
Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing


In May 2007, Sarkozy became President of France.

But don't think he'll be proud. This little man, who values love more than his life in politics, is struggling with his chicken marriage.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

His wife, Cecilia, did not intend to give the new president too much time to be distressed, and settled the divorce in October.

On October 18, 2007, their divorce knocked a general strike of French workers off the front pages of all newspapers.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

Although the president's divorce is not a big deal, but a marriage that betrayed his daughter-in-law and specially pried a friend's corner for 12 years to pry away his daughter-in-law, and then was cut off halfway, every sentence is a flashpoint.

What's more, this person is still the president.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

Sarkozy has been in the dark since he met Cecilia in 1984.

That day she was the bride of Sarkozy's friends. Since then, Cecilia has been remembered by Sarkozy and created opportunities to cheat.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

In 1996, the two finally cultivated their underground love into an honest marriage.

But after only 9 years, Cecilia ran away with other men in 2005.

Sarkozy, who specializes in greening others, was green, and the second marriage that was hard to survive instantly became a chicken rib. For the next two years, Cecilia came back and went, repeatedly without a certainty.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

This time it is good, the news of the divorce has settled, and there is no need to hang the public's appetite.

The striking workers dug up the site and changed their slogan to "Cecilia, we're just like you, we have enough appetite for Sarkozy." ”

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

This poked Sarkozy in the lung.

However, Sarkozy is not in a hurry, and at this time there are a large number of girls crowded on the way to become the first lady.

Many of these girls were Cecilia's best friends, from which Sarkozy chose the female journalist Annie, but at the end of 2007, Bruni's appearance became the terminator of these girls.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

At a dinner party, Bruni, a 40-year-old love master, captures Sarkozy.

Of course, the 52-year-old fried fritters are not a good man and woman, and his words to provoke Bruny are more direct:

"Carla, do you dare to kiss my mouth in front of everyone?"
Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

This 19-year-old woman who became popular on the runway and is proud of taking nude photos, what kind of man under the pomegranate skirt has not been accepted? Across the United States and France, film and television stars, music industry bigwigs, real estate tycoons, and even political dignitaries.

It's just a man who robs others, and he once committed the feat of dating father and son at the same time. Later, the family that broke up her son was transformed, from a stepmother to a daughter-in-law.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

When I met Sarkozy, this woman who couldn't play in the fashion industry had long become the darling of the music industry.

For men, Bruny has never dragged his feet. On their second date, the two were already in full shape, and a few weeks later, on Christmas, a $14,000 engagement ring was on Bruny's hand.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

Just a few months ago, Mr. President's sore lung was poked and the man harvester Bruny made up. Bruni, however, said it was Sarkozy's physique and intelligence that attracted her.

Bruni was once asked what to do if Sarkozy was caught cheating? Bruny just said lightly that she would slit his throat and perhaps ears.

Is it ruthless enough? But Sarkozy liked it.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

In February 2008, the two met only 80 days ago, and a very simple wedding was held at the Eschery Palace. There were only 20 close friends in attendance, and the whole wedding took only more than 20 minutes.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

The two married in such a hurry so that when they visit the UK in March, they can arrange for the Queen to live in a room at Windsor Castle.

However, the romance of imaginary Britain has not yet begun, and Bruny's nude photos once appeared in New York a day earlier.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

Christie's has released a topless standing photograph of the French first lady while modeling in 1993.

This folk momentum is also too sword-oriented. In the years that followed, other nude photos of the first lady were also leaked and auctioned. But this does not affect the relationship of the newlyweds in the slightest, and the people are fine.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

Bruny is 1.75 meters tall and Sarkozy is 1.65 meters, and Bruni calls him a "little lover". This cute height difference has become an excellent ingredient for international jokes.

Bruny then changed into flat heels, while Sarkozy put on high heels that were tailored specifically for him. A woman's full mind for a man is undoubtedly revealed.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

After marriage, Bruny gave up his music career and gave birth to a daughter in October 2011. The president divorced, married again, and became a father, which has never been the case in the history of a French president.

Sarkozy, who is always happy to be a father, excitedly directly mouthed, he wanted to express that Bruny got up in the middle of the night to feed is very hard, but also incidentally said that this is his own liberation, do not have to get up in the middle of the night to make milk powder.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

The joy of incoherence instantly became schadenfreude under the siege of public opinion, and Sarkozy's affection showed a little too hard. Bruny's life is also not good, full-time housewife plus first lady, it is really difficult to juggle.

However, Bruny's dilemma ceased to exist in 2012, and Sarkozy's re-election failed. Immediately after bad luck arrived, Sarkozy was investigated for corruption.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

The investigation was endless until March 2021, when he was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for two years. The third year can be used at home with electronic leg irons.

Bruny, who is like a bear breaking a stick to a man, really changed her sex this time, and she has never abandoned Sarkozy.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

After news of Sarkozy's sentencing was sentenced, she expressed her anger in an online post.

Under the loving photo of the two hugging each other on their heads and smiling like flowers, the accompanying text is asking her husband to keep fighting and waiting for the truth.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

Then, she casually appeared on the streets of Paris wearing a mask and a shawl with long hair. Not to go shopping, but to let people know through the anger in their angry eyes that this former first lady is very unhappy because of her husband's affairs.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

Sarkozy, who appeared in court that day, had a pair of eyes exposed above his mask, just as angry and fierce. It's really family.

In Sarkozy's most difficult moment, Bruny, who has been married to him for 13 years, not only did not let go of his hand, but held it tighter.

Bruny and Sarkozy: A merry couple, married for 14 years but very loving, one thing descends one thing

In fact, in October 2020, Bruny had already expressed his heart with his first music album after a 7-year hiatus.

She wrote about her love with Sarkozy and her life after more than ten years of marriage, in the song.