Liberate The Park.

【Editor: Peng Xiangdong】