
Support! Reader Kate Winslet helps girls with cerebral palsy

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Reader Kate Winslet helped girls with cerebral palsy

Support! Reader Kate Winslet helps girls with cerebral palsy

A mother is facing a £17,000 household energy bill to operate the life-saving equipment her 12-year-old daughter with severe cerebral palsy disability needs to stay alive.

Support! Reader Kate Winslet helps girls with cerebral palsy

The mother said it would have cost £6,500 a year to run the entire unit and heating the home. But earlier this year, the local energy consultancy told her her energy bill could reach £17,700 if the energy price cap rose by 88% in January.

Support! Reader Kate Winslet helps girls with cerebral palsy

The 49-year-old mother, who works full-time and pays modest wages but does not receive the same support as low-income earners, fears her family will face further fuel poverty amid Britain's economic turmoil.

She is also concerned that if the supply of natural gas is reduced, there may be power outages in winter, putting her daughter's care at risk.

Support! Reader Kate Winslet helps girls with cerebral palsy

Kate Winslet donated £17,000 to the family's GoFundMe page and contacted the woman to wish them all the best.

Support! Reader Kate Winslet helps girls with cerebral palsy

She felt overwhelmed when she received a £17,000 donation from the famous actress Winslet, who starred in the Titanic, to support her daughter's life.

Support! Reader Kate Winslet helps girls with cerebral palsy

She said: "Our family trip was so painful, I felt like my life was over and when I heard about the money I just burst into tears – I thought it wasn't even real. ”

Support! Reader Kate Winslet helps girls with cerebral palsy

Thumbs up! Kate Winsley is full of love!

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