
30-year-old Chen Ruolin has beautiful apricot eyes and charming, dressed in ladylike and proud figure, and was raised by her uncle at the age of 3

author:Yongsheng Chat Sports

People's lives are full of uncertainty, and no one knows what the future will be, but doing good deeds should be the best answer. The life of five-time champion and 22-time world champion diving beauty Chen Ruolin is like this, Beijing time on November 14, Chen Ruolin posted photos of herself going out on social platforms, more and more beautiful She has more exquisite makeup, dressed more ladylike, beautiful manicures, shawl curls, looks very good.

30-year-old Chen Ruolin has beautiful apricot eyes and charming, dressed in ladylike and proud figure, and was raised by her uncle at the age of 3

Chen Ruolin, 30 years old this year, looks very good, fair and firm skin, thick hair, well-proportioned and proud figure, a pair of apricot eyes round, looks beautiful and charming.

30-year-old Chen Ruolin has beautiful apricot eyes and charming, dressed in ladylike and proud figure, and was raised by her uncle at the age of 3

After the Berlin Diving World Cup competition in October, Chen Ruolin, who is the head coach of Quan Hongchan, also got a break, in the diving World Cup, although the disciple Quan Hongchan did not win the women's 10-meter platform single championship, but won the double championship and single runner-up, and the results were also good.

30-year-old Chen Ruolin has beautiful apricot eyes and charming, dressed in ladylike and proud figure, and was raised by her uncle at the age of 3

More importantly, Quan Hongchan overcame her weak project in this competition, and the 207C action was completed smoothly and perfectly, indicating that Chen Ruolin's guidance and help really played a role. Quan Hongchan's total score is also very high, but Chen Yuxi's performance is more perfect and she won the championship.

30-year-old Chen Ruolin has beautiful apricot eyes and charming, dressed in ladylike and proud figure, and was raised by her uncle at the age of 3

In fact, as a five-time champion and winner of 22 world championships, Chen Ruolin is not as glamorous as everyone sees, she is also a bitter person, and her childhood was very hard. Because her parents divorced, she was abandoned by her biological parents at the age of 3, but fortunately, there were uncles and aunts who loved her, took her to her own home, regarded her as her own, cared for her, and found that her slender limbs were very talented in diving, so they sent her to dive and cultivate an Olympic champion.

Growing up in a loving family environment can lead to happiness even if you are not your biological parents.

30-year-old Chen Ruolin has beautiful apricot eyes and charming, dressed in ladylike and proud figure, and was raised by her uncle at the age of 3

Chen Ruolin has participated in 3 Olympic Games and won a total of 5 gold medals, especially the Jedi counterattack of the 2008 Olympic Games, which shocked the world. She was selected by Zhou Jihong to the national team, and later, with the help of Zhou Jihong, she learned English, mastered work skills, and successfully entered FINA, and she and Guo Jingjing could be seen in the referee's bench of the Tokyo Olympics.

30-year-old Chen Ruolin has beautiful apricot eyes and charming, dressed in ladylike and proud figure, and was raised by her uncle at the age of 3

Now she has become Quan Hongchan's head coach, I believe that with the efforts of both masters and apprentices, Quan Hongchan can create greater and more brilliant achievements!

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