
Ett William: There is no love for no reason, and there is no pie in the sky

author:Isle Sand
Ett William: There is no love for no reason, and there is no pie in the sky

There is no love for no reason, and no pie falls on our heads for no reason. If there is, it must be what you have done, given and given.

Carefully savoring the people and things in the world, it is not difficult to find that those who suddenly drop pies on their heads and those who get great rewards are people who are helpful and willing to give. And stupid people regardless of the cost.

Et, a big British businessman, started his business with everything else as a gift. There is such a good thing in the world? Yes, William just accepted gifts from others again and again, and slowly achieved his career.

Before the age of 20, Ait William was a man who fished by the river for a living, and no one could see what brilliant achievements he would have in the future. However, one day a man crossing the river turned to William and found the ring he accidentally fell into the river.

Ett William: There is no love for no reason, and there is no pie in the sky

Who would have thought, William concentrated on going down the river to touch the ring in one morning, repeatedly going into the river more than twenty times, but still did not touch the ring.

So William told the river crosser to wait. He ran back to the village and found all the men from the village to help him go down the river to touch the ring. In order to touch this ring, the man in a village spent another half a day.

The river crosser saw that William had found so many people and spent so much time helping himself, how much did he have to pay for this? Who thought, William didn't receive anything, he just wanted to help the river crosser salvage the ring, that's all.

Soon, the man crossing the river passed by here again and ran into William. I can't see that there are many fish in the river. Just say to William: William, if you open a stall on the side of the road to repair tires, it is enough to support your family. Since then, William has had a stall tinkering car tires on the side of the road.

Another day, a small car stopped in front of William's tire repair stall, and the occupants had to find a screw, otherwise the car could not drive. William rummaged through his small shop and did not find the matching screws. But William was not willing, he rode six or seven miles on a bicycle, and finally found the matching screws in another car repair shop.

Ett William: There is no love for no reason, and there is no pie in the sky

When William returned sweaty and mounted screws on the other party's car, the other party offered £10 to thank William, who did not receive a penny. He said it was a screw dropped at the bottom of the box and had no cost.

Soon, the owner of the car came and asked William to run a hardware store for him. William was surprised and asked why.

The other person said: You are the most sincere, trustworthy, selfless, and lovely person I have ever met.

William always has good luck in this life, and others will always give him gifts. Later, William became the largest machinery manufacturer in Britain... When asked about his family history, he always said that half of his life was given by others.

Seeing this, do you feel a bit like a fool has a silly feeling? In fact, it is nothing more than the incomparable sincerity, zealousness and loving dedication of people that have touched God and those who have received your help.

In Scotland, there was a poor farmer named Fleming, and once, while ploughing in the fields, he suddenly heard a cry for help nearby. He quickly ran to the call for help and found a little boy falling into a large cesspool. Ignoring the filthy smell of the dung, he jumped down to rescue the boy.

A few days later, the father of the rescued boy came to thank him with a generous gift, and Fleming said: "I can't be so generous for saving your child." "Refuse to accept. Helplessly, the father of the rescued child looked at a boy and said, "This is your child, right? I want him to get a good education. If this child is as kind as his father, he will surely become someone you can be proud of in the future. Given the sincerity of the recipients, Fleming had to agree.

Ett William: There is no love for no reason, and there is no pie in the sky

The father of the rescued boy was very trustworthy and sent Fleming's son not only to study, but also to study at the Santa Maria Medical School until graduation.

This student was Professor Alexander Fleming, who later became the famous British dramatist, who first invented the world-famous penicillin in 1928. And the father of the rescued boy who trained Alexander Fleming on the road to science was British House of Lords Winston Churchill, and the rescued boy was the famous British politician Winston Churchill.

Therefore, in this world, many things that move people deeply and make a strong impression are often love, devotion, sincerity and selflessness. And the advent of many rewards, the occurrence of many miracles, is often the reward for this selfless dedication.

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